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[Lurkers] WW #43 - The Great Wheel

And well played, mafia!

Sorry for dropping the ball with my stupidly cryptic breadcrumbs. I should have won the game for town on N2. (Though maybe Novice could have pulled off a SK win, then.)
If you know what I mean.

Novice only actually held his shot night two. Night one he hit Fenn's target and night three he was blocked by Meiz. Prometheus and I spent some time today trying to figure out all the possibilities we could. The most interesting one was Dp or Fenn lynched, lewwyn docs self and Novice kills Dp or Fenn, whichever is left. Game ends with Lewwyn unable to kill Novice because he was mafia immune, but Novice unable to kill Lewwyn because of Doc. Stalemate ensues, but both victory conditions have thematic reasons for being necessary. The Dark Lord wouldn't forgive Lewwyns failure to kill everyone, and so Lewwyn would lose. Novice would have one person who still knows he exists, so he can't just disappear, so someone will eventually come after him from one side or the other, and he loses. I really kind of wanted it to go that way just for uniqueness value, but alas, scum changed their vote.

Going into this night, highest odds were for Scum, with Novice only a hair behind, and virtually zero chance for town (best case scenario would be dp or lewwyn lynch, novice kills other scum and Fenn kills novice.)

GG all. This was a ton of fun. My original roles I got was Mafia goon, Mafia lover, and Hider, and I just sent them back in the same order. I got upgraded to strongman later.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Congrats team scum

In retrospect I probably deserved to lose, attempting to save Prometheus D2 was a mistake, and everyone who suspected me dying before they could convince the town that I was guilty was pure luck.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Funniest part is probably "night 3 : Meiz protects Fenn, Fenn shoots Meiz"

Also novice why'd you shoot me D1 ?

Yeah, I got a good bit of humor out of that particular action pairing.

I have to say, I'm pretty happy with how this balanced out. I think making it to day four with only 12 people and this many killing roles was an accomplishment.

Lewwyn has survived. He was also a Mafia Doctor.
Dp101 has survived. He was also a Mafia Strongarm.
Exactly those 2 roles that would f*** the plan even if novice were a villager and fenn shot DP101.

Thanks Jabbz for running it thumbsup

(July 15th, 2016, 15:18)AdrienIer Wrote: Funniest part is probably "night 3 : Meiz protects Fenn, Fenn shoots Meiz"

Also novice why'd you shoot me D1 ?

The reason I concluded that Fenn was a SK was (apart from the synchronicity of his play with mine) that I tried to kill him but failed.

I shot Adrien on N1 partly to right a wrong but mostly so I could claim vig. Fenn beat me to the punch though. lol

Epic game.
I have to run.

Should have picked up that breadcrumb, that would probably have won town me the game. I agreed 100% with Meiz though that I would have been the target, and didn't prioritize looking for it. smile
I have to run.

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