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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Jowy Wrote:Ding lvl30!! dance

Calibrating: how many games did it take?

Enoch Wrote:How does Malzahar manage to not farm? huh

That Malz did farm, for his standards.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Calibrating: how many games did it take?
181 wins. I'd have to play another game to know how many total. But I'd say around 300 games.

One thing I noticed about ranked, Is that the skill levels are lower from normal till about 1400 elo (aka elo hell)

Jowy Wrote:Ding lvl30!! dance

gratz, I finally hit it last week too. :dancing5:

Sorry about that Sullla, But i just had to quit there.

New patch notes:

It's a pretty big one and there are some large changes in there.

yikes Wow, I don't play Eve but I would be pissed if I did.
I mean Eve was not picked/banned once at Dreamhack and nevertheless they just buried her with a giant nerf.


I am not behind all of the changes but I am happy that Lanewick got buffed smile

Nidalee bug fixes are welcome.

Kassadin and Gangplank reworkings are pretty cool.

Sad that Nunu got nerfed, but he probably deserved it.

This is a pretty major change
Quote:Maximum gold for killing a player on a long kill streak reduced to 500 gold from 1000
Minimum gold for killing a player on a long death streak reduced to 15 gold from 90 gold

You now can be literally worth less than a creep...

Yorrick looking like he might be quite a nice jungler as well, depending on the numbers.

Interesting post by Morello on the forums. Looks like they are planning to remove stealth and global teleports:

Morello Wrote:The rework is designed in a way to make it so we can balance Eve and Twitch into fun, viable champions that don't have to have this sort of heavy-handed treatment. We'd hoped to leave it alone on Eve until we were finished, but we didn't see it being done quite fast enough.

The rekitting is pretty moderate to major. These characters need signifcant improvements to function without the stealth we have now, so it's really important to set this up correctly. Passives and such are all pieces of the kit and are likely to change as well.

The meta really isn't a concern for the types of problems strategic (as opposed to tactical) stealth creates. The problem is that these champions can never be balanced (even as irritating as Eve is, she's not powerful in real games because the counters just annihilate her when used appropriately) and our stealth/counter stealth systems just aren't adequate to make these champions right. It also results in a lot of the aforementioned noob stomping that creates really sour early (and even just Solo Queue) experiences.

To be really clear, this stealth was something we put in the game to fill the archetype, but only with the knowledge the team has learned from the game being out for awhile, we realized it was just the wrong move (Global Teleports are a similar case, which also means TF and Pantheon will be fixed really shortly - we're wrapping up testing on that in the next week or so). We feel these are the last Red Herring systems that should require this sort of balancing - it's something we're actually putting a lot of effort into fixing long term so this discussion never has to happen again

I understand peoples' frustration from both a design philosophy and a "playing as" standpoint. Watching us overtly say "we're hoping to shelve these 3 champions for a bit" sucks to hear. Hell, I enjoy -playing- those champions myself! That's why this is a tough call and not done lightly...the damage the system (and as a result, Evelynn) was having on the game outweighed all these concerns, and we had to do something that was not optimal, but was immediate.


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