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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Some fairly major nerfs for Vayne as well, suggesting the balance team thought she was a little too strong...

I'm not surprised they decided to kill Eve but I am a little sad. I found playing in games with her had an interesting dynamic. However she was really strong at high levels as evidenced:

[Image: mordees3.png]

Also you can see a bit of back up for my assertion that Morde is coming back here as well. Data from: (disclaimer this data doesn't cover every game so might not be perfectly accurate.)

A little note that I didn't notice first time round was a change to Swain:
Quote:Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 50% of the actual damage he deals (instead of 50% of the raw damage he deals), but the heal is not reduced if the damage is shielded

Ouch. This seems to hurt Swain's late game teamfighting a lot, when the enemies have 100 mr it will be like Swain is ignited all the time.

I think Vayne's nerfs were appropriate, not too much but probably enough. Rumble however still looks really strong.

Didn't like the Xin ultimate nerf, it was hardly a broken skill and didn't synergize that well with his typical QW > E combo anyway, he wasn't picked in Dreamhack in the games I saw so I'm not sure what was up with that.

Fiddle is slowly being buffed which is good though, Cull will be very happy with that! :neenernee
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:Didn't like the Xin ultimate nerf, it was hardly a broken skill and didn't synergize that well with his typical QW > E combo anyway
That's not how you play Xin.

E to close gap, then R (% of current health). Q, then W last, as every auto attack after that lowers the CDs of your other skills by one.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Enoch Wrote:I'm not surprised they decided to kill Eve but I am a little sad. I found playing in games with her had an interesting dynamic. However she was really strong at high levels as evidenced:

You know, I would take these numbers with a grain of salt... How does he come up with them ? Is this premade or SoloQ ?
According to this list, Cassiopeia is a better pick than Malzahar which means to me I can't take it very seriously.

I just think Riot is lazy, if the majority of players don't know how to buy pink wards give the champion thats is affected a proper rework instead of making him useless. Just imagine you spent RP on Eve and her skins, that's really wasted money. Look at Twitch, he has been terrible for months now.


I'm sure that's solo Q, and even at 1500 ELO I think a lot of people will be very disorganised in terms of buying wards and things.

I kind of see Riot's point. Depending on the setup of the game, and the intelligence of opponents, stealth is either very strong or very weak at the moment, with no real middle-ground. They haven't managed to come up with a way to balance it fairly, so they're removing it from the game. Granted, a lot of abilities vary from game to game, particularly with regards to opponent organisation -- just look at the love-in for Ashe over the weekend, when in lower ELO solo queue she's a poor-to-medium pick, or the love for Tryndamere among noobs. But Eve is more polarising than most, and Riot doesn't like that. So they're nerfing it.

Trivia time!

Question 1!

Your team has two inhibitors and three base turrets down and the enemy team is coming with 5 people to destroy the last inhibitor and win the game, what should you do?

A. Stay in your base and defend
B. Split up and send three people to defend your red buff

Question 2!

Your team is leading by 20 kills. Your whole team is by the Baron and you have vision of enemy team members far away from both Baron and your own base. Your lanes are very pushed in your favour, even though you have 1 inhibitor down. What should you do?

A. Kill Baron, then start pushing
B. Go back to your base for 15 minutes, let the enemy have Baron, and fight them 1v5 as they push (remember to wait for your turn!).

If you answered B then you're the reason for ELO hell.

Stealth isn't unbalanced (how often do you see twitch?) it's just pub-stompy. I'd have rather them banned stealth champs in games with players below level 10, the same way the ban flash.

Likewise global ultimates aren't unbalanced - Pantheon wasn't picked very much for at all in the recent tournament despite the ult. Now TF WAS banned all the time, but that's because global ultimates are very strong when paired with a champ that already has good stats and abilities. Most ranged carries have pretty unexciting ults (Trist, Caitlyn, probably post-nerf Vayne). Give the same basic champ a global teleport or a global stun and they tend to become banned or first-picked.

I would imagine that, when they remove global ultimates, that those ultimates will instead be given a function similar to Nocturne's ult: long range across a good portion of the map, but not global. However, I will be very sad to see them go, since those globals are pretty iconic for those champions (same with the stealth and Shaco, Twitch, and Eve).

Jowy Wrote:Trivia time!

Question 1!

Your team has two inhibitors and three base turrets down and the enemy team is coming with 5 people to destroy the last inhibitor and win the game, what should you do?

A. Stay in your base and defend
B. Split up and send three people to defend your red buff

Question 2!

Your team is leading by 20 kills. Your whole team is by the Baron and you have vision of enemy team members far away from both Baron and your own base. Your lanes are very pushed in your favour, even though you have 1 inhibitor down. What should you do?

A. Kill Baron, then start pushing
B. Go back to your base for 15 minutes, let the enemy have Baron, and fight them 1v5 as they push (remember to wait for your turn!).

If you answered B then you're the reason for ELO hell.
I really hope you don't take offense to this....but the only thing worse than telling poker bad beat stories ("I can't believe he hit runner-runner to backdoor a flush and beat my pocket aces! What a donkey!") is League of Legends bad play stories.

There are tons of horrible players out there. If you play enough solo queue games, you will eventually reach your intended elo. Until win some, you lose some.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

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