The unstable portal version is working even better. 14-2 with it and I am up to rank 4.
I ran that deck when GvG came out (minus the Flamewakers). It's really good for climbing the ladder because of how fast you can win. I personally prefer the Mech Mage deck with Antonidas cause you can always top deck him and win even if you ran out of steam. Jeeves does kind of the same role in the face mage, but if you're top decking for Jeeves you've probably lost against any deck with life-gain.
I dunno, I got brawled by a warrior in my last game and he armored back up to 30, but a few turns later I was doing 20 damage a turn and had 7 minions in play. I think this is significantly better than standard mech mage right now.
Could be. I haven't tried it in ages, the decks you face now are different than the decks you faced back then.
You were so right. Firewakers are absolutely fucking insane in that deck. It's only a 2 card change to the old deck but it's a HUGE one.
I was trying out Seven's deck but ended up changing quite a few things.
- the original version deck has some trouble without the coin because of the lack of 3 drops other than Flamewaker - you sometimes end up drawing into a bunch of 1 mana spells without combo + jeeves, which is a loss in midgame. 2 Jeeves in hand is also not something you want to draw into. So I put Antonidas in (which won several games by providing finishing power against warriors/paladins) and added a spider tank in the 3 slot to help with turn 3 going first and improve consistency on Blastmage. Cuts were 1 unstable portal, 1 ice lance. Currently experimenting with switching the 2nd jeeves for something else. Tried azure drake first but it has under performed (the body trades poorly on turn 5 if the board is contested.) Will probably try Dr Boom next just on the basis that it's OP.
I strongly recommend patron warrior to anyone playing with a limited collection, it's a very fun deck, and cheap to build with several top lists running no epics or legendaries at all (except Emperor but you get him automatically with patrons so he doesn't count.) Also of relevance to RB, the skill cap is extremely high.
This is a more current/refined list:
This deck pulls some crazy comeback wins. two funny scenarios from today:
Control warrior has armorsmith, chromaggus and emperor out and 12 armour + 30 life vs my empty board and 1 charge death's bite. me: warsong (2), dread corsair, berserker (2), berserker (2), patron (4), whirlwind (0) and hit face for the OTK. Emperor OP! I switched the gnomish inventor in the above list for Dr Boom just because the amount of control decks increased and it comes in before I lose the board completely and gives people something to deal with on turn 7 if I'm planning to go off on turns 8-10. I didn't run into any "if only I had Grommash for 10 more face damage" situations and he lines up badly with the big Warsong combo turns on 8-10 (and more importantly, consumes the same resources to activate him) so I left him out. |