As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Serdoa as DeGaulle of Maya

Obviously the winning strategy was to go for lurker-pleasing strategy and hope they mobilize for your defense lol
Seriously, thanks for through explanation; I honestly believe you weren't obligated to provide such justification in the first place...

yeah Serdoa, great post.

I think you have a chance, and any urging you get from me is becaise I still think you can win. However I just chose a draw in a winnable game (PBEM42) due to real life time reasons. The game is for player enjoymemt... if lurkers get reports it is a bonus. So I totally understand your position.

The question is whether it is right to end Bigger's game because you don't want to play more... I am not sure about that one.

Serdoa, i'm deeply sorry about my rude and badly worded post. I was not attempting to urge you into to war with Plako, I just a bit on tilt..... because I thought you would still have to do those 4+ hour turns if you had gone to war with Bigger. And it was frustrating as you were willing to put up with it against Bigger, but not against Plako, which I viewed as being unfair to Bigger.

Also great information post, and I wish you best of luck. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Well, that's always the question in these games: When is it right to end it? Because obviously you will reach very often a position in which not all players want to continue. I think the only answer can be to assess each case individually but in general keep the majority deciding.

Now, that has its own problems of course. For example in our game, the majority stated that they don't care (slow, pindi, xenu, plako) while Comm and I were in favor of ending and Bigger in favor of continuing. What to do? I personally believe that in this case you are better of ending it, because if half the players don't care if it goes on or not, that really does not speak for the enjoyment of the game to them and it also does not bode well for the game itself because it will probably get corrupted by more and more players checking out.

Anyhow, I think that is something that Bigger should have realized himself and acted upon it. That's also why I don't feel bad for having asked to end it because obviously most players don't really feel the urge to play on - and if there is ever a good time to end the game, it probably is when 85% of the players don't care about it.

Or looked at it from a different angle: If you are out with 6 friends and they want to go home should you not agree to that, instead of requesting them to stay, putting your own fun above the fun of 6 other people?

(June 27th, 2013, 10:38)Serdoa Wrote: Or looked at it from a different angle: If you are out with 6 friends and they want to go home should you not agree to that, instead of requesting them to stay, putting your own fun above the fun of 6 other people?

Nicht alles was hinkt ist ein Vergleich wink.

Now I have absolutely no intention to dispute your right to ask for an early ending or act to get it sooner rather than later but:

On principle you (and all others) have agreed to play this game till conclusion (or death what ever comes first). So each and every one has the right to expect that all others will try to play the game (as good as possible) till it is decided. And each and everyone of the players have the right to try to win. When Bigger wants to do this he is absolutely in his right to do it and harassing him or chiding him for doing that is plain simple wrong.

IMO criticizing Bigger for trying to win is wrong not as wrong as BaII reaction towards you but wrong nevertheless. Mind this means only the criticizing part if you want to play in a way to hasten the end that is your decision.

Well, I'm not sure what happened elsewhere, but apart from my own spoiler-thread I can't remember that I ever asked Bigger in any way that he should give up already. I just asked all players if we should concede to plako because I felt the game is decided, it just has not reached a winning condition, which is imo not the same thing. And I would agree with you, no matter that it is unfun for me to play on, that it is no ones right to tell Bigger to give up. Though I think it is fair game to tell in my own thread that I am not happy about it and personally (that's important) believe that in this situation one should realize that he is the only one left having fun.

Nevertheless I do also think that in this game and the way everyone replied to my concession-request it is not as clear-cut. That goes back to what I wrote before that half the players simply said they don't care.

(June 27th, 2013, 16:32)Serdoa Wrote: Well, I'm not sure what happened elsewhere, but apart from my own spoiler-thread I can't remember that I ever asked Bigger in any way that he should give up already.

I should have clarified that the harassing was not done by you. Sorry about that.

Invaded xenu, got unlucky on some attacks, decided I don't want to go to war with a week long vacation and me only having access via an old laptop. Withdraw and wait what he does now. Can we please end this game already? Plako, hurry up and invade Bigger. I won't do it, I can't even invade xenu. When I look at all the troops he has sitting around, I really have to ask what he could have achieved (also in terms of invading India / Zulu when they were weaker) when he just wouldn't have been so scared of me maybe attacking him at some point. Really, how boring has your game been for the last 150 turns xenu? I can't really blame you for not wanting to be overrun by me (though again, it's unfortunate that I had to neighbour the one player that would rather sit 150+ turns turtling than trying to come back (and at the point he started with that, he could have - heck, he had too many troops for nothing already when I invaded BRick...).

Oh well, the game was still fun, but the last 20 turns really felt like a drag. We all know that plako has won this - by far. My invasion of xenu actually only cemented that point for me. I CAN'T take more land without a huge investment in army. And that investment is simply not worth it for the land I get. On the other hand, I need the land if I want to compete with plako as he has so many more cities. Either I lose by sitting around like xenu did and the others (in that case plako) just surging ahead. Or I attack xenu and invest so much that plako surges ahead, even if he has to invade Bigger. Either way, I lose.

God, this has become really frustrating.

Well played Serdoa, I think you just pip Commodore to the "best playing of the hand you are dealt" award here...

man, I liked this thread, but its depressing. you hated this game from day 1, which is such a different experience than I had. I just assumed you were enjoying yourself - because I was enjoying this game tremendously, and you always seemed to be in a better position than we did. Anyway I understand why you wanted to concede better now lol
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

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