T160: First order of business... civics!
Yup, we're generating new envoy points faster for the envoys we haven't sent anywhere. I put a couple envoys into Stockholm to put it up to six right off the bat. Then, I put 2 of the remaining ones into each of the three city-states we have suzerainty over. The other two have suzerain England or Brazil, who we want on our good side, and neither of them does us much good anyway since we have no holy sites.
I also swap in the Merchant Confederation diplomatic policy for +26(!) more gold. (Raj also looks okay, but +6 each science, culture, faith, and gold isn't quite as good for us. It's a solid second diplomatic policy if we ever get another slot, though.) The rest of the policies seem good, especially with all the wonders we're building.
The deals the AIs will accept with me seem to be different from Sullla's. I got open borders with Tomyris for 4gpt and with Saladin for 5 gold and 2gpt. I think I could have gotten one of them for a cocoa, instead, but I screwed up the deal. We have an extra cocoa, anyway... which it looks like I can sell to Gandhi for 15g and 6gpt. That beats what we would have gotten above anyway.
Candy Mountain needs a build. It looks like we're a little short on money for the Archaeologist in Candy Mountain, but it's 39 turns to build the Bolshoi Theatre, which feels long. (However, it turns out that's slightly above average...) Unlike some of our cities, Candy Mountain has a ton of flatland, so we're going to build that there. We can build or buy the archaeologist later.
I sent Ada Lovelace to Candy Mountain. It has a lot of flatland, unlike many of our cities, so building an extra district may actually be usable there.
Oh, and I did some things with workers; I'm not sure how well thought out they were.
T161: Rice Bowl finishes its campus. We're 23 turns from Computers at the moment. As much as I want to build an electronics factory because it will get us +9 cross-empire production for 355 production (payoff in 39 turns), we really need that tech, so 2 science per turn from a library first, and then the factory. (Then, probably the art museum even if we might wish we had a university, because we'll have more GPs coming...) It's a 2% science bonus at this point, admittedly, and it trades 18 cross-empire production for (at current build time of 11T) 22 science.
I also decide to see who I can get embassies with. Tomyris will take one; the rest won't.
T162: uneventful; moved some workers around. I did discover that the ruin near Hyderabad seems to be permanently garrisoned. I gave up on moving my archaeologist onto it in favor of things closer to our sphere of influence.
T163: Coal mining comes in. We discover 3 sources of coal; 2 are under existing mines, and a third one is not. Tuna suddenly has a ton of production: it got 2 sources of coal on its own.
Rice Bowl also finished its library. It's 2 turns later and now it's only 19 turns to Computers, down from 25 or so. Rice Bowl starts on an Electronics Factory.
T164: Frosted Flakes completed something; I'm not sure what. It says Art Museum, but that's already full. We're actually kind of running out of things to build here, too. There's an amazing +6 neighborhood site while also totally lacking tiles to work... or we could drop a campus that completes in 8 turns when we've finally got our science rate up. The +6 neighborhood tile is 260 gold, and I'm feeling okay about our gold situation right now, so I'm going to buy that tile (it's 3rd-ring tundra surrounded by forest) and drop both of those. The campus might shave a turn or two off Computers, and just completing it will be +6 science. The neighborhood is just to lock in district costs now.
Crab Cakes also finished something, probably a factory. (It's definitely not the workshop it says it is...) I drop a theater square next to the industrial zone. Completion is in 6 turns, and then we'll have another of these districts available to build up.
Tuna finished an amphitheater. It also has a worker with 4 turns left. We'll want that soon, but, for now, I queue up an art museum. We'll need a couple more soon.
Interturn, Saladin offers salt and 5gpt for truffles and open borders. We have 3 truffles, and I couldn't sell it for money anywhere, the last time I checked, so I take it.
T165: Heritage Tourism completes. We enter the Atomic Era and have Rapid Deployment boosted. Our next civic is Mobilization, because it gates everything down the line. It's 4 turns, because we haven't built much of any military. (heh)
It's also civic-switch time! We're doing quite well in terms of happiness, so liberalism (+1 amenity from 2 specialty districts) is out for Heritage Tourism (+100% tourism from art). We'll get another slot soon from the Forbidden City to slot it back in or even also take the wonder card out for a worker card. We'll need more workers soon.
We also got 3 envoys, which I distribute among our three client states for extra gold. Additionally, we got another great person: JS Bach. He moves somewhere so he can sleep until we have a place to put music.
In not entirely funny news, Need Food Pls literally cannot feed its citizens now that it has grown. I force citizens onto one of its crab, which brings it up to exactly stagnant. We could build a water mill (2T) to get 1 more food per turn, but the fact of the matter is that it just can't feed a very large amount of people. Later, I discover that this is because its trade route ended. As much as I'd like to go to Iron Chef or Wheaties for the +3 food, I think we've decided we need different foreign trade routes. The best targets are India or Scythia, since we actually get less tourism from England as a base. Our best option is Delhi.
T166: Truffle Dream finished something; I think it was a factory. It's low on housing, so we start a Granary... 2 turns.
I moved some wokers around and just remembered we can farm hillls now! It's not amazing compared to what we get from mines, but it should help with Need Food Pls's problems, especially if we can get a large enough nexus of them to have them enhance each other.
Chocolate River completed something. It's definitely not the archaeologist it says, but I can't remember what. Terra Cotta requires adjacency to an encampment, which we can't do here, but we're lacking other valuable things to build, so we can at least get a little housing and production out of a barracks. We definitely need to switch over to building builders sometime soon, and this is a prime spot to do that, too.
Feeling Crabby finished its factory. It can drop a district, none of which are terribly exciting, or it can get us started on another museum. We're still on industrial artists, so I think we're safe to build at least one more art museum. I start that.
I also decided to look into ways to accelerate stuff in Frosted Flakes. It's at 10 of eight housing, so I put one into the industrial zone. This shaves a turn off the campus, which I had actually missed for a couple of turns a little while back, so it will now be coming in the same turn as Electricity.
Somehow, an entire turn disappeared in my log here. I guess so little happened that the two turns blurred together.
Interturn, Victoria offers horse and 8gpt for sugar and mercury. I've been neglecting my resource trades, but I decline. I bet I can get a better deal for each of those separately.
T168: As it turns out, if I offer them in trade separately, I can sell each for 15 gold and 11gpt. That's vastly better than a useless third horse.
Our friendship with Pedro apparently ended, but we still have the graphic for it up top. Also, Gandhi built Alhambra.
Iron Chef finished Broadway:
![[Image: C49051B03F0FA24466B32F61DFE9D6732DD7304C]](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/98347452562331410/C49051B03F0FA24466B32F61DFE9D6732DD7304C/)
Now we can put some of our music somewhere! I use some of the charges on our great musicians.
(This apparently also boosted Flight and something I can't remember.)
Tuna is size 4 (and apparently ahs been for a couple turns...) so I start up an industrial district. The spot is currently useless, since we haven't even finished the adjacent industrial zone that will be one of the adjacency bonus, but we have James Watt coming soon, and one of those cities is going to get its factory for free.
Iron Chef finished a building, and it does not appear that we can build any new buildings, or even place right now. (It's getting a truly astounding 89 production.) It's 2T to a builder, so we're going to churn a couple of those out. 6T to Electricity and we can build a factory there. Truffle Dream finished a factory. Build starts on an Amphitheater.
We finished putting artifacts into our archaeological museum, so it's time to do some theme shuffling. I swap two of them around and we now have two themed archaeological museums in Chocolate River and NEED FOOD PLS (it's not clear to me how the names interact) generating 27 tourism per turn each.
Interturn, Victoria completed the Hagia Sophia. Saladin asks for an embassy, which I accept. Tomyris wants a lot of luxuries for Jade and Coffee and a flat sum. Meh: refused.
I also, unfortunately, finally got that scout killed.
T169: Mobilization comes in. We need the builder civic for the charges. I swapped out the industrial zone adjacency civic for it, because we're still building a pile of wonders, and most of them are in places where the adjacency is not worth 15%. (even 4 production ends up being more like 10% for those...)
Next civic is ideology. We want Space Race (for music tourism) and possibly Professional Sports (for amenities).
We got a great person: Rembradt, another artist.
Red Herring completed an art museum. Next build is a factory. However, we can't get our artists in because Brazil has a freaking unit on it.
Caffeinated finishes an industrial zone. Next build is a workshop, followed, I expect, by a factory. we get James Watt in 20-30 turns, which is about the same as the time for Caffeinated to build it, but we can finish the one in Tuna too, and use him on that one.
Chocolate river switches to a worker. We'll probably want to take the worker card back out soon, but I don't know exactly when. Maybe when we get Electricity and can build a power plant...
T170: I really wanted to get that art piece in, so I did this, but the rest of the turn is for the next person. It's so satisfying to get that theming in. (Also, if I'd realized, I would have put our other artist on wherever was vacated, but I didn't think of that...
I neglected to check the score at the end of that, because I had someone asking for my attention, but I think we're well on our way, now. I think our culture output increased a
lot this turnset just because things finally came together.