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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Jowy Wrote:* patcher now has a “Region” selector. Players may choose language (English, German, French, Spanish, and Polish) and region (NA, EU West, EU Nordic + East)

Is this just the patcher or the client too do you think? Would be nice to delete one of the copies of the game

Just played a game, took a screenshot, but resized it to inclarity

As Ashe I went 4/4/16 in a defeat laning against a smurf caitlyn who went 26/6/6.

Got a 'team leader' Tydamere (called 0Tydamere0 !) who went 15/11/15 calling everybody a noob constantly, but what annoyed me is he pushed mid and we got stomped.. so he pushed mid again and got stomped, at this point I said its pointless we are just feeding them and tried to get them to do dragon or baron when we ha moments where we defended our base and killed 4 or so and just defended our towers as they pushed mid again and again.

Was so frustrating.

That said, at one point I was 0/1/12 and getting stick for no kills, which seems to be a pattern, I initiate a group with frost arrow, then spread shot then others kill it off. Should ashe not initiate and save the arrow for runners?

Jkaen Wrote:That said, at one point I was 0/1/12 and getting stick for no kills, which seems to be a pattern, I initiate a group with frost arrow, then spread shot then others kill it off. Should ashe not initiate and save the arrow for runners?

Ashe is just so good because she's an AD carry with lots of utility. In other words, she's the only character in her class that can perform a strong initiation. Use arrow for initiating good fights, stunning people who are out of position, providing that your team can reach them and kill them, and the fight can start.

Besides, it's just K/D/A, what does it matter? It does not at all, unless you go 0/14/0, which probably means you played a terrible game. Sometimes, however, "bad" stats (and having kill/assist to deaths ratio of 12:1 is really good) don't reflect your performance much at all. It's not Quake, it's more like Whose Line is it Anyway, the show where everything is made up and the kills don't matter. That's right, the points are like Cull on Twisted Treeline.

I ensure that if you save your arrow for cleaning up kills, you might score some more kills, but it won't help your team much at all. Oh sure, it's always great to score more gold by getting kills (which is why supports and tanks are advised to let other people in their team clean up kills if they're guaranteed), but frowning upon things like ksing (or, reversedly, that "our noob ashe doesn't have any kills") is rather childish. I remember I still have a screenshot from an Ashe game where I went like 3/11/31, and the stats baffled me too, at the time, but it was an okay performance.

You will just have to cope with people being annoying. To do that, I recommend playing with me and Cull on Teamspeak 2.

KS is Kill Secured.

People that give you trouble for not getting kills when you are 0/1/12 probably don't know what they are talking about. I only say probably because just raw stats don't tell you very much, you might have been just throwing one volley in team fights and running away! More likely though as you are ashe you are doing a lot of damage and just not getting the finishing blow. I always end up with lots of assists because I don't keep attacking someone when it is obvious they are dead. My last game was a jungle warwick game that ended 0/1/14 for that reason, I didn't get many kills but I got my rumble really fed. As Seyruun said the only real justification for the criticism is if you are playing a carry you should try and get more kills because the gold is very important to you.

The stat out of the K/D/A you should be focusing on is the D, one of the most important steps is cutting out unnecessary deaths. The next step is learning when you need to die smile

Remember that you can do /ignore if people are getting too annoying.

Are we still doing the thursday night games or is it just tuesday now?

Deceptus Wrote:It's not Quake, it's more like Whose Line is it Anyway, the show where everything is made up and the kills don't matter. That's right, the points are like Cull on Twisted Treeline.


You will just have to cope with people being annoying. To do that, I recommend playing with me and Cull on Teamspeak 2.


Jowy Wrote:

Here you go smile It's my latest game. Char: Nocturne.
1450-1550 ELO ranked solo. My averages for Noct are 4/5/12, almost always the most assists in a game but very few kills. I jungle and use 1/21/8 masteries. Runes are arp reds, arp quints, mana regen blues, armor yellows. Only been jungling for about a week and got my full rune page a few days ago. Rest should be in replay :P
First thing I noticed is that you didn't really leave the jungle, aside from one very half-hearted gank on Ashe, until about the 10:00 mark, after your second blue buff. This is not enough lane support. I would reconsider your jungle path, I think.

You could do a better job of talking to your teammates. When you jungle, you have the ability to type, since jungling is a pretty passive activity. I like to tell them, "ganking top after red," or "heading bot after i grab blue" or whatever. I find that it keeps my teammates a little more aware of the game, if they have some sort of short term objective. As the jungler, it is really your responsibility to lead the team, keep them organized, and direct the map objectives. You were too silent.

After your successful gank bottom against that tower dive, instead of backing, you should have taken dragon. You killed both bottom players, leaving you with a free dragon.

You figured it out right after you did it, but don't push someone's lane, except if their lane opponent has also backed, and you can push your creeps to their tower, denying them XP. Other than that, it just screws over your teammate.

When you take the red or blue buff, you should pull it into the bush for protection. It really sucks when the enemy jungler is able to sneak up behind you and smite steal it from you. Standing in the bush removes that element of surprise.

I think you should have leaned on bottom lane more this game. They were playing very aggressively, and could have been easy kills for you and your team.

Your ward placement at 15:42 was interesting. I prefer to put them at junctions/jungle openings. If you ward the ramp leading up to the blue buff, you get the same effect, plus you also get coverage of the river.

After you counter ganked mid and killed Akali, you should have pursued a map objective. The dragon was there for the taking, or you could have killed mid tower. Getting a "pick" is huge mid game, because it allows you to achieve other things that help your team snowball. Just ping the dragon and they will follow.

Random Horrible MF Wrote:Hmm, I wonder why I don't do damage?
Maybe because you built Berserker Greaves and a Zeal before a BF Sword...

At 19:30 or so, you tried to fight Ashe 1v1, and her team came and killed you. 1v1s are always too good to be true, unless you have huge burst.

I know you were probably frustrated because you just died, but you shouldn't talk trash to a teammate after you just fed two kills because of over-extending mistakes. smile

I think you are a little too quick to use your ult. You don't really want to initiate with it in a teamfight late game. You had a few really nice assassinations though, but once or twice you just blew up because you jumped into the middle of them. You weren't nearly tanky enough to be in there.

I stopped watching around 45 minutes. That game was long!

Anyways, my best couple tips are:

1) Talk more with your teammates in a constructive manner
2) Control Dragon better
3) Ward in more productive spots
4) Come out of the jungle a little more
5) Don't kamikaze into their whole team with your ult

That's it for now.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Speaker Wrote:2) Control Dragon better
3) Ward in more productive spots

See, that's the funny thing. I keep getting teams that undervalue Dragon and wards so I typically end up doing them. It's odd. Don't people realize the HUGE global gold from Dragon?

Speaker Wrote:5) Don't kamikaze into their whole team with your ult


Interesting video by Stonewall about leashing:

Aside from basic leashing which probably everybody knows the "tricky leash" example looks quite interesting.


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