Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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To be clear: I thought it was pretty awesome!

Polished up the dragon mage list a bit, if anyone is curious:

This version has been performing well.

Can you explain the reason(s) for using Arcane Blast over Frostbolt?
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

SS' list is teched extremely anti-aggro so it's probably that. I'm testing a different approach of playing dual Effigy for tempo, adding Twilight drakes and running 3x9-drop dragons (Alex, Nef, Ysera). I think it's only breaking even at low-mid legend ranks though. (I peaked near Legend 100 this season with Freeze Mage before running into a ton of warriors and deciding to just experiment.)

I think Arcane Blast is a really strong card for mage right now. It's simply easier to play it on the same turn as something else (or on the same turn as pinging another minion), and there isn't a huge demand for doing 3 damage instead of 2 right now. The synergy with Azure Drake is a nice bonus. I have been really impressed with it. (Also maybe worth noting that the dragons package (Corrupter, Guardian) is good at doing 3 damage, and having variety in amounts of damage you deal is good.)

I have been facing mostly aggro (hunter and paladin), with occasional slower decks mixed in. If I were facing less aggro I would probably take out 1-2 of the 5 healing cards in the deck and replace them with powerful cards for slow games. E.g. -Healbot +Sylvanas.

I ended up doing another co-op Shaman run with v8mark and it did better than either of our expectations! The first loss was a bizarre DC where the problem was solved by me restarting, but despite a DC loss to start out it ended up going 10-3.

Another experimental build using the Freeze mage AOE package instead. It probably loses hard to face hunter though.

2x Frostbolt
2x Doomsayer
2x Mad Scientist
2x Arcane Intellect
2x Duplicate
2x Frost Nova
1x Ice Block
2x Polymorph
2x Twilight Drake
2x Twilight Guardian
1x Antique Healbot
2x Blackwing Corruptor
1x Blizzard
1x Emperor Thaurissan
2x Flamestrike
1x Rend Blackhand
1x Alexstrasza
1x Nefarian
1x Ysera

OT: got a gold Twisting Nether from ranked rewards and it looks awesome. now I have to build a warlock deck with it.

Bird Ramp 2.0

0 - innervate x2
2 - wild growth x2, darnassus aspirant x2, wrath x2, recombobulator
3- BGH
4 - swipe x2, senjin x2, piloted shredder, savage combatant
5 - druid of the claw x2
6 - Emperor, Sylvanas, Justicar Trueheart
7 - ancient of lore x2, Boom
8 - Ragnaros
9 - Aviana, Cenarius, Ysera

I previously had some extra taunts in the deck plus KT, but I cut them in favour of going super greedy and the deck plays better. The Sen'jins are primarily in there because they protect Darnassus Aspirant.

Justicar Trueheart has turned out better than expected so far, the improved hero power is really nice late game when it's generating a 4 hp swing per turn and adds some protection against burn. The question is whether a simple Healbot is better in the slot, though.

Here's a sexy Paladin zoo deck from the arena that went 12. MVPs were definitely the Dark Iron Dwarves. The amount of pressure put on by this deck was huge; it played a lot like a regular Warlock zoo deck. Just enough card draw to keep it afloat late on, while my opponents were scrabbling to keep themselves alive.

Read a short face hunter guide post-expansion. I still play that deck by far the most of anything in constructed since it's so fast for quests. Changes from my standard deck:

-1 glaivezooka
-1 quick shot
-1 ironbeak owl
-1 unleash the hounds
-1 leeroy jenkins

+1 hunter's mark
+1 bear trap
+1 explosive trap
+2 argent horserider

Good changes? FYI I currently only have snake trap in my deck.

My read is that hunters mark and ironbeak owl serve similar roles, the spell is cheaper but the minion adds a beast. Likewise the two argent horseriders are basically pings like glaivezooka and quick shot, but are less mana efficient the turn they're played but have upside if they can stay alive. With explosive, I guess the idea is that delayed 2damage to everything is better than earlier 1damage x enemy cards? And removing Leeroy is guess is a pace-driven decision?

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