As promised, a diplo update. These chats / emails occurred over the span of the last four days.
I'm going to break them up into multiple posts, easier to edit that way.
First, a chat with SL:
* SL and I kvetched about how terrifying the Sons are and how it's such a shame they're in our game.
* SL wants to put together an alliance vs. Tredje, but I think that it's not practical.
* Tredje has staggered NAPs with all of his neighbours except Sareln. His NAP with Iskender ends before the one with SL does- I didn't know that when had this chat though.
* I admitted that I might end up going for Infernal Pact- the point of leaking that info was to lessen the chance that SL might be tempted to make a run at it (or Iskender if SL leaks the info). And because it really wasn't worth being coy about. No specifics of any plan were mentioned.
* Told SL that Iskender is trying to race me to Deception. I asked him to talk to Iskender about maybe letting me have it; although in reality I've decided to look at other alternatives, it doesn't hurt to spread some ambiguity about my true goals and perhaps give SL and Iskender something to argue about. Plus it'll make Iskender even more convinced that he needs to research deception ASAP.
I'm going to break them up into multiple posts, easier to edit that way.
First, a chat with SL:
Quote:3:[COLOR="Sienna"]53 PM Square Leg: hey bob, fancy a random chat about pbem 5?
12 minutes[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:06 PM Bobchillingworth: heya
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: cool
so the sidar founded fol[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: yeah
4:07 PM Iskender told me that he got a religous something or other from a lair[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: really - it coninsided with his score increasing by 22pts...
maybe another tec I guess[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:08 PM Bobchillingworth: idk. He told me that he's going for CoE
apparently you can wane gibbon, switch religion, and he can still cast spells as a shade
and won't leave
(he told me in the context of him not wanting me to race him to the tech)[/COLOR]
Square Leg: thats quite interesting - I suppose the same is true of hemmah?
Bobchillingworth: presumably, yeah
4:09 PM Square Leg: hmm - that sounds quite broken - I guess he will lose the hero promo and not get anymore xp though?
4:11 PM Bobchillingworth: Not sure.
Square Leg: ok - did you notice Serdoa gain 2 new cities?
Bobchillingworth: yeah
Square Leg: I had to gift him one
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: right
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: part of our peace deal
4:12 PM PZ Noob if he doesn't change the name lol
The other one is a marginal site in his back lines - not in your direction
tbh - it is a bit shit[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:13 PM Bobchillingworth: hah. Well, I'm not too worred about him yet, anyway :P
the Combat V Spell Extension Son of the Inferno about to eliminate Sareln is a little bit more concerning :P[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:14 PM Square Leg: urgh
so it has started?
just 1 so far?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"] Bobchillingworth: yeah
he has more than one?[/COLOR]
Square Leg: yep
Bobchillingworth: how are you sure?
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:15 PM Square Leg: not 100% but from a chat with him it was kind of implied...
4:16 PM Also - they are only 6k in power
He will have deleted any warriors or extra units to keep his gnp up to research sailing
and get the SOI to the mainland
i guess he has 3[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:17 PM Bobchillingworth: well, game over then.
I can't stop that
oh and Iskender apparently has a long NAP with him
they're probably allies or something[/COLOR]
4:18 PM Square Leg: none of us can - serdoa has the best chance with PZ's
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: sigh. Including Acheron was a mistake. I thought that patch N was supposed to fix the Sons so that you couldn't grab them, but apparently not
or maybe O reverted it for some stupid reason[/COLOR]
Square Leg: they gave them the loyalty promo which only stops domination shenanigans
4:19 PM Bobchillingworth: grrr
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: I know
When is your nap with the clan to?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: I can't say
4:20 PM last time I tried to organize something against the Clan it all blew up in my face anyway
someone leaked
wasn't sareln
probably wasn't you
serdoa didn't know
so, it was probably the sneaky guy with the long Clan NAP
so any dogpile you might be thinking of probably isn't going to work.[/COLOR]
4:22 PM Square Leg: Well - the only way I could have seen killing the sons would have been Sareln to cast his WS and then everyone to smack them with anything and everything. If that isn't going to happen...
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:23 PM Bobchillingworth: To put it this way- if sareln were to cast his worldspell now, I could not interene without breaking me NAP until the spell was over (or close to it- not sure how long it lasts on quick)
and if Iskender isn't on board, and I really doubt that he will be, forget it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:24 PM Square Leg: I bet Tredje has staggered his naps.
4:25 PM I have one with him too - I wonder if I am next on the list or you?[/COLOR]
Bobchillingworth: when does yours end?
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: I can't remember if I can say.... just a sec.
5 minutes
4:31 PM Square Leg: it is till T140[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"] Bobchillingworth: lol
staggered NAPs
Me -> you -> Iskender (serdoa?) [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:32 PM Square Leg: lol
ok - need to think of a counter quick![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: haha.
4:33 PM He has two goblin archers too, to cover them, and can easily outproduce any one civ
if he's going for conquest, econ doesn't even matter
I think this is probably GG.
4:34 PM I can't even go with my Ultimate Defense Plan and stock my very nicely-positoned makes full of cultists, because Empower V fireballs will eat them[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"] Square Leg: one option would be horse archers or horsemen swooping in - enough of them....
4:35 PM they have the advantage of coming from the fog and they get a bonus vs archer....[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: ughh... maybe
but I'd need so many of them
4:36 PM I don't have HBR or archery either
to say nothing of stirrups[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:37 PM Square Leg: I don't know what else unless he makes a mistake.
you can't get to deception before he comes knocking can you?[/COLOR]
Bobchillingworth: probably not with Iskender racing me
4:38 PM Square Leg: puppets plus summons could work
Bobchillingworth: if he has been beelining the tech, he'll get there first
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: OO and fanaticism is a big ask too..
fo hemah[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:39 PM Bobchillingworth: actually it's OO and one of the expensive arcane techs
fanatacism is Stygian[/COLOR]
Square Leg: ah - whoops
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: which do get minor fire resistance, actually
but they're far away for me[/COLOR]
4:40 PM Square Leg: hereis what makes me think he has more than 1:
[COLOR="Sienna"] me: So I am just going to come out with it:
How are the Sons?
Tredje: What Sons? innocent face[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]me: heh
11:08 I dind't think that you only got a couple of gobbo archers from your world spell
not after I did a WB test anyway
11:10 Tredje: Maybe we got lots of Archers?
11:12 me: maybe - but I ain't buying it - why else would you esearch what you have?
11:13 I just hope you don't come my way - I've had enough of war!
he says: what sons[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: yeah, maybe.
4:41 PM Well. There's always plan "H"[/COLOR]
Square Leg: ha ha - whats that?
4:42 PM Bobchillingworth: *H*yborem :D
Square Leg: Atually - he could snuff a son or two...
B[COLOR="Yellow"]obchillingworth: Yeah- devils get minor fire resistance
and he has high strength
and I'll just pump entropy adepts on the way to him
4:43 PM so when the Balz AI dies, I get manes
ugh. I'll feel sad to abandon my civ, though. I'm actaully winning
4:44 PM if it weren't for the stupid Sons I'd be tops in everything by a good margin[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: yeah - I feel pretty shitty about it all too since I feel like I can actually come back from this position and maybe even do something this game...
Its a lot of effort to get rolled by a glitch[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:45 PM Bobchillingworth: Yeah. Well, that's the nature of the game, I guess
lots of game-enders[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: yeah - it is broken in lots of ways!
4:46 PM I wonder if I can persuade Serdoa to go raze some of the clan homeland - would you pay serdoa to do that some way?[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:47 PM Bobchillingworth: Sure, if the price was within reason
Idk if he'll be willing tho[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: the price being no more Sons of the Inferno screwing the game up
maybe I'll approach him about that and see what we can come up with[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:48 PM Bobchillingworth: orcs resist fire tho, too
he'll need a lot of pz[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: He is pretty dejected with the game I hink so many a bit of freelance fun would be of interest to him
yeah but the sons are 5 + 3 fire
4:49 PM he resists that[/COLOR]
Bobchillingworth: Yeah, the issue is that he'll need tons of pz to raze a city if tredje is spamming 2X warriors a turn in there
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: also - clan have no sons if they have no cities
and it keeps them occupied while we think of a better counter![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:50 PM Bobchillingworth: Contact iskender too, see what his deal is.
if Tredje is giving him a lot of promises of cooperation and then goes off and murders everyone else, Iskender is just being played as a fool yet again
kind of like Selrahc from pbem 1- "I won't hurt you, if you enable me to run off and win the game"
4:51 PM I'd see what his deal is myself, but I think that he doesn't like me for some reason[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: lol
4:52 PM I dunno about that but I'll contact him and see what he says
4:53 PM I am going to guess that your nap is till T120
Ikender probably T180[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:54 PM Bobchillingworth: that sounds approx. right
just enough time between each to cripple or kill the target[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: yeah
4:55 PM Actually - if Iskender does get deception and Shadow III he could attack the clan and they wouldn't know about it![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: hah. I think it would be obvious who was doing it :P
I'd be better off with deception, anyway.
best thing is if Iskender leave it to me
4:56 PM I could make like four Air Elementals a turn[/COLOR]
Square Leg: That spit into lightning
Bobchillingworth: good strength, up to four moves
Square Leg: split
Bobchillingworth: flying
Square Leg: fly too - line of sight
4:57 PM Bobchillingworth: Iskender can't get nearly as much use out of Gibbon. But he's likely to beat me there
Square Leg: when can you get there by?
[COLOR="Yellow"]Bobchillingworth: and I need to know soon if I should try for deception or initiate Plan H
can't do both[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: sure
different directions[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]4:58 PM Bobchillingworth: How fast I can get there depends a lot on whether Sareln uses his worldspell, and if I use mine
I've got 3 inspirations going at once right now
losing those will suck[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]4:59 PM Square Leg: ok so this needs to be a world effort
else the clan will win[/COLOR]
Bobchillingworth: yeah. And we know how well those turn out :D
[COLOR="Sienna"]Square Leg: yup
everyone is in it for themself really![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]5:01 PM Bobchillingworth: yeah. Well, there's different ways that cooperation could play out. I could do some damage with either Gibbon or Hyborem, Serdoa has PZ, Iskender... well, his NAP might make him useless, but he could try to box in the Clan I guess. You can send golems or whatever.
but it's herding cats[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]5:02 PM Square Leg: The more we talk about it the more 4 air elementals a turn is sounding like the solution - it also means you will will if you kill the sons - so catch 22 for the rest of us!
will win sorry[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]5:03 PM Bobchillingworth: haha. Well, that's just how it goes :P
unlike the Clan, I'm not necessarily looking to win by murdering everyone
5:04 PM so there's that :P
I'll sign an NAP with you for a very long time in the event that the Clan are defeated, if that helps.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Sienna"]5:05 PM Square Leg: Well i want to win by destroying everyone so not really!
5:06 PM I will talk to the others and see what happens - I am struggling to see what I can say to iskender to get gim to ditch deception[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]5:07 PM Bobchillingworth: Just find out what the score is, RE- his terms with the Clan. That will show if he's willing to do anything to stop them.
If he is, then possibilities can be discussed from there
5:08 PM Oh, and look, he's on now
but I've got to go, sadly
laundry to be moved, essays to write
I'm still going to be online, but AFK[/COLOR]
Square Leg: ok - well have fun with your dirty sheets! cya
* SL and I kvetched about how terrifying the Sons are and how it's such a shame they're in our game.
* SL wants to put together an alliance vs. Tredje, but I think that it's not practical.
* Tredje has staggered NAPs with all of his neighbours except Sareln. His NAP with Iskender ends before the one with SL does- I didn't know that when had this chat though.
* I admitted that I might end up going for Infernal Pact- the point of leaking that info was to lessen the chance that SL might be tempted to make a run at it (or Iskender if SL leaks the info). And because it really wasn't worth being coy about. No specifics of any plan were mentioned.
* Told SL that Iskender is trying to race me to Deception. I asked him to talk to Iskender about maybe letting me have it; although in reality I've decided to look at other alternatives, it doesn't hurt to spread some ambiguity about my true goals and perhaps give SL and Iskender something to argue about. Plus it'll make Iskender even more convinced that he needs to research deception ASAP.