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Cryptic Crossword Clues

zakalwe Wrote:I've been challenging myself to create some "& lit." clues. They are by nature a bit easier to solve, so to compensate for that I'm not listing the number of letters in the answers.

40. Directed light!

41. Deceiving otherwise agile minds!

42. Lineage in the making!

43. Vile alignment!

44. Fabled for a rent within financial means!

Also, here's a regular one, a little cute:

45. Odd avatar for American tower. (3)

Nice work. Here are my answers:

40. L.E.D.
41. Misleading
42. Kin
43. Evil
44. Affordable
I have to run.

Thanks, I was particularly happy about #44, where one of the words really plays a pivotal role. smile Your answers are correct, of course.
If you know what I mean.

zakalwe Wrote:AHAHAHA. smile

(w)reckless driver

That one was simply brilliant! Should teach me a thing or two about tunnel vision and getting lost in details. smile

Glad you enjoyed it. smile
I have to run.

zakalwe Wrote:L. Money collector is in the lead of land of wild game. (6,6) (not solved!)

Monkey Island (wild game=Monkey Island, money collector=monkey, is in the lead of land=island)

I was kind of thinking along those lines earlier, but the specific solution evaded me.
If you know what I mean.

O. Why not upset weak and lazy English setter? (7)
I have to run.

Building on your Civilization theme (edit: thought your clue said settler):

46. Conquistador looking for milk and honey? (8)
If you know what I mean.

47. Thick sloppy layer of eggs has a missing element but still makes a mess. (7)
If you know what I mean.

zakalwe Wrote:47. Thick sloppy layer of eggs has a missing element but still makes a mess. (7)

I have to run.

All very impressive stuff.

But the tricky bit is put them into a crossword, like this. :-)
And on the sixth day, god created Manchester.

[SIZE="1"]Played: PBEM13 (China), PBEM17 (India)
Helping out: PBEM23 (Egypt)
Dedlurked: PBEM15 (Ottomans)
Globally lurking: more or less everything else[/SIZE]

spacemanmf Wrote:All very impressive stuff.

But the tricky bit is put them into a crossword, like this. :-)

Having already seen your site, I was wondering when you'd stop by.

Of course a full crossword is harder to construct, but easier to solve.
I have to run.

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