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Caster of Magic Release thread : latest version 6.06!

0.92 is up!

-Fixed bug : You could summon Demons with the unit ability if you already had 9 units which could potentially crash the game. Now if you try to do so, nothing happens (but you unfortunately still lose the turn)
-When a Demon is summoned in combat, there is a 50% chance that it'll become a greater demon, which does not have caster 40, but has Life Steal -4 and Death Touch -4 instead. Overland demons will always have Caster 40.
-Fixed AI power distribution bug : Spells already available for research in the book are not considered when deciding if there are spells left for research. This causes the AI to spend nothing on research when there are only 8 or less spells left (including spell of mastery).
-The positive event that happens when you kill enemy units now adds a fixed +9 relations instead of (enemy relation loss/2) to avoid overflows. (You might still cause an overflow if you trigger the event 4 times after already at Harmony in the same turn, bringing it from 100 to over 128, but that's very unlikely)
-Moved GP and MP on F9 screen, you can now read it even if the wizard has lots of books.
-Unit display will now show the current amount of Summon Demon abilities left, instead of always the maximum
-Unit display will now show the current presence of “Caster” instead of default. (Demons can now lose it so this is needed to avoid displaying “Caster 0” on them)
-Unit display will now show the modifier for Death Touch and Life Steal.
-Towers are now required to be on a continent for both planes, not just one of them. Main reason for this change is the AI, as only full flying/swimming stacks could use the deafult towers most of the time.
-The minimum required distance between 2 towers is now 4 instead of 10. The minimal distance between a tower and a node is 1 instead of 4. As the other condition is stricter and more important, I reduced the requirements here to make sure the generation fails as rarely as possible.
-Fixed bug : Myrran nodes are being placed where Arcanus has land.
-Magician hero has Destruction, resist at +0 or be disintegrated.
-Necromancer hero has Super Sage instead of Noble.
-Elven Archer has +2 resistance.
-Elven Archer has a magical ranged attack but retains her bow slot and 8 ammo. Bows work with magical (and rock) ranged attacks now, however this hero is the only one who has that setup currently.
-Reduced the maintenance cost of some high-end summoned units like drakes.
-New unit ability : Quick Casting. Unit can cast spells for 3 movement points, allowing multiple spells or using another attack after a spell. Only one unit has this ability, the Illusionist champion, who was way behind what you would expect from champions. Yes, Illusion is an awesome attack type, but any hero can have it from weapons, and that's the only (non-random) ability she had.
Ability replaces the unused Land Corruption slot.
-AI units will not attept to cast a spell if they have less than 10 MP remaining, to avoid the situation when no spell is available for the remaining MP and the turn gets wasted..
-Priestess and Necromaner hero are now available without books. Their spells are often useless if you already have access to their realms.

Highlights :
-New unit ability, only available on the Illusionist Champion
-Elven Archer hero has a magical ranged attack, but still uses bows, which can power it up as though it was an arrow attack. At the very least a champion tier elven archer should be able to do something against missile immune units, and elves are good at magic anyway.
-Fixed bugs with node and tower placement that caused them to be in sea when not intended
-MP and GP is displayed above the books so they are not hidden if a wizard has over 12 books.
-Life Steal and Death Touch displays the resistance penalty
-AI is now able to spend power on research when reaching the last 8 spells available instead of thinking there are no spells left.
-Fixed Summon Demon bugs. Demons have a chance to have Death Touch and Life Drain -4 instead of Caster 40.

How about the plus to hit display on the heroes? I seem to remember that items or other conditions could cause it to report an incorrect number.

(November 19th, 2015, 06:45)Tiltowait Wrote: How about the plus to hit display on the heroes? I seem to remember that items or other conditions could cause it to report an incorrect number.

Those aren't displayed because they don't apply to all attacks, so even if displayed, it wouldn't be correct.
On the global to hit variable is displayed as a to hit bonus, there are two more, undisplayed variables, "Melee + to hit" and "Ranged + to hit".

Accessories, Swords, Maces, Axes : Add to "Melee + to hit"
Bows : Add to "Ranged + to hit" only if missile ranged attack is present
Staff, Wand : Add to "Ranged + to hit" only if magical ranged attack is present
Axe : Add to "Ranged + to hit" only if thrown attack is present
Accessory : Add to "Ranged + to hit" with regardless of attack type present
Magical Weapon : Add to Melee "+ to hit"
Magical Weapon : Add to Ranged "+ to hit" only if missile, thrown or rock ranged attack is present
Holy Weapon : Add to Melee "+ to hit"
Holy Weapon : Add to Ranged "+ to hit" only if missile, thrown or rock ranged attack is present
If Holy Arms is present, and the unit is not summoned and it is not undead, Holy Weapon bonus is applied to it, even if no Holy Weapon is present on the unit.

That's all I could find. As far as I see, fantastic units have the "is magical attack" flag set to them, but do not receive any + to hit like actual magical weapon units do.

When attacking, to hit is the global+melee to hit for melee attacks, and global+ranged to hit for ranged attacks, before applying other modifiers like range or suppression.

Out of these, accessory is the only one where both types of bonus are applied, and could be merged into the global hit variable, but coding that would be complicated because the code is the same that sets attack and stuff shared by bows and wands.

I guess making a check to see if both melee and ranged to hit >=1 and then merging the excess into global to hit at the end of the procedure is an option, if I find space for coding that.

I never realized staves and wands don't have an effect on melee to hit.

Edit : Managed to make it merge hit bonuses for units that have both bonus or have no ranged attack type available and have melee bonus only.
However, units that have a ranged attack type (fire breath, gaze, thrown counts!) and their bonus is not applicable for that type (for example magical weapons on shaman) will not have the bonus only available for melee displayed. Likewise, heroes with a staff or bow will not have the ranged bonus displayed because it does not apply to melee.

So that means that e.g. Magician or Priest normal units benefit neither from Alchemist's Guilds nor Holy Weapon/Holy Arms for their ranged accuracy?

(November 19th, 2015, 08:58)Lucean Wrote: So that means that e.g. Magician or Priest normal units benefit neither from Alchemist's Guilds nor Holy Weapon/Holy Arms for their ranged accuracy?

Correct. I guess the logic behind that is magical ranged attacks are not using a weapon.

Thrown attacks do benefit, though, not sure why the wiki says they don't. Maybe it was an insecticide change? Or they lose the bonus somewhere else? Or the wiki is wrong.

Something else :

I managed to fix the bug of thrown attacks bypassing weapon immunity. It was clearly a bug, checked (ranged ID/10)=100, when Thrown has ID 100.

Also shouldn't be able to find the Spell of Mastery in the ruins of another wizard's tower. It's just too cheap to get it that way.

(November 19th, 2015, 15:41)Tiltowait Wrote: Also shouldn't be able to find the Spell of Mastery in the ruins of another wizard's tower. It's just too cheap to get it that way.

You can't. It gets the spells from the same function as trade lists, and I already modified that when you mentioned it.

(November 19th, 2015, 09:08)Seravy Wrote: Thrown attacks do benefit, though, not sure why the wiki says they don't. Maybe it was an insecticide change? Or they lose the bonus somewhere else? Or the wiki is wrong.
Insecticide fixed to-hit bonuses from weapons not applying to thrown.

0.99 up!

Big update this time, focusing on fine tuning balance, AI and diplomacy.

-You gain +1 fame after combat if at least 12 exp worth of enemy was defeated instead of 8. This change is needed as 8 exp does not equal 4 units anymore.
-You gain the above +1 fame even if your fame is 20 or higher, originally this only worked below fame 20.
-1 fame is awarded for defeating units that have a cost of 500 or higher, instead of 600 or higher.
-Units with both “melee to hit” and “ranged to hit” bonus at the same time have the shared amount merged into “global to hit” which can be displayed in the unit info.
-Units with no ranged attacks whatsoever have melee ranged bonus moved into global to hit directly. (note that gaze, thrown and fire breath are ranged attacks, not melee)
-Fixed bug : Thrown weapons bypass weapon immunity. Caused by a faulty check.
-Finding Chaos, Nature and Sorcery Mastery requires at least 4 books of their realm.
-Blizzard now does a strength 15 cold type armor piercing magical attack which is hitting units, not figures. Blizzard now costs 100.
-Fixed bug : AI units with thrown or breath attacks sometimes didn't attack enemies stronger than them due to a small bug in the target rating bonus for this situation.
-Fixed bug : Evil Omens has no effects on spells with variable costs (slider, artifact)
-Fixed bug : Aether Flux has no effect on spells with variable costs
-Weakness, Possession, Black Sleep, Confusion, Mind Storm, Vertigo, Shatter now appear in “Unit spells” like all other curses do.
-Fixed : Research display shows 4 times the normal time after researching Floating Island
-Fixed : previous research fix caused the AI to not spend enough on casting skill by accident.
-When “Unit_Die” is called for an already dead unit, it does not go through the process again (possible source of memory corruption)
-Reversal of insecticide bug/feature : Casting Nature's Awareness automatically casts Detect Magic as well. (intended function was to only do this for RVL cheat)
-Removed feature : Casting Nature Awareness estabilishes contact with every wizard immediately, including already defeated ones, which makes them reappear in the astrologer.
-Removed feature : Having Nature Awareness in play at any time visibility is calculated estabilishes contact with every wizard, including already defeated ones, which makes them reappear in the astrologer.
Note : Despite the above two changes, you will still estabilish contact with everyone (who is still in the game) through their units being in your visible range, but it takes 1 turn longer.
-(no change) : The AI actually adds the “cost reduction in percentage” modifier to AI combat spell priority instead of the “effective cost reduced by modifiers”. Both me and Kyrub misread it and assumed it's adding the cost itself, funny. Turns out there was no need to fix this one.
-Small adjustments to some spell research costs. A few low tier commons cost as low as 50 RP.
-Fixed “X, you have become too powerful” specifying the AI player's name instead of the human player's in the text constant in diplmsg.lbx
-Removed Planar Seal
-New enchantment replacing Planar Seal : Divine Order.
-AI enchantment casting : Divine Order is weigthed based on spell book colors and amount of caster and everyone else, weighted by treaty status. Life books are considered benefitting from the spell (+1), while Death and Chaos is considered incompatible (-1). Sorcery and Nature books are considered neutral. Own books are weigthed 2x, Ally books 1x, Pact partner books 0.5x, No treaty -0.5x, and War -1x. If total result is 10 or higher, the enchanment can be cast.
-AI Spell Binding priority : Divine Order is priority 0, effect is no different regardless of owner, but maintenance has to be paid for it.
-AI disjunction targeting priority : Divine Order dispel priority is -(casting divine order rating)
-AI disjunction needed decision : If “divine order casting” rate is -10 or below and it is in play, casting Disjunction spells priority is +200.
-PWR cheat now sets 300 casting skill to everyone (better for testing purposes)
-PWR cheat no longer unlocks Arcane spells (to avoid unlocking Spell of Mastery which is bad for testing purposes...and bad in general)
-Finding a 10th book will now yield 3 researchable very rare spells, the same amount picking the book does, so finding 10 books should provide all spells.
-Personality modifier for casting spells in the “harmful spell” category, like raise volcano or famine, changed :
Maniacal : +1000 (from +40)
Ruthless : +500 (from +40)
Aggressive : +200 (from +10)
Chaotic : +200 (from +10)
Lawful : -200 (from -40)
Peaceful : -200 (from -20)
Note that this entire sum gets divided by 4 before being used which is why high numbers are needed. The generic base value at war on hard difficulty is around 400.
-Summon Demon is now enabled for casting overland for the AI.
-Fixed bugs that would cause the AI to try casting a spell in the “harmful overland” category without having a spell of that type. Some summons and even Wall of Darkness enabled them!
-AI overland casting : Fixed Iron Skin enabling city buff category instead of unit buff.
-AI overland casting : Unit buff priority doesn't decrease as the turn counter increases. There are plenty of powerful late game enchantments still worth casting then.
-Fixed bug : AI cannot cast Flying Fortress unless the spell is already in effect?!!
-AI can now target any of their towns with Flying Fortress like the player.
-Fixed bug : Wind Walking units in a stack reactivate units and grants them +0.5 movement. However, units will not be able to move as much as the windwalker if their movement allowance is lower and movement isn't done in one continues move as a side effect. Since this side effect is worse than the bug itself, this fix has been reverted.
-Fixed bug : When one unit in a stack is out of movement, or the stack merges with another that is out of movement, the entire stack loses all remaining movement. Note : You have to manually press done when moving stacks of units that have uneven movement speeds. It might be inconvenient, but better than losing all remaining movement which might be needed.
-When Diving Order is in effect, the AI is more likely to cast city and unit enchantments overland, as well as “harmful” spells, containing all city curses and a few other spells.
-AI receives a priority boost of +150 to overland summoning if knowing Great Wyrm, Great Drake, Sky Drake, Demon Lord, Arch Angel
-AI receives a priority boost of +80 to overland summoning if knowing Hydra, Behemoth, Colossus, Death Knights
-Fixed AI logic flaw : AI units not currently having a target do not count into relative army strength. In other words the AI underestimates his own army if defending a town and passing to stay behind the walls.
-AI Wall Crusher units move and attack as though wall wasn't present.
-Troll units now move 2.
-Minor adjustments to the starting health and attack of some heroes (+/- 1, sometimes 2)
-The research cost of very rare spells has been raised to match the increased power production capacity of cities in the late game (with the standard being 6000 instead of 4000, top spells being 8000, discounted still at 1000 or 2000 usually)
-War Trolls now have 8 health per figure
-War Mammoth now has +1 attack and +2 health per figure
-Sage hero has Phantom Warriors
-Necromancer has Illusion and Death immunity.
-Immunities now set 100 defense instead of 50 when applicable.
-The Unknown is now available from Summon Hero, not Summon Champion.
-Wraith Form now grants Poison Immunity, and the ability to ignore Weapon Immunity like magical weapons, and costs 15/75.
-Trade offers made by the AI decrease the AI player's “trade willingness” variable again.
-AI Trade offers will not happen if “trade willingness” is 0 or lower. This should hopefully limit trading spam.
-Restored original amount of “trade willingness” loss per trade attempt because it was possible to trade pretty much every spell in one go.
-Fixed bug : Diplomatic events resetted trade and treaty willingness values to the copy of the other player, even though these variables are assymetric!!!
-When the AI casts a spell that targets a player which isn't spell blast (only drain power remanining in this category, but in the unmodded game it'll apply to more), it'll now use the intended target and skip the spell blast mana check instead of skipping the check and target selection, defaulting it to the human player. (Improvement of previous bug fix)
-Fixed the Chosen having no maintenance.
-Fixed all sorts of bugs in “AI power distribute main strategy”
-Boosted priority of very rare summons for the AI
-AI combat spell selection : Mind Storm is now in priority group “C” instead of “D”
-AI combat spell selection : Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Phantom Beast, Call to Arms, Cracks's Call receives more priority
-AI combat spell selection : Priority boost of Invulnerability and Lionheart is now only +20 instead of +30 which was quite excessive.
-Powered up Storm Giants to be worth the summoning cost.
-Restored Wraiths to their original stats because there was no need for the nerf, they were overpowered only as a starting rare. Wraiths can now heal naturally.
-When Spell Ward counters a combat spell, it will now display “defending wizard name's Spell Ward spell has caused...” instead of “ Node has caused...”
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Prayer and Flight now receives +3 priority per unit counted instead of +2
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Flight pririty boost if nonzero enemy fliers present : +12 instead of +20
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Web gets +15 priority instead of +10 if there are enemy flying units.
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Web gets +20 priority past combat turn 10. This should help against stalling players that run around, if the AI actually still has skill and mp that late in the combat.
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Web now belongs to priority group “B”, prefer when at an advantage instead of “C” prefer at neutral.
-Fixed bug : units enchanted by Wind Walking can only be attacked by units that can atack fliers. (Unit ability has no such problem)
-AI will no longer target units that already have haste with haste.
-AI will no longer target naturally invisible units with invisibility.
-Fixed bug : Entangle works on non-corporeal units even though it shouldn't. Intentionally didn't fix it for flying as that trait is far too common. If it didn't work on them, the spell would be worthless. Also, even flying units have to land every once in a while and get caught, considering an overland turn is an entire month, so a battle turn is like an entire day.
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : casting Holy Weapon, Eldritch Weapon or Flame Blade to counter Invulnerability now has a lower priority boost. Most units bypass Weapon Immunity even without that thanks to magical weapons, so direct damage and summoning is a way better tactic.
-Adjusted priority gained to disjuction type overland spells from the presence of various enchantments again because the AI was dispelling far too much :
Eternal Night +40 (from 100)
Evil Omens +300 (Unchanged)
Zombie Mastery +10 (unchanged)
Suppress Magic +2000 (unchanged)
Nature's Wrath +400 (unchanged)
Chaos Surge +25 (from 100)
Doom Mastery +15 (unchanged)
Great Wasting +100 (instead of +50)
Meteor Storm +100 (unchanged)
Armageddon +200 (unchanged)
Tranquility +10 (instead of +20)
Life Force +25 (instead of +40)
Crusade +20 (from +50)
Holy Arms +10 (unchanged)
Divine Order +40 (instead of +80)
Charm of Life +25 (unchanged)
Aether Binding +3 (instead of 0)
Spells not listed had and still have no effect on AI casting disjuction.
-AI will use overland spells that have a slider (disenchant, disjunction) at 2x the base strength instead of 3x to conserve mana and reduce casting time, also to avoid the AI always dispelling eveything the player casts on first try which is far too unfun.
-Cracks Call does irrecoverable damage again. Heroes are too ustoppable with Resurrection otherwise.
-AI combat spellcasting decisions : Improved calculation for Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic True
-Swordsman hero has been completely redesigned into a spellcaster warrior (name not changed) because it was far too similar to the “Knight” hero (Leadership,Legendary,Constitution overlapping, 1 random fighter pick on each further increasing chance to gain each other's abilities)
New abilities : Armsmaster, Constitution, Agility, Blademaster, Caster (lv3), 2x random fighter abilities. Spells : Healing, Raise Dead.
-A minimum of +1 relations needed to “Break Alliance with” to be considered instead of +23, but the roll difficulty is still the same, and rather high. This is to allow using the option with success when the player has a large military superiorty but doesn't have the money or matching books to raise relations over neutral
-You can't ask for a declaration of war on someone the AI has an alliance with. You have to make them break the alliance first.
-Replaced code to calcualte relation bonus from gold tribute. It is now (1+random(3))*(Option Selected*2+1)/2. If you select the first menu item, you get 3-6 points, if you select the last one, 9-18 points. Although it looks like the first option is the most profitable, it isn't, because the amount needed gets raised after every offer.
-When your treaty gets broken due to the staying near AI towns with troops, it will now use event code 1Fh (breaking treaty because your units are near) instead of 5 (Breaking treaty through “Break Treaty” menu)
-When your treaty gets broken by attacking their units despite the warning message, you get even 20h (Breaking treaty because you attacked me) instead of event 5 (Breaking treaty through “Break Treaty” menu)
-When the event mentioned above is in queue and event 9 (attack on town) happens, it'll be upgraded to event 21h (breaking treaty because you attacked my city)
-The penalty for breaking a treaty by attacking has been reduced to -20. There is an additional, separate penalty if the attack causes any actual damage, or if a town is involved, anyway.
-The penalty for attacking a town (and failing to conquer it) has been increased to -25 from -20. These two changes are required to make it possible to upgrade the event, see above, the second penalty has to be higher.
-Negative diplomatic events will now fill the “event to mention when rejecting player's offer” variable which had correct effects, but wasn't actually used at all.
-New difficulty level modifiers on AI to AI diplomatc events : +30% positive and -10% negative effect per level above Normal. (Original was double positive, 0.33-1 on negative based on difficulty, bonus to positive was always applied) This means the hardest is 70% negative and 190% positive diplomatic modifier. The original modifiers were strong enough to make AI even ignore Spell of Mastery from other AI.
-Fixed bug : 10% chance to instantly declare war every turn the Spell of Mastery is being cast has no effect due to checking wrong parameter : Referred wizard ID=0Ah instead of Event type=0Ah
-When the AI decides there is a need for War but a treaty is in the way, there will be a 100% chance to break the treaty now instead of only 25-50%. Note that there will be a reason for the AI to call this procedure, it's not just on a whim, bad relations or other reasons are needed so having a chance of it taking no effect is unacceptable. Especially, as this is the only way the AI can break a treaty with another AI. The old effect still applies to Easy difficulty (where the original game never broke the treaty ever). The treaty already saves you from the declaration of war once, there is no need to further escalate this effect by not breaking it. Note that this is separate from the AI's reaction to player actions, this only applies to cases where the AI wants to start a war for some reason (mostly because you are a threat, the relations are bad, or you are already at war with their allies, or due to their militarist/expansionist objective)
-Fixed bug : War Needed and adjacent unit check for AI to AI diplomacy is not run every turn, instead of only once every 7-15 turns. Another reason why AI pacts never break.
-AI will skip the adjacent unit check in AI to AI diplomacy completely. They are unable to avoid going near each other's cities and this would pretty much make the pact between AI harmful to them instead of beneficial, as it would always break and generate a future penalty. The AI can do this to the player anyway, I see no reason why they shouldn't do it to other AI.
-When the AI complains about your units near their towns, if you do have a treaty, event code 16h will be used (Leave the area of my city or I break the treaty) instead of even code 49h (leave the area of my city)
-If you do something that triggers an AI warning event, and you have a treaty, event will get upgraded to “warning, treaty might get broken if you continue” event instead. Event 8 and 9 (attacking troops, cities) will not get upgraded, those actions already break the treaty so the text “I'll break the treaty if you keep attacking my cities” does not make sense, although it is present in the files.
-When the AI breaks treaty as a result of a “warning” event, the message will get upgraded to “Treaty broken because of X” events 20h-26h instead of not mentioning the broken treaty.
-Roll that determines whether the warning message is stored away and has consequences like breaking the treaty or declaring war on repeated offense is now checked for -50 total instead of -100. Treaty willingness modifier is halved for this roll. Roll is now personality+relation+hidden relation-d100+treaty interest/2<=-50. In general, the better the relationship, the more likely it is to suffer no consequences after the warning, but the roll is less influenced by the “mood” and more by the actual relations.
-AI will roll for random(25)<=Event severity to proceed with the warning message. This means that anything that causes a 25 or greater relation shift at once always shows the warning. (was 50 before and 75 initially) However, the above roll can still save you from the negative effects.
-Casting Evil Presence, Famine or Chaos Rift now causes a -6 diplomatic event instead of -5. Pestilence causes -10 instead of -8. Other spells unchanged.
-Further adjusted AI peace variable adjustment, now it was too slow and took forever before the AI was willing to consider a peace offer.
-Destroying enemy troops have halved effect on the peace willingness variable compared to other negative events.
-Fixed : Positive events have no effect on relations during war (should be negative only)
-Changed natural convergence of relations roll to allow reasonable effect even if relation is near extreme values. This is why “Hate” almost never improved on its own.
-Reduction of relationship point gain for having positive relation already is removed. Losses are still reduced at already negative relation, though. It's far harder to gain relations so there is no need for it do be that difficult (you only have the tribute option, waging war against someone they don't like, trading spells or using Aura of Majesty. These are all quite limited so a hard cap of halved effect above 24 points is...not fair. Especially with an automatic convergence to the starting relations, which means even if you do have a pact to improve relations, that is only enough to negate to automatic loss if it's not halved.)
-War declaration to player if relation is 30 or lower and he is in fewer wars than the difficulty level would prefer it has signifiactly lower chance of happening. Instead of (-Relation/10) out of 15, the chance is out of 60. This means a 5% chance per turn at -30 compared to the original 20% which is one in 5 turns, far too high. The war still will happen eventually, but this should help reducing the “everyone declares war at the same time” effect on turn 75 and spread it over a little. (War from militarists will still be almost immediate, and their allies will join soon as well to keep the player busy)
-AI to AI peace treaty now has an effect.
-AI will no longer declare war automatically on the AI ally's AI enemy instantly, instead they do it through the normal, 1/15 chance one that observes the effect of peace treaty. Without this, it's impossible for an AI to make peace with 2 members of an alliance, as war would immediately get redeclared before making peace with the second wizard too.
-Fixed : Game crashes when AI tries to cast Drain Power (problem with previous fix)
-Fixed : Player gets skill when the AI casts Drain Power. Note : this fix overwrites parts of code from subversion and cruel unminding, both already ermoved spells. Don't try to restore them by editing spelldat.lbx, they'll crash the game.
-Resurrection now costs 500 mana.
-Draconian Engineers can no longer fly. It seems like the AI uses them to build roads through water if they can.
-Fixed bug : When a wizard is casting the Spell of Return and is defeated before finishing, the spell keeps being cast, and on completion the wizard can start a new spell, which can trigger a “Spell of Mastery started” event from the no longer existing wizard. Who knows what side effects spells being cast by dead wizards had beyond that...
-The hiring cost of Chosen (which is never used anyway) is lowered to make sure the AI uses the unit on offense. It can be resummoned an infinite number of times so it's a bad strategy to keep it on defense.

Highlights :
New spell : Divine Order replacing Planar Seal. Makes enchantments cheaper globally as well as raising the cost on summons and combat spells. A quite double edged weapon that benefits Life more than others, but is risky to use even so because the benefits also apply to everyone. The AI is fully aware of the effect and will try to take advantage of it. When the AI casts this spell, it considers owned book realms as well as realms of everyone else, and the diplomatic status with them, and will cast the spell only if it's beneficial for themselves. The assumption is the spell helps Life and hinders Death and Chaos realms most.
-Hidden To Hit bonuses that apply to all attacks on the units are now visible. If you don't see a To Hit bonus you expect, that means the unit has at least one attack type the bonus doesn't work with.
-Thrown Weapons no longer ignore Weapon Immunity
-All cost modifiers now apply to variable cost spells as well. However, they don't apply to spells cast by heroes or other units in combat.
-Nature Awareness no longer comes with Detect Magic automatically (insecticide bug/feature, I think it was only intended for the RVL cheat)
-AI with negative personality will use overland curses and spells of destruction much more frequently, while positive personality reduces this chance more.
-When you move a stack manually and there is a unit on the target cell that's already out of movement, or a unit in the stack runs out, the entire unit will not lose all movement points for that turn (in other words the game will not assume you want to hit "Done" unless you do so)

-Trolls can move 2.
-Wraithform has 2 new additional benefits : Magical Weapons (no hit bonus) and Poison Immunity.
-AI will trade spells with you somewhat less frequently
-AI will be slightly less interested in using disjunction type spells and will spend less mana into them. It's not very fun to play the game if every enchantment always gets dispelled immediately. It isn't really beneficial for them to do so instead of using other, more important spells like summoning Great Wyrms or spamming Call of the Void.
-Cracks Call damage is irrecoverable again
-Swordsman hero got new stats, abilities and if you use that option, name and portrait. It was far too redundant and almost identical to the Knight.
-Unknown is now a hero not a champion
-AI will now actually try to uphold the peace treaty while it lasts with other AI instead of ignoring it and restarting the war anyway.
-AI will now break treaties with or declare war on other AI more frequently as needed instead of only checking for that 10 times less often than to the player.

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