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PBEM 7 - Team Contest (4 x 2) - discussion

(November 30th, 2017, 20:54)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Okay, guys, like I said, this is my first time using the client, and I got confused about what to do after finishing my turn - I tried saving the game first, not realizing it would automatically do that after I hit end turn. I figured it out after the client yelled at me for doing that, but, uh, Singaboy, let me know if you have any issues.

From my experience, if the save passes it will work.

Obviously you did the right thing as the save is with me (am at work and won't play until evening here (around 10/11am GMT)

Chevalier, if you can play within the next 30 min, I could play before heading for work, else I can't play for the next 15 hours frown

I only just walked in the door from work, Singaboy. I should have the turn played and uploaded in five minutes. :/
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Thanks mate!

Hey everyone, I have a personal/family matter that has arisen, and believe it would be wise for me to step away from this game for the time being. Sullla has been dedlurking, and he and Singaboy agreed it would work for him to take over until I'm able to return. I just wanted to announce that openly so everyone knows I'll be transitioning over to him.

On a related note, has anyone changed the player for a game in PYDT before? I can see how to do it with me still signed up, just changing my email in the website to his email, and giving him the "secret key" so he can have the tracker application work. It will just still show up as my name. Done anyone know of a better/alternate approach?

No worries, Brick. Take care of what you need to take care of, I hope everything works out for you.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

I think you can contact the PYDT host to change a player. See this post:

Hope everything will be well in the future, Brickastley.

Well, now we are to 2 veterans and 3 teams of semi-veteran/1 newbie.

Is it too late to ask for a handicap?

@Archduke, we all hope that BRick will be back to play his turns as soon as his private situation permits, but it would be for his own best if someone takes over. As Sullla has been dedlurking our thread, he will take over the turns for the time being.

If things work out well, BRick might be back by February, roughly 60 turns from now. I hope you guys are fine with this. Not sure what handicap would be fair to start with. And, it's safe to say, that some teams consisting of more than semi-veterans + dedlurkers should be doing just fine.

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