Very awesome.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman
- William Tecumseh Sherman
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
( SPOILERS ) Superdeath wins a pitboss.
Very awesome.
"I know that Kilpatrick is a hell of a damned fool, but I want just that sort of man to command my cavalry on this expedition."
- William Tecumseh Sherman
A thread worthy of all the praise! :D
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48.
So i did a thing:
![]() And got ALL MY LUCK dumped into this one battle... lol All the spear fights other than the last one, were all 15-22% fights. The withdraws? They did damage, none of that "withdraw but not a scratch on the spear" kinda thing. Damn, thats going to be hard for AT to look at lol! ![]() How this side of the empire looks as i prepare for a possible counter attack. The axe you see on the hill to the north of Mars killed a worker that was half a turn away from completing a road giving him an easier from-the-fog hit. If he has a chariot in range of the axe, i clean up the chariot.. otherwise the axe might go deeper, OR get ready to defend. All depends on what AT does. Also, Krill declared on Mr.Cairo last turn right before he killed GKC. Mr.Cairo sent me Iron-iron as well. Cant they see that i cant join either side right now? Krill has 400 more units than i do, and most of them WE's. Mr.Cairo's land is straight suicide for me to grab. AT must be stopped before he techs to knights. Which... i hope to beat him to OR at least arrive there about the same time. Great scientist pops EOT, which will be used for a GA to rush thru fued and most of machinery i hope. Which just leaves either possible Research builds, or saving a ton of gold to finish guilds. Either way, i am liking my position so long as AT doesnt have a magical 20 unit stack ready to hit me already. God send if he accepts peace. Turn all cities onto research builds? Hell yes. Move catapults into position to slam whatever AT brings onto flat ground? Yup. Fireworks are here boys. ![]() ![]() ![]() -Lost MC's graphs... dont care to have them-
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48. (January 21st, 2020, 13:45)Zalson Wrote: Do you have a settler ready to replace? When will you settle the fish/iron spot? Settling this turn. Had one moved to the better hill city right after the raze. I hope to settle the Fish/iron city in like... 20t since i dont know if the barb galley that refuses to move from his 2 tile paradise will go straight for my workboat if i send that out again. Because if it does after moving back and forth for 15t in a row, ill probably break my keyboard. So, i have to build a trireme to HOPEFULLY beat this galley. Then build a galley... then a workboat/settler. So, could be awhile as my production in that city is rather low. Same with its food. Same with my prospects of winning this game. ![]() Thats his garrison in his holy city. Interesting. Id need probably 20 keshiks to 2t that city "from the fog" Sent AT a peace offer instead of the cease fire that he sent. I dont want a cease fire, serves no real purpose ![]() In a golden age, not even #1 in gnp or production.. . . . . I really want to know what the rest of his land looks like. ![]() Units for days! ![]()
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48. ![]() a turn old, but next turn will be interesting. Ill be swapping most of my high production cities to research ( ive caught upto KRILL in power, and ive got the best promos... so ??? win? ) ![]() ![]() I 1t'd Machinery, and im hopeful to 3t Fued. Allowing me to pop into vassalage for some extra exp on my catapults. If i dont get declared on/see a massive spike from AT... ill be build researching my way to Guilds. Knights > all. Although ill make sure to get a large number (20-30?) keshiks to 2t WAITWAIT of AT's. That shrine is powering him fairly well. After that.... knights till i win, or get dogpiled? Although as you can see from the screenshot, i dont trust Krill to not de-facto end this game by tag teaming me. ![]()
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48. ![]() My rough tech path. I should be able to get Guilds in 4t thanks to massive overflow from fued. I had to swap some research builds to wealth, but i think i have it to where i can sustain some good teching power to get knights-engineering, and just win via knights. I dont think anyone else is close to them, ill have 3 promo knights vs probably someone with pikes/WE's. Hopefully 3 promos allows me to eat something. Maybe Mr.Cairo and Krill will clash and i can take Krill out? Dunno! Its all a mystery to me as well
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48.
Looks like a simple plan to me. Simple is good, as it is hard for the other players to stop you from executing it. I would say knights into AT first as he is threat later with his great economy.
My singleplayer balance mod of BTS:
Trouble with that is, he can more easily counter with pikes as he is teching quite fast. Im hoping to get tech vis on him soon, by which time i can see if he already has engineering when we get guilds. Ideally... yeah id love to hit him. I still kinda want to sacrifice 20+ keshiks to burn his shrine city.. BUT its more likely to be a stack of death approach with WE's/keshiks/cats in one stack and a butt ton of knights going the otherway. I was 1st in power at the turn roll, and then Krill got slightly more power the next turn. So ive caught up in power fairly quickly without the need for whips. We have enough power IMO to prevent death, so going full research/wealth builds to get knights ASAP is likely our only choice if we want a chance to win.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48. ![]() Last turn of GA demos. ![]() Our main stack to counter whatever dumb shit steps onto flat land. Spy is going to go find out where/what his stack is. Also what defenses i might encounter should i send 10-12 keshiks thru Mr.Cairo. Really, im hoping i can see a reason to keep my keshilks alive for possible upgrades or sneaky Over-the-hills kinda attacks that only keshiks can do. 3 promo WE's + cat support makes me sad that i didnt just make 30 WE's like Krill and slam them into AT. Also swapped us into HR/Vassalage because A: extra exp for easier promos after combat, and B: lowered our costs!
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow.
![]() -Old Harry. PB48. |