Brian Shanahan Wrote:As regards the D site it may be better to split the two gems, putting D 1 west to get Odio's, 3 FP's and the more northern gems, and putting a second city down by the Rice (possibly 1NE) to get the other.
Odio's only works within the BFC of a city IIRC and IMO two strong cities are probably better than one amazing one.
Just a thought.
Sounds doable, but I doubt Odio's def bonus would be of any use in this particular area. Also, I'd rather have one great and one mediocre city to take full advantage of mulitplier bonuses, but there's no threat of having to found a mediocre city in the near future - there are Dyes available in the south, third Gems SE and still many of flood plains.
The settler is out. Another one in production, with Epsom taking care of delivering workers.
Now where would city #5 go? I was thinking of making it work lots of FP and riverside grasslands to take advantage of incoming Aristocracy (in about 15 turns). I'm fond of the yellow spot on the map below, it could work 3FP and at least 4 grasslands. OTOH it means settling on the Sheep and no space for one more city between yellow and D. The area could be divided into 2 cities, one ie. 3N of the yellow dot (only 13 workable tiles, but that's enough in my book) and another maybe 2S1E of the yellow dot.
The red dot is slightly worse, with 2 FP and 2 grasslands. Possible sites are also in the south, a city over there could work Dyes and the Rice Brian mentioned, or Dyes and Gems a bit more east.
Serdoa adopted FIN and has Currency (bulbed I guess). His GNP was 120+ last turn, this turn only 85, probably after switching to 0% research. Someone's MFG almost doubled, reaching our level. It must be the Clan's, not Illian - we're ex aequo in MFG and got the second place, only possible if the other guy is later in the turn order. Not good. Demos: