Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Turn Tracking Thread


Eastern Dealers:

And the surroundings:

Eastern Dealers can be attacked by Knights on T176.
Cannons can hit it on T177.

Unless someone knows how to speed up the Great Person, it gets born beginning of T176.
If CFC moves enough Knights towards Eastern Dealers on T175, the Great Person is toast. I even tested out to set a rally point, but it does not work on Great Persons.

In a worst case scenario we face up to 16 knights at Eastern Dealer on T176. Nothing we do will hold against that.
The only chance we have is, to bolster the defence to make them wait for the cannons and not rush in the Knights.

We can draft a musket in Simple Life and Forbidden Fruit this turn and move them towards Eastern Dealers this turn and into Eastern Dealers on T175.
There is also a knight we can move into Eastern Dealers this turn.
I plan to move the Great General into that direction as well. The plan is to draft a musket out of Mansa Muse and move it towards Eastern Dealers. Merge it with the Great General and move into Eastern Dealers, then free-upgrade to Rifle in the city. We can merge the GG onto the Musket inside Forbidden Fruit, to sprinkle the XP onto a Forbidden Fruit draft Rifle and a Mansa Muse drafted Rifle on T175.
You see that corn and gold tile at Mansa not roaded? Sucks! Otherwise I could sprinkle the XP onto the two drafted muskets (see above) from this turn, so all the 20XP from the GG fight at Eastern Dealers on T176. Can't be helped. Lost too many workers. And what we have around was farming until last turn. smile

If we whip the Pike in Eastern Dealers, we lose one workable tile. That will mess with the foodbox end of T175. When the city starves one citizens is removed every turn. But will it remove a worked tile or a specialist? And will it check for starvation before or after the Great Person points are credited? Codedigger?
We can also draft Eastern Dealers this turn for a Musket. And then draft again next turn for a Rifle. The ED Pike, drafted Musket and drafted Rifle can only be done if the starvation does not mess with the specialists.

So what can we have inside ED to defend on T176:
Musket 15% Fortify
Musket (T174 draftee from Simple Life)
Musket (T174 draftee from Cutting Edge)
Rifle (T174 musket draftee from Mansa Muse upgraded by Great General) with some XP for promos
Axe 25% Fortify
Axe (moved from Covenant)
War Chariot C1 (moved from Simple Life)

Everything on a hill (+25%def) behind 60% culture (CFC cannot revolt us I think, but who knows, maybe they ask Apolyton to do it?)

In addition to that we can get a
Pike (ED whip T174)
Musket (ED draftee T174)
Rifle (ED draftee T175)

Alternatively we 1pop whip a wall in ED this turn (when we get our Stones back from CFC this turn). Will be meaningless at T177 when the cannons attack, but might hold off enough Knights to get our Great person to safety. A CGI Rifle on a hill behind walls against C2 Knights should get pretty good odds. If you put 60% culture on top of that ...

It all depends on how bold CFC decides to be with their Knights next turn.
They could even take Forbidden Fruit T176! That's how fucked we are.

OK, any ideas are welcome.

As for the troops in the west:
Civplayers takes a breath, it seems. And I would like to have enough troops around to force Apolyton not to split their stack and take cities at double the current rate, or if they actually do split their stack, to hit one of it.

Moving everything we have to the west just to hold against CFC comes like 5 turns too late. We knew what was coming and we decided to fight in the west with the troops we have.
Moving them now will just have them out of combat for 3-4 turns. Not good.
If we can instead use them to deflect Apolyton northwards, that would help.

Also it looks like I will be playing the turns now. I am on GMT+1 time and away over the weekend.
That means I will play tomorrow morning and end turn close to turn roll. Will then post at CFC to ask for CFC, Civplayers or Apolyton to not finish their turns early, but rather let the 36hours tick down. The remaining 36 hours should be enough for me to be back at my machine Sunday night and play with a few hours to spare. If that does not work, we will have to ask for pause again.

As for diplo, feel free to unleash your hate onto CFC after the actual DoW. But remember, its a game, and we were just outplayed. We knew other teams would use the espionage system, we knew CFC is good at playing a shady diplo game. We walked into this with open eyes. CFC pillaged roads, so ... do you really want to start a debate with CFC about the fine print of the NAP contract? Any fun in this?
I will hold the fort to my best abilities and try to do updates. No streaming, though.
I am only a mediocre player and if people could answer the odd mechanics question, that would help.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

T175 early:
We lost Denial of Nile as expected to the big Apolyton Rifle stack.
And this is the Apolyton front. They split their stack.

Nothing we can do about the two big stacks. But we can hit those three Rifles and the cat on the Hill at PETA with our large cat and mace stack. At least we start hitting back somewhat and get our maces into play. Thoughts?
In other news, there is an Apolyton cannon now! yikes
Apolyton is going to take three cities from us next turn:

Doppelgänger is gone. I suggest drafting one last Rifle out of it which then retreats. Unless you feel that we should keep it on the Doppelgänger hill to trade maybe one of their rifles for it? I don't like this idea, though. Rather retreat and form a stack of our own.
After drafting the only worthwhile thing to whip is a spy, as it won't get killed instantly next turn.
Once Doppelgänger is gone, they can road the tile 2SW of War paint with the two workers in Beyaz Penyar and take War Paint with a single Horse Archer from the tile 2W of Doppelgänger. We cannot get a unit into War Paint unfortunately to hold it for one more turn. Again, I suggest whipping a spy as a last action here.
And there is finally a galley up in the north. If there is a unit on it, which will be the case, it will take Dom Dilemma.
So, nice progress for Apolyton. But I rather have them taking the German lands than rushing our core.

Here the Civplayers front:

They are forming another Cuirassier stack. There is also mobility Cuirassier in there, which could hit Frozen Jungle if we are careless, or PETA Crusader.

And here the CFC attack:
Yeah, the plan to whip those walls in Eastern Dealers, Starfall and Forbidden Fruit to stop rushing Knights last turn did not work out, as apparently the walls got made obsolete by Rifling before they got built. So that's a lot of pop wasted, because the hammers vanished completely. Not overflowed into anything else. That sucks big time. Bug?!
I of course blame all you pro players for not pointing this out last turn.

First Starfall, which still stands, despite the walls desaster.

CFC is not risking their Knights and is waiting for the slow cannons. Fine.
We retreat the Starfall troops westwards. Might decide to pillage a road to prevent the Knights from chasing.
One last draft from Starfall as well and a Spy whip.

Eastern Dealers:

Big stack incoming. But I think we can put enough defenders into Eastern Dealers to prevent the Knights from taking the city early next turn after the Great Person is born.

There are also a couple of CFC Knights headed north towards WPC lands. Not sure whether they are part of a wide flanking operation.

And this is us in full Rifle mode.

I reckon we can get 7-10 Rifles per turn via production, whipping, upgrades and drafting.

And here is what we are facing:

Another decision: I would like to use some of our cash to upgrade worthy Muskets to Rifles in crucial positions. That will delay paying back UCiv, but half a dozen Rifles might make a difference to holding onto a couple of commerce cities a while longer.
Can someone count how much cash we got from UCiv?
We are making ~250 per turn. Will be more once we decide to go into a Golden Age.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

T176 early:
Oh boy!

Enemy advancing on all fronts.
We lost an important battle against CFC, where they attacked our Rifle with a Knight at 10% odds and won, which exposed the little stack to more damage and losses.

In the west a spy destroyed a jungle road with one of our larger stack on it. They must have been really lucky to have a spy close by or maybe we are just swamped by enemy spies.

Massive Civplayers stack approaching Frozen Jungle. Probably going to fall next turn.
Also two stacks at PETA, also going to fall.

Counter-espionage was run against us as well.

I will gift the Great Spy to UniverCiv.

Will post pictures tomorrow. But our downfall is really just dictated by how quickly they can move through our lands.
I will deal damage and create little resistance pockets where feasible, but triple promo Cuirassier, ouch.



T176 early: (picdump)

What happened this turn:

Bottom to top:
Our remaining Axe in Starfall almost killed the attacking CFC Chariot. Almost. Starfall is taken.
Apolyton moved as expected and took Doppelgänger, roaded and took War Paint. Dom Dillemma was boated.
Civplayers attacked into our territory, killing the two units I retreated from the jungle tile, Near Frozen Jungle (from the tile CFC pillaged)
They also attacked PETA with two Cuirassiers.
All these battles where in favour of our enemies.
Then CFC got really lucky and attacked the retreating Starfall garrison deep into our territory, killing the single Rifle there with a Knight at 10% odds, getting a Great General in the process, which was born close to the front lines. frown
Then its Knights vs. Muskets and a single redline Musket survives and covers the two workers on the same tile.
CFC also changed to Bureaucracy. Not sure what's up with that, they have not spent any espionage points towards us, to revolt us out of Nationhood and they are not close yet to the Great Spy from Communism.

What we are facing:

In the west it is a mix of Rifles, Cuirassiers and Cannons.
In the east Knights, Cannons and Muskets. CFC also has Chemistry for Grenadiers.

The Western Front:

Highlighted it the massive Civplayers stack at Frozen Jungle. That's enough Cuirassiers to taken Frozen Jungle next turn.

Two massive stacks at PETA Crusaders. Combined Civplayers and Apolyton troops. Nothing we can do there.
Also scattered single Rifles on jungle hills. Again nothing we can do there.
We have two semi sized stacks in the jungle. The left one (4S of Denial of Nile; Muskets and Cats) got its road sabotaged, so is completely crippled in its movement.
The right stack (Maces and Cats) has two workers with it to road and move.


I suggest giving up PETA Crusaders and piling what we have into Frozen Jungle.

Eastern Dealers:

We can get more troops into ED to attack this turn and defend next turn. Using up one GG in the process as well. We can get 4 Rifles with promotions to attack the top Cannons this turn. If all goes well, that leaves them with 3-4 Cannons to eat through the 60% cultural defense or attack into the city up a hill.
I suggest doing some damage this turn, trying to make sure the city holds next turn, then retreat North West with what remains, before the second CFC stack comes into play. ED will be drafted and whipped to size 3 this turn.

Focal Point:

This is the stack that attacked and almost wiped the Starfall garrison.
We have units in the area and a GG, which I suggest to use and get another Rifle into play (upgrading a Musket) to take out all the cannons and then chew away on that stack.

As for our Great Spy:
For Cavalry we need Music and MilTrad. Only available from Civplayers. Civplayers just ran counter-espionage against us. Our Great Spy takes 4 turns to Mano y Mano to be used against Civplayers. Spies we can get there in time as well.
So say we have the techs in 5 turns, to start building Cavalry. Cav costs 120 hammers. Horse Feathers can do 3 turn Cavs in an ideal world. ( say 7 turns from now for the first couple of Cav out of Horse Feathers and Adventure One, if we are creative with pre-built Knights).
Problem #1: We are reduced to a single source of Horses. Nicely tucked away in the south. But we know our lands are flooded with Spies. So we would have to keep a worker team on it every turn.
Problem #2: Horse Feathers will not survive 7 turns. And I also doubt Adventure One will see T183.

Cannons from CFC? We need Chemistry and Steel. We can pull that off in CFC lands in a few turns (for the stationary discount).
But what do we do with a few Cannons? We don't have enough hitters. And also where do we build Cannons in a meaningful time?

By the same token we will definitely not be able to pay UniCiv back the money they lent us, not even talking about the interest rate. We are currently doing 300gpt which will plummet steeply if we continue drafting and whipping and losing cities.
Gifting the Great Spy only seems fair and makes us fell less bad if we upgrade the odd Musket to Rifle for cash.

Espionage points (20ept) go towards CFC currently. We can get a couple of spies into their capital and poisoning water or something if you want that.
Great General points are at 87/150.

Not waving a white flag, just facing an overwhelming amount of enemies.



T176 Combat:
The Fields of Focal Point:
Rifle C2 vs. Cannon Drill2 83% WIN (we hit the CFC Cannon 4 times in a row down to 8/100HP, then they hit us 5 times in a row down to 4/100HP, then we kill it. Phew!)
Rifle C1 vs Cannon Drill2 69% WIN
Rifle C1 vs Cannon 77% WIN
Knight C1 vs Cannon 33% WIN (Knight almost unharmed!!!) This was a complete gamble, but getting rid of their collateral on this section of the front is crucial.
Cat CR1 vs Knight C1 3% LOSS (Knight hit once)
Cat CR1 vs Musket C1 4% LOSS (Musket hit once)
Knight C1 vs Knight C2 (injured) 83% WIN

At Eastern Dealers:
Rifle C1 vs. Cannon Drill2 69% LOSS
Rifle C1 vs. Cannon Drill2 69% WIN
Rifle C1 vs. Cannon Drill2 69% LOSS
Bugger, that leaves them two more Cannons than planned for to reduce the cultural defense to 0% and then still have collateral to deal out. And we are two Rifles short on the defense that would have needed killing.
Retreat time.

Now, we are 9 XP short of a GG. We will likely get it during the first half of the next turn when defending. But since we will lose three cities next turn I don't want to risk the GG being born in one of them and being killed.
So I will do some reckless Mace vs Rifle combats hoping to luck out and get those 9XP in this turn to safeguard the GG.
Will start at PETA Crusaders, as those units will not make it to safety next turn anyway.
Mace C1 (slightly injured) vs. Rifle 3% LOSS
Mace C2 (slightly injured) vs. Rifle 3% LOSS
Mace C2 (injured) vs. Rifle 1% LOSS
Mace (injured) vs. Rifle 1% LOSS
Musket vs. Rifle 10% LOSS
Drafted German Rifle vs. Rifle 25% WIN
Mace vs. HA C2 70% WIN --> Recaptured War Paint! smile
1 bloody XP short of the GG.
Musket vs. Cuirassier C1 Pinch (injured) 39% LOSS
Musket vs. Rifle (injured) 45% LOSS
Musket vs. Rifle (injured) 45% LOSS
Musket vs. Rifle (injured) 45% LOSS
Musket vs. Janissary 50% LOSS
Sigh! A tad bit unlucky there.
Couple of War Chariot vs. injured knight 9% LOSS
Musket vs. Knight 10% odds WIN
GG born in Focal Point!
Which merges with a Rifle to hit the injured CFC stack once more. And sprinkles some XP on another Rifle and a Musket, that will see combat next turn.
Rifle C1 Morale vs. Musket C1 97% WIN

Gifted 100gold to UniverCiv.
Great Spy en-route to UniverCiv.
We will lose next turn:
Eastern Dealers
Frozen Jungle
PETA Crusaders
War Paint (again)

Pictures and the plan for the "Big Starfall Counterattack" to come later.

Ended turn.

And we are no longer top of the score, CivFr is. So surely people should stop attacking us right now, no? wink



T176 late:

Southern CFC front:

I expect them to retreat their heavily wounded stack into Starfall, reinforce this with everything they have in Lokapara. And also some Knights after Eastern Dealers falls. They will most likely also bolster the defenses somehow with their Great General. Sprinkle some XP to heal/promote Muskets, I guess.

We have the stack, four more knights (green circles) and a Rifle + Musket (at the mountain pass) that can threaten Starfall next turn.
As you can see there are plenty of workers with that stack in case CFC decides to pillage roads in order to slow our approach towards Starfall.
There is nothing on the galley.

Their Knights at Eastern Dealers can hit the mountain pass couple (C2 Rifle, C2 Musket) (violet arrow) and/or reinforce Starfall. In any case every knight that does not proceed northwards past Eastern Dealers is a plus.

Northern CFC front:
Eastern Dealers falls next turn.

The two injured cannons are still good to bombard unfortunately. Would have loved to win those two battles and have the surviving two Rifles in ED for more pain.
The big yellow line is our borders after ED falls, showing the movement options the Knights have.
The red circle top right has two CFC knights on a dubious mission. Since they could potentially attack The Covenant on T178 a cheap Pike is ordered up there.
They have 8 Knights at ED and lots of options: Threaten The Covenant, threaten Forbidden Fruit, killing the Mountain Pass guard or reinforcing Starfall. Or they just stick with the Cannons.


I decided against autopromote, although that would have helped those two redlined units at War Paint making the re-capture by Apolyton more painful. But I rather have control over all the promos due at Starfall.
In any case we have the option to re-take War Paint yet again with a Rifle and Mace should the odds favour us.


Sad. Will try to hold Horse Feathers and Adventure One.

Shrinking Numbers:
To the last bullet ...

They have certainly succeeded in taking us down a notch.

We should just post this on CFC and ask them take on the Frenchies now! smile

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Turn 177 early:
We lost all 4 cities as expected.


Interesting. At least they had to pull back all their Knights and their second Cannon stack to Starfall.
That stack has 9 Cannons.
Starfall will get back to 60% cultural defense upon liberating. If we pile our stack into Starfall, they will need 4 Cannons to bombard the 60% down and then still have 5 Cannons to collateral the stack and a shitload of Knights to mop up.
We can hit the Cannons this turn with 2 Rifles, 1 Musket and 4 Knights, I think. Not enough to reduce the collateral potential as only the two Rifles have decent odds.
So in a best case scenario we have ~12 decent defenders (Rifles and Muskets) in Starfall facing 3 Cannons dealing collateral damage and then all those Knights and Muskets. I don't think that will work.

I suggest trying to get rid of the three blocking Muskets, take Starfall and put 2-3 Rifles in it, so they have to use their Cannons to retake it. Put the rest of the stack 1NE to the mountain pass tile as they can hit both Starfall and teh CFC stack tile next turn.




T 177 late:

Liberated Starfall with a wounded musket. Then attacked the three musket rearguard:
Rifle C2, Morale vs Musket C1 93% WIN
Knight C1 vs. Musket 89% WIN
Musket vs. Musket 71% WIN

We will lose Starfall again and Summer Breeze.

Pics to come tomorrow.
We are likely to fight big battles next turn, possibly on both fronts.

Also WPC is allowing CFC troops through to hit us from the NE.
WPC might even road tiles specifically to hasten CFC unit movements.

I don't think we have ruled that out specifically in our NAP, but it runs the wrong way. We could mount a short punishment strike against WPC taking one of their more mature (cough) border cities with a couple of knights. Thoughts?



T 177 late:
pic dump:

2 CFC knights flanking through WPC territory:

Luckily there is a jungle. So even if CFC told WPC to road that tile, they actually don't get anything from it.
I don't care much about WPC. I hope they get swallowed by UniverCiv.

Rapidly running out of draft potential:

Tech situation:

Northern Germany guerilla warfare:

If Apolyton moves according to plan, we could recap Don Dilemma. Just to keep their forces (10 Rifles!) occupied for a bit longer.

Speed Racer:

Apolyton captured Speed Racer with a stray Chariot that I overlooked. However, Speed Racer will still be in the grasp of our culture, inhibiting their movements. And we could liberate it again for one turn with a Knight, unless they razed it (they have either razed Speed Racer or Summer Breeze).


I hope to have the Rifles attack those cannons near Starfall, if they are anywhere in range.

Horse Feathers:

Assembling a stack to hit them with next turn. Positioned most of the units at the tile labelled "cat stage" to cover most of their advances. If they happen to have a spy parked on that tile to pillage the roads, I am screwed, as I don't have workers in range to instant road the tile back.

Nothing in the south. I am surprised that Civplayer has not probed our defenses there with a few Cuirassiers.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

T178 early

CFC actually razed Starfall, denying us the chance to recapture it and hit their big army. Good for them. We currentlly cannot hit their stack which sits 2tiles inside their culture.
They also have Grenadiers around and whipped like 17 of them last turn it seems.

But, they only defend Eastern Dealers with 4 promoted muskets ... and we have a lot more units around that can hit Eastern Dealers than they think, since we also have 10 workers in position.

If the RNG does not screw us over, we can spring a nasty surprise on CFC, potentially recapturing Eastern Dealers and then hitting their Cannon stack with as many Rifles as possible before Grenadiers will shut down anything on that front.

In the West there also a tiny chance that we can recapture Frozen Jungle. Very risky, but we have nothing to lose, anyway.

In the North Apoylton has reinforced Dom Dilemma with two shipped-in Rifles and we will probably lose all German cities in the next two turns.

Speed Racer was indeed razed.

WPC did not road that tile and the two CFC Knight have not moved, no doubt thinking they are not visible to us. Waiting to surprise attack.



59/180 GG points at the start of our turn.
Liberation of Eastern Dealers.
Used 6 workers to road three tiles.

We can get 6 Knights, 3 Muskets, one Rifle and one War Chariot to attack the four Muskets in ED.
Best odds are 50% as both the C2 Rifle and the Pinch Knights are wounded. Hope for the best!
Knight C1 Pinch vs Musket C1 Pinch 51% LOSS
Knight C1 Pinch vs Musket C1 Pinch 50% WIN
Rifle GG C2 Morale vs Musket C1 60% LOSS (shit!)
Knight C1 vs Musket C1 32% LOSS
Knight vs Musket C1 (wounded) 86% WIN
Knight vs Musket C1 Pinch (wounded) 94% WIN
Musket C1 vs Musket C1 (wounded) 100% WIN

Eastern Dealers liberated!
Cultural defense did not reset to 60% but rather 4%, I guess because CFC bombarded it down couple of turns ago.
And amazingly the important tile next to the CFC stack actually did flip back to our culture, although its no longer in any of our cities rings. Culture tile bug?
Anyway, we now have the chance to hit up to 10 Cannons!
We risk losing our army there on the counterattack next turn, but we will face Grenadiers anyway in a couple of turns, so why not. We are not fighting in our culture though and we will leave at least 5 Cannons alive plus all the Knights. Hold back and rather defend and wait for them to enter into our borders? And deny them the chance to quick-fork lots of cities with those 10 Knights?
Their stack:

Our stack:

I am leaning slightly towards holding back. Not that we can muster a lot more forces in that area, but we can keep them on their toes for a few more turns, whereas if we go in, we might kill 10 Cannons, but will lose the ability to defend in the East straight away.


Meanwhile in the West:
We can finally hit an enemy stack with our catapults and follow it up by hitters.
We are going to attack Frozen Jungle.
Their Frozen Jungle garrison:

All those City Raider Cats go in first:
Cat CR2 vs Cuirassier C1 Charge 3% LOSS 4 hits!
Cat CR1 vs Rifle 3% LOSS 1 hit
Cat CR1 vs Cuirassier C2 Pinch 3% LOSS no hit
Cat CR1 vs Cuirassier C2 Pinch 3% LOSS 1 hit
Cat CR1 vs Rifle Drill1 8% LOSS 2 hits Civplayer GG born far, far away (Tenochtitlan)
Cat CR1 vs Cuirassier C2 Pinch 10% 2 hits
Cat CR1 vs Rifle 19% LOSS 2 hits
Cat Barrage vs Cuirassier C2 Pinch 19% WITHDRAW 3 hits

Looks like we will be at least one unit short of capturing Frozen Jungle. GG is to far away (90XP)
Clearing the hilll N-NW of Horse Feather to allow our small stack to attack Frozen Jungle as well, just in case.
Three suicide Cats failing to hit.
Rifle vs Rifle Guerilla1 11% LOSS
One more suicide Cat LOSS 3 hits!
Rifle vs Rifle C1 Pinch (wounded) 44% WIN
Mace vs Rifle Guerilla 1 (wounded) 71% WIN
(In hindsight that was a bit wasteful and unnecessary.)

Now to try to kill as many important units in Frozen Jungle as possible without exposing our top units to next turns counter attack. So I will hold onto the double promo Rifles and attack with low XP Rifles and Muskets until I clear out the triple promo Cuirassiers and Rifles. We are short one unit to liberate Frozen Jungle even if we win all battles, so they can keep it with all those injured Pikes.
Rifle C1 vs Cuirassier C1 Pinch 99% WIN
Rifle vs Rifle Drill1 96% WIN
Rifle vs Cuirassier C2 Pinch 97% WIN
Musket vs Rifle 87% WIN
Musket vs Cuirassier C1 Charge 89% WIN
Musket vs Pike C2 91% WIN

Now the 4 Cats start to defend and I think that's a good point to break off the attack. No point exposing more units to death next turn just to get those two last Cuirassiers.
Frozen Jungle at the moment:

Or shall I try to get rid of those Cats? Our stack NE of Frozen Jungle will be hit next turn with loads of Cuirassiers. I will autopromote them to make it more painful, but it will still die. Worth getting rid of their collateral? They have 6 Cats and one Cannon that can hit our stack NE of FJ next turn, of which we can safely take out 4 Cats in FJ itself by committing 4 more Muskets.



T178 late:
No further attacks. Auto promoted exposed unit on turn roll.
Great Spy gifted to UniverCiv.

We are going to lose two German cities next turn.

In terms of relevant military units we are outnumbered 1-2.5 roughly. And that is before the dozen Grenadiers of CFC will show up.

Ended turn.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

T179 early:
And here the disaster in east:
Quote:While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Indian Khalid ibn al-Walid!
Eastern Dealers (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Indian Empire!!!

You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Cannon!
You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your William the Conqueror!
You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Grenadier!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Musketman has killed a Ottoman Janissary!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Knight has killed a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Knight was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Knight was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Knight was destroyed by a Indian Eran!
You have suffered collateral damage! (4 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
While defending, your Maceman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
You have suffered collateral damage! (4 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
You have suffered collateral damage! (2 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
Your Catapult been killed from a Aztec El Cid flank attack
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
A El Cid has damaged 1 of our units by flanking our defensive positions.
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Chariot!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec El Cid!
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your War Chariot!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Indian Matrix!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
William the Conqueror has died in combat!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your William the Conqueror was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Musketman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Pikeman!
While defending, your War Chariot was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
A Knight has damaged 1 of our units by flanking our defensive positions.
Jeanne d'Arc (Great General) has been born in Raj (CFC)!
While defending, your Catapult was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Radishes was destroyed by a Indian promotion its amisclick!
While defending, your Catapult was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
Inao has declared war on you!
While defending, your Scout was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
Soyuz (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Apolyton Empire!!!
You have suffered collateral damage! (4 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
Francisco Pizarro (Great General) has been born in Aurora (lizzy)!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!

There would have been zero combat with CFC, if not for that oversight. cry

In the West we are facing two large stacks. CivFr decalred war as well, btw.
One Stack is going to take Horse Feathers. The other Tree Huggers.
Which on e to hit in a last attack with Cats? Apolyton or CivFr?
CivFr & CivPlayers stack outside Horse Feather:

Apolyton & Civplayers stack outside Tree Huggers:

I am going to play the turns more quickly now. Not much more to do really rather than hit and run and hide.
I have a week in October in which I am unlikely to play, so maybe this can be wrapped up before.



T 179 late:

Some bad luck with the RNG at Horse Feathers.
Killed our first CivFr unit.
Cleaned up some injured enemies with obsolete units. Yay, Goldilocks warrior.

Going to lose three cities next turn most likely. Horse Feathers and Tree Huggers and one German city.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Quote:Events in this turn:

A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Maceman!
While defending, your Maceman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
Fin de la manga 2
lizzy has reduced your defenses in The Middle East to 12%!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Maceman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Sian was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
The Middle East (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Apolyton Empire!!!
Ports Your Goal (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Apolyton Empire!!!
Enemy infiltrators have assassinated the governor of the city of Tree Huggers!
Enemy infiltrators have assassinated the governor of the city of Adventure One!

Deal Canceled: Open Borders to WPC for Open Borders
Deal Canceled: Gems to WPC
Deal Canceled: Dye from WPC
WPC has declared war on you!
The X Factor (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the WePlayCiv!!!

You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
You have suffered collateral damage! (7 Units)
A Cannon has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
You have suffered collateral damage! (6 Units)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Ottoman Cannon!
You have suffered collateral damage! (4 Units)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Ottoman Catapult!
The secrets of Horseback Riding were stolen by enemy infiltrators!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Horse Archer!
Tree Huggers (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Axeman was destroyed by a Ottoman Rifleman!
While defending, your Galley was destroyed by a Indian Trireme!
Pluton has retired from the game.
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Broad bean was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Maya Fanchik!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Maya [civ]macleto!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Maya Piscacho!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Goldilocks has killed a Indian Pikeman!
While defending, your Goldilocks was destroyed by a Indian Chariot!
The RNG has been very cruel to us. We lost two Rifles to very low enemy odds (30% & 20%).
Of course the one battle we win at "wrong" odds, is the bloody Goldilocks warrior vs. a Pike.
And, yay, epsionage again. cry

Finally CivPlayers and CivFr show up in the Southwest with a big Cuirassier army.

Gourmet Menu and Seven Tribes will fall next turn.
And note the Civplayers Fast Worker in that screenshot.

Hit a CivPlayers Cuirassier stack north of Horse Feathers and of course lose 4 of the 9 battle at 70+% odds. Sigh.
Here the situation at Horse Feathers.

The highlighted stack N-NE of HF is now gone. Our injured troops sit on the hill NE of HF. HF is held by a single warrior and will fall to either CivPlayers or CivFr Cuirassiers next turn.

CFC withdrew from our lands for now, no doubt to allow their remaining badly wounded Knights to heal up and join with the Grenadiers, that trickle in. But they will make their move next turn in fear of losing out on the spoils.

If you dig deep into the log file you will see that WPC got a Great General (Leonidas) on T155 on the height of the German war. Guess where Leonidas showed up on T180?

That's right 1W of their city right next to our border.
And guess what happened to him?

Although Dantski was surely cutting it close.
Worth a couple of workers and an obsolete Axe? Oh yeah!

Some more screenies:

In the remaining turns I plan to annoy WPC with a few Maces.
We have pretty much run out of cities to draft and whip. Everything is making it s way south to Winter Wasteland for a final stand. If they want to rush us, they have to face Rifles with their Cuirassiers and hopefully take some casualties.
I also plan to shuttle as much units to one of the ice islands if we have to give up the main land for good.

Ended turn.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

T 181:
Got some mixed results from the RNG in the first half.
Most notably is the killing of a Medic3 Cuirassier GG with an Axe at 90%. That must have hurt!

Quote:Enemy infiltrators have assassinated the governor of the city of Horse Feathers!
A Spy has been stumbled upon while operating near the Beyond city of Horse Feathers!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec Cuirassier!
A Cuirassier has withdrawn from combat with your Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Boldly Going Nowhere was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
Horse Feathers (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
El Cid has died in combat!
While defending, your Axeman has killed a Aztec El Cid!
Enemy infiltrators have assassinated the governor of the city of Gourmet Menu!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec Cuirassier!
Seven Tribes (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Maya Senturus!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Maya CyB!
While defending, your Spearman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
Gourmet Menu (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
While defending, your Axeman was destroyed by a Aztec Subutai!
Adventure One (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
Let It Snow (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Civplayers Empire!!!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Maya FrontenaK!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Maya Inao!
While defending, your Musketman has killed a Maya MacGalleo!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Maya Req2!
The secrets of Drama were stolen by enemy infiltrators!
You have suffered collateral damage! (2 Units)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec Catapult!
You have suffered collateral damage! (1 Unit)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Aztec revenge is no good!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Rifleman!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Rifleman!
While defending, your Musketman has killed a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Lew was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Aztec Cuirassier!
Hinduism has spread in Erie .

As expected CFC made their move. We are also losing cities fast to Morale Cuirassiers. frown

Send a small expedition into WPC's land

Killed off one WPC Longbow with that single Mace to prevent it going back to their city.
CFC can hit our stack with their Knights, but a) they might just leave us a lone to play with WPC and b) I put three units into The Covenant, which should keep half their Knights busy if they want to take the city next turn.
By that time we are on the hills next to or in Fields of Color.
If WPC improves their garrison to the point where we cannot attack, we will move the stack around and pillage stuff with the Knight, gifting the gold to UnivCiv.

The most important battle (hah) will take place at French Riviera, where we try to hold against a larger number of mostly unpromoted Cuirassiers. If we succeed, it will allow GG Zhukov coming from the NE to lead the Catapults into battle or "safety".


We will lose:
Cutting Edge if the RNG does not favor us (Cuirassier + 2 HA vs. 2 Axes + Scout)
The Covenant to CFC
Forbidden Fruit to CFC
French Riviera if we lose our battle there.

Simple Life, Mansa and Focal Point are configured to whip Rifles next turn.
Winter Wasteland can draft a Rifle next turn and whip the escape galley as well.

Ended turn.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Quote:While defending, your Musketman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Catapult was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
While defending, your War Chariot has killed a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Knight!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Knight!
Zhuge Liang has died in combat!
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Indian Zhuge Liang!
While defending, your Rifleman was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
Forbidden Fruit (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Indian Empire!!!
While defending, your War Chariot was destroyed by a Indian Knight!
The Covenant (Realms_Beyond) has been captured by the Indian Empire!!!
You have suffered collateral damage! (5 Units)
While defending, your Rifleman has killed a Native American Catapult!
Hinduism has spread in Sunrise.
Our defenders actually did some damage before the two cities fell to CFC. They must be desperate to get their share of the land, not waiting for the cannons.

I am not sure CivFr actually played their turn. Their units don't seem to have moved. Shrug.

Also the Knight invasion at the ice ball cities did not happen.

I was wrong about my cunning whip plan. With 35/110 Rifle in the box and two pops available to whip with a 25% forge, it does not give me the option to whip. frown Is the 25% bonus not taken into account when the required pop is calculated?
3 less Rifles next turn.

As for sticking it to WPC ...
what can you do with a 5vs1 dogpile and then the RNG throws you this:

So after all units attack, Fields of Colors now has a single Spearman at 0.4health in it. frown WPC is pulling in troops to defend, so I don't expect our injured units to survive.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"


Satisfaction for the blitz of Eastern Dealers:

Liberated Catherine.
We also could have recaptured French Riviera, but the Apolyton/CivFr/CivPlayer troops have all stopped.

Its only CFC moving onto their designated cities.
Of course further north we lose a 70% battle Rifle vs. CFC Cannon, trying to delay the capturing of Simple Life.

Simple Life may fall next turn T184.
Mansa Muse will fall T185.
Catherine T185.
Focal Point ~T186.

Our WPC expedition keeps pillaging. No chance in taking on a city.

The southern exodus has begun. If CFC is on the ball they could take Jack Frost on T187. If they delay this they will have a harder time, as on T188 we can reinforce Jack Frost with two Rifles. Its currently defended by a single Mace (CR2 lol) on a hill behind 20% defenses. I am withholding 140gold next turn from UnivCiv to upgrade to a Rifle.

In an optimistic scenario, we can hold out til T190. In a pessimistic scenario they have galleys approaching in the fog already and we die T186.
Should we offer Apolyton and Civplayers separate peace deals for gold, which we can then channel to UnivCiv? They might be interested to get rid of any war weariness.

Here is what the land looks like. I guess that all remaining cities "belong" to CFC.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

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