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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.


Jalepeno Wrote:Hey,

I see you've got a new scouting unit heading out. Heading in a straight line NE will run you into Yell0w's capitals borders. You should see them 7N-7E from your hunter's current position (my turn 53).

I've also got a unit directly north of your hunter who's looking for dwarves and grigori. Any help with directions/arranging a meeting would be much appreciated.

All the best,
The Black Sword Wrote:Hi,

Thanks for the directions, I'm sure Raphael will find them very helpful. The outer borders of the Grigori capital are 11W, 6N of the position referred to in your mail. After that you can skirt the Grigori borders southwest to meet the dwarves, let me know if you want anything more detailed then.

I'll let the Grigori know that you're searching for them, maybe they can send a unit.

Congratulations also on your recent revolt. We're still a bit superstitious about Cardith over here.


Being open and helpful with TBS has yielded some solid directions to find the Grigori. You might notice though that I very carefully gave him directions to Yell0w's capital...I don't want him sniffing around my borders too much! I'm a bit nervous about TBS & Yell0w getting to be buddy-buddy since I'm a perfect target for them to collaborate on.

Turn 54

Moved my exploring bloodpet onto the dungeon. Time for "Healing while Popping Dungeon" take II. If it doesn't work this time, I'm going to declare that myth = busted.
After moving him onto the dungeon, I clicked the heal option.

Only then did I start exploring the dungeon. We'll see what comes of this.

This turn I realized I'd made a pretty ugly micro mistake. My newest city isn't connected to the empire since I don't have roads to it yet (and no fishing for the river route). So gold there won't do any good for the capital. Unfortunately, I realized this after moving the workers, so I couldn't retask them to building roads. I'll still get the library done in 3 turns, but will miss out on some commerce from the GL farm the angry citizen could have worked. Serves me right for doing micro in a spreadsheet without looking at the game.


Doing ok, although between TBS turning tech back on and me not having one selected GNP doesn't look very good. I could wish that the high mobile civ right on my doorstep didn't have the highest GNP, food, AND power (AND top 2 MFG). rolleye

Pity frown
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 55

Lots of good stuff happening this turn. Turn opened with the Writing splashscreen.

Paradigm just finished our 6th worker and will go straight onto a library. Due in 3 turns (with a chop from the new worker speeding it along). Saving gold until then, sanitation should be 4-5 turns afterwards.
Then it was time to settle my 5th city.

Gives an interesting view of what Yell0w's up to. 2x workers covered by a warrior...seems too much for just building a mine. Building roads to another city? Love to see the barb warrior win a low-odds fight there!

For a city settling up on Yell0w's borders, Networking was just too good a name to pass up. It really isn't the best spot, but I need something as a buffer between Paradigm and his borders. Won't grow much until I get the banana into my borders, although sanitation will be a big help. Can work 16 base hammers (23 with GM) at size 6, so might make a good HE city down the line.

Still middle of the pack rankings wise. Collaboration will finish her governor's mansion next turn, so I should hit first in MFG then. Library and sanitation will help quite a lot with the other two biggies as well. I do need to start building some more military though. Right now I've got 6 bloodpets covering 5 cities. They're nicely bronzed, but definitely spread thin.
Oh, and one more thing.
no healing frown


How are you doing no. of cities wise against yellow? (TBS is of course a special case).
I may have missed it, but do you have any GP plans atm?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(July 21st, 2013, 02:53)Qgqqqqq Wrote: How are you doing no. of cities wise against yellow? (TBS is of course a special case).
I may have missed it, but do you have any GP plans atm?

heh, I guess I should have used this screenshot after all. TBS also still only has his 3 megacities; no settlements yet.

For GP I plan to run a scientist in the capital once it gets its library up. It'll take awhile (one reason I often build the great library as Calabim), but Paradigm will get her academy eventually.

Oh, are you available to cover some turns for me this weekend? I'll be traveling Friday-Sunday (and again 2 weeks from now actually). We should be able to get you on the tracker.

No sorry, I'm about to go away for a week and *might* be able to play Civ, but definitely nor EitB (Mac...) frown
I'm surprised at how few cities Yellow has, especially considering score...possibly haven't been overlapping cities? Godkings also a bit odd.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Turn 56

Things are rolling along nicely. Pretty soon though I need to start making plans for the future.

Paradigm and Collaboration will actually finish their builds in one turn (chops + mine juggling) and I don't yet have plans for my top 3 cities yet. The big question is whether to build settlers for C5 (corn, silks, ivory) and C6 (rice, banana, gems - all under jungle) or moroi to take the barb city (corn, deer, dyes).
Checking in with my dungeon explorer:

huh. I guess that makes sense since when he started popping/healing he didn't have any movement points. So dungeon exploring began, but healing didn't until last turn when he would have had movement (if he hadn't been exploring). At least he's healing now.

Completing Collaboration's GM put me on top of manufacturing. Should be there to stay as Synergies will finish her's in two turns as well.

So everyone was right about the explore/healing phenomena? lol
I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'd build settlers because that doesn't look like a contested area that the barb city spawned in.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(July 22nd, 2013, 03:47)Qgqqqqq Wrote: So everyone was right about the explore/healing phenomena? lol
yup! I'm guessing my scout got eaten before the healing started to show or something. I'm clicking "heal" every turn now just in case.

(July 22nd, 2013, 03:47)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'd build settlers because that doesn't look like a contested area that the barb city spawned in.
oh, it's definitely mine, but it's the best spot within a reasonable distance. A settler is the same cost as a training yard + 2 moroi, so I guess settlers are more cost effective as long as I have good places to put them. I'm leaning towards C6 first: it's on a hill, very strong long term, and first ring to my capital. Paradigm can build another worker after the library, then go straight on to a settler. That'll give me two workers to road to C6 (and build improvements for Paradigm on the way). Might need to send a 3rd worker up in order to chop all of the jungle.

I had been planning on Sanitation when I turn tech on, but all of my new cities desperately need an easy way to pop borders. Religion will take awhile to get (since I'm planning on going AV). Dancing bears would be great, except I've only seen one bear close to my borders and it would be a pain trying to train up scouts/hunters. So I'm thinking of making a run at drama, then bulb sanitation with the bard if he's still there. Festivals + drama only takes one turn more than sanitation, and the ability to build culture would save tons of hammers in new cities.

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