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[Spoilers] REM and AdrienIer's thread of football, spamming and blaming it on the mod

Now the turn has rolled I would suggest the we move Ronaldo W SW to get greater land tile visability around there. I opened up the save to have a look and with the way GJs scout has moved, I think we should go SE SE with our Messi there. It looks like he has been in that direction a fair bit and is looping back down that eastern coast there, so I think we may be able to jump an extra hut or 2 out of that. I think that will be of more use than going north currently, as I think he will have taken anything nice up there atm. Our warrior can go SE to start checking out the tundra wasteland to our south to inform our close in dotmaps probably.

BTW I didn't mention it last time but my proposed scout moves are N NE for Messi and probably NW NW for Ronaldo (is there seafood near the copper ? if so we might not have to change our dotmap).

Edit : Thinking about it, you're right about Ronaldo's moves, the plain hill north of the copper is already a good location for a copper city, and doesn't interfere too much with the silver city. So W SW it is !
Edit 2 : Which direction was GJ's scout going in the east ? From what I'm reading he can't have come from the south so you're right he must have already scouted the north.

Edit 3 :
(October 2nd, 2014, 03:27)ReallyEvilMuffin Wrote: Never heard of C1/2/3 for the leagues. It always goes by the champions league and Europa league here. Well, when anyone can actually watch any of them. They are usually on pay TV only except the finals, so generally aren't watched by me unless they are weekend games, as it is awkward getting to the pub during weekdays usually. But cracking result to beat Barcelona! I think Bayern will have it this year. Certainly I don't think any of the English squads are currently strong enough, as Man city have a huge away problem they cannot seem to shake. Bayern are just so solid, although Real have a decent chance against them I think.
IMO there's tier 1 (favorites) : Munich, Madrid, Chelsea
Tier 2 (ambitious outsiders) : Barcelona, Paris, City
Tier 3 (objective is quarter or semi final) : Arsenal, Juventus, Roma, Atletico, Dortmund
Pretty much in that order. That's updated from this week's games, and it's coming from an Arsenal fan.

The CL is also on pay TV here but I happen to have one of those so I can see the "best" game each week, meaning the PSG game till they get eliminated (although Monaco might get some love this year against Benfica) and then the best game.

Edit 4 : I'm really cutting down on the spamming here. Should we take the list for our unit names ? Or just come up with names that fit ? Or not bother with naming them all after we have more than 5-10 ?

Regarding the west scout, I think knowing where the land is trumps knowing the seafood. I honestly think that without any further knowledge a city in your x and a city on that NW plains hill look the best, and that will not change with more sea knowledge I think. That x will have fish from capital borders, and will be unable to unlock food for the plains hill with it's own first border pop.

With the east, the fact that GJ is already moving his scout back along a projected path that we can beat him along interests me. The huts are hugely important this early so I think it would be smart play to try and get them. Also they have not met anyone else I don't think, unless they remembered that turn to play around with the espionage points, which I normally forget the first turn or 2 myself.

Edit 1 - completely agree. We would want a city on that hill and a city in between regardless to use the fish (as we cant settle north for the fish unless we waste the crab) so those positions are the only viable ones

Edit 2 - He is heading SE, so must have come for either N N or N NE of our scout's position currently. If we move along his projected path we will be 1 move ahead of him. I think this would be powerful, and being cylindrical there could easily be people out east, but most importantly it looks like he is moving to scout that location out.

Edit 3 - I think you rate Chelsea too high. Costa has been amazing (much to my annoyance not putting him on my fantasy team) but I think bayern and Real are just a huge step up from them. I would rate them as tier 2 along with barca paris and city. If anything pre that result I would have rated barca above the other tier 2 guys.

Edit 4 - I'm happy with that, although I want the warrior to be named Howard Webb - is he famous enough to be known in France? He is rather well known here!

Edit 5 - Civ name, FIFA beyond?

Edit 6 - The edits are nice for reducing post count, although I rely on push notifications to know there has been a post so I would prefer a new post really

Ok, moved the scouts as you seemed signed off on those moves.

West - not looking good. More crabs, but not really any land... There might be some land bridge to the south but it looks like we are alone here...

East - Rather narrow. With this I doubt we will find anything of note. After the moves I did realise part of the reason he moved there may have been that he would not have been able to move onto our scout as we were at war at the turn start. But there is very little unfogged in that direction I think, it looks like 1 land tile seeing the way the coast moves.

Next turn ronaldo S S and messi S SE? Also we will chop the workboat out next turn - do we want 2 commerce or 1 hammer? We need to change tiles accordingly next turn. I am inclined to go for commerce, but I will wait for your ideas.

I was about to post saying I had edited stuff, but you're right posts for notifications are important, hence why I took half an hour to see you had answered my edits.
2 : ok
3 : Never forget Mourinho's team when listing favorites. Chelsea will most likely win the PL this year, and I still can't get over last year's Chelsea-PSG, Chelsea is IMO above the tier 2 teams. Barcelona I only put in tier 2 because of Tuesday, else they'd be just behind Chelsea in tier 1.
4 : I have a good football culture, so yes. He's remembered for not giving De Jong a red card in the 2010 final when he high-kicked Xabi Alonso (I think it was those two players ?). And for still being chosen to ref other important matches, because he's still one of the best (was, now that he's retired).
5 : good idea

Edit : I agree with the proposed scout moves and the commerce.

Ok, we can play the next turn quickly then, and change the civ name.

I'm still not convinced about Chelsea. They will falter spectacularly I think... Howard Webb is more known over here for being the strictest referee on FIFA rather than the 2010 final, but I also know him as the chap who gave out 3 yellow cards to one player in a game. It was a few years before the 2010 cup and amusing to watch!

I think if we are indeed on our own out west we may need to rethink settling priorities. Are we still gonna go for religion? Given how early medi has fallen I am less convinced that poly will be around for us to pick up by the time we can tech it.

I changed the name to beyond FIFA, but I'm not sure if it's better than your initial idea. Maybe I should have stayed with FIFA beyond. I remember the 3 yellow cards, that was fun. Since we have marble maybe we should go for the oracle ? So Poly would be a good choice either way.

Either is fine, makes it slightly easier to pick out from the list is all. Yeah the three yellow cards :P He was lucky that guy had a third infraction only a minute or so afterwards so it didn't have a huge impact on the game. He would have been properly slated otherwise.

I am ambivalent towards the oracle. Remember it is only a 50% boost now, not 100%; and where would we build it? We are hammer poor atm, and with most of our future settles, except that city up on the northern peninsula which we would not be able to get up in time. Whilst an oracle of CoL would be nice to get courthouses online, I think that it would likely be lost to one of the IND civs.

Plus considering the map size and cylindrical nature, expansion costs will be quite low at the start anyway. I think hammer wise courthouses this early would be a poor investment. Best to stick to granaries, settlers and workers.

Also I couldn't understand why plako was so far ahead in score - I checked the civstats turn logs and he has had 2 hut techs!!! Lucky git :P we have had 2 huts full stop so far frown

COL would also be good for confu, I don't consider courthouses a priority till we get a big empire. We'd have to build the oracle after the 3rd settler, maybe whipping the settler then chopping 2 forests into the oracle. But we'll see. Also if the west is ours we can rush for the east, maybe beating GJ to the PH site with clam wheat copper (not sure though). I'm aching to start complaining about lack of land (and of good land) but I'll wait till we know enough before reacting.

Well it is looking pretty grim in the west.

And the east looks rather nice!

The west is going to be ours. There might be some islands hanging off where we have not explored yet but unless my fogazing is rather bad (I did see the land link over in the east) that is all the connected land. Even if there is a connection to the south no one is going to want to expand through that ice any time soon.

I think we need to push for that spot. If we do not grab it there is no way we can get more than 8 cities on huge, and a lot of those will be icy wastelands. I'm half tempted to say go for it with the first settler...

With how far their scout got there is no way that they know what is to our west, so they have no reason to rush there. I expect them to play city 4 or 5 to lock us in. We need to put our first or second settler there to ensure claiming it. The reason I suggest the first is even though it would be very antagonistic getting religion there would be huge, allow us to control a lot of land but most importantly claim copper.

Leaving it for city 3 I think we will need to archer up there... Or get a quick 4th city, plant that plains hill and get sailing to connect a very wide empire...

Looking back at the maps it is too close to GJ to go for city 2. It would have no worker support. I think go poly - hunting - archery, get an archer there and a settler from the cap and hope for the best. Whilst they could declare and pillage the wheat they wouldn't be able to get through to our back lines. I know it is a slow opening but what else can we do? That spot has massive strategic implications...

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