My first instinct is to found on the banana as well. As you say, we'll need Bronze Working to cut that jungle. Banana is only 5/0/1 in this case, while an irrigated grassland post Agrarianism is 4/0/1, so no big loss here.
The problem with that move is that you won't have an easy to defend capital. Lot's of hills around the founding site, and a river that will prevent you from attacking out.
That said, I think it might be worthwile to move on the Banana, revolt to Nationhood, and found on T1.
Let's see what Aca has to say about it.
mackoti Wrote:Wines are nice but i think are forcing our techpath:
Well, Crafting is the tech you need to improve the Wines, which is our starting tech...
I think it's covered by forest though, so you'll need Mining to cut the forest anyhow.
Hopefully there is another source of commerce somewhere in the fog, because we're going to need a lot of it just to get our worker techs!
I think the Unique feature is Seven Pines. Easiest way to find out is to zoom out completely.
Thoughts on moving starting warrior and scout?