As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Combat Calculator

cabra Wrote:Hi all. And thanks for sharing.
But I noticed the second Tab "Single Unit (Spreadsheet) is broken. If you change the number of first strikes it doesn't change the combat's odds.
This works perfect in the first Tab "Single Unit (Code), and in the last one "Multiple Attackers"

Could you solve it?
Thanks and regards. bow

The way I calculated first strikes doesn't work well in a spreadsheet. That's why I created the single-combat code tab. What goes on under the hood, is that I calculate the possibility of each results from the first strike round, then run the combat for each possible result, then sum the probabilities.

Shorter: I left the spreadsheet based calculator in there, and really should have taken it out. Don't use it alright.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

This calculator is awesome.

If want to add additional user-friendliness you could add some dropdown lists or something for unit type, terrain, fortification, etc. and a checkbox list for promotions, that helps you fill out the correct strengths and modifiers.
I have to run.

novice Wrote:This calculator is awesome.

If want to add additional user-friendliness you could add some dropdown lists or something for unit type, terrain, fortification, etc. and a checkbox list for promotions, that helps you fill out the correct strengths and modifiers.

That would be nice, but it would be hard to get that all right *and* have the calculator be compatible with CIV, FfH2, and EitB all at once.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Sareln Wrote:I don't know if Chaotic is the right word. It ends up having a large number of possible unique outcomes, and if you want to simulate that it get's messy. You can make a number of simplifying assumptions to make things easier (eg. you will attack until you have no units remaining, and you will attack in a specific order made the computation of multiple-attackers, single-defender quite doable, because it collapsed the total number of outcomes to 101, the various HPs of the defender.)

By chaotic, I meant the mathematical meaning where a small change in the initial conditions makes a big change in the result. Like how if you change from slightly ahead to slightly behind in strength, it change your odds by a whole lot. Or a stack battle can quickly become so complicated that it takes significant time for a computer to calculate the odds.

luddite Wrote:By chaotic, I meant the mathematical meaning where a small change in the initial conditions makes a big change in the result. Like how if you change from slightly ahead to slightly behind in strength, it change your odds by a whole lot. Or a stack battle can quickly become so complicated that it takes significant time for a computer to calculate the odds.

Ah, then yes, CIV combat is chaotic. I thought you meant in terms of the output being unpredictable from the input (eg. butterfly).
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Well, it's chaotic in the sense it's hard to predict who in a stack dies first, but it's safe to say that More Dudes = Better Than.

It's only hard to say that you can snipe out a Great General or a Hero using a suboptimal number of troops.

Thread necro to report some odd behavior.

EitB pitboss 1 spoiler:
A combat II barb griffon ate one of my warriors, took damage down to 68 hitpoints, and now occupies the hill on which the warrior was sitting. In game, it's showing odds of something like 38% if I attack with a Combat I warrior. I wanted to use the spreadsheet to check how much a Combat II promotion would improve my odds. But the spreadsheet shows 25% odds with Combat I. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong in entering the numbers, because the intermediate numbers on the second tab look a lot like the ones in the game.

DaveV Wrote:Thread necro to report some odd behavior.

EitB pitboss 1 spoiler:
A combat II barb griffon ate one of my warriors, took damage down to 68 hitpoints, and now occupies the hill on which the warrior was sitting. In game, it's showing odds of something like 38% if I attack with a Combat I warrior. I wanted to use the spreadsheet to check how much a Combat II promotion would improve my odds. But the spreadsheet shows 25% odds with Combat I. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong in entering the numbers, because the intermediate numbers on the second tab look a lot like the ones in the game.

Combat I gives +10% in BTS, but 20% in EITB. Could this be the culprit? If you could give me the base strengths and combat modifiers for both units (as well as HP counts), I can check your #s.

Cyneheard Wrote:
Combat I gives +10% in BTS, but 20% in EITB. Could this be the culprit? If you could give me the base strengths and combat modifiers for both units (as well as HP counts), I can check your #s.

Attacker: warrior, 100 HP, strength 3, Combat I (+20%)
Defender: griffon, 68 HP, strength 4, Combat II (+40%), +25% defense

The calculator is showing +20% per combat promotion.

My combat calculator (not sure if I ever fully released it to people or not, send me a PM w/ an e-mail and I can send you mine, although the UI could use a bit of improvement) got 36.7% odds for your unit, compared to Sareln's 25.3%. So one of our codes isn't agreeing, and I can't parse Sareln's macros to check his math.

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