So Serdoa voted for me, then Novice for Serdoa, then Serdoa voted for novice, and Uberfish voted for Serdoa. Based on the pattern of votes I must vote for... Serdoa?
Oh and the day ends when we have 6 votes on one person right? I can see how this would be fun.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
I say we pile 5 votes on assorted riff raff (other than me). Then see if they float or not when we toss them in the water. Tested and true method, can't go wrong with it. I'm voting Injera for voting for me last game (yes, I can and will use that on anyone).
Back from the dentist. And no uberfish, I never have and never will use made-up-stuff as excuse for anything. Pretty low to even start with that, but not that I would expect something different tbh. And I am pretty sure at least one of you 3 is scum, because if not, then you guys should reread the rules and think about why it is bad to put 3 votes on me when you have nothing to go on. Have fun if I am killed and you know nothing, because it happened before even all players have said their hello...