Sir Bruce Wrote:How long did they think it would take?
Blizzard had no idea. Jay Wilson said their devs were not able to complete inferno.
Sir Bruce Wrote:And how many hours did this group spend?
The wizard player (he had no other characters) showed his hero page in the uncut raw video which stated 76 hours.
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
The only speed running I might try in this game is the complete Act 1 in under an hour because I'm curious how much faster I'd progress if I didn't explore every part of the map. I don't think after playing through the game once I'd have quite the same motivation for exploring.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."
Dr.Disaster Wrote:Blizzard had no idea. Jay Wilson said their devs were not able to complete inferno.
The wizard player (he had no other characters) showed his hero page in the uncut raw video which stated 76 hours.
On the behind the scenes DVD, one of the developpers mentioned they tweaked Inferno to the point where the internal QA team felt it was challenging but doable, and then doubled the difficulty.
Inferno is meant to be hard. It's likely that some of the current challenges will become easier in time as people's gear improves and strategies and cookie cutter builds become more established, but I do hope the amount of actual balance changes will be minimal and mostly limited to bug fixes and unforseen situations.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
My first death in Hell act 1? Before i even reached the gates of New Tristam. I walked up to those "Risen" sitting around munching stuff, and one turned around and attacked me with 3000 HP. My health dropped to 1k.
In panic i started running but too late, another hit and my body was on the floor =(
Amelia Wrote:My first death in Hell act 1? Before i even reached the gates of New Tristam. I walked up to those "Risen" sitting around munching stuff, and one turned around and attacked me with 3000 HP. My health dropped to 1k.
Q: How did you manage to get thru nightmare with only 3k?
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
Witch Doctor, was playing with friends. I normally sat behind and used disables, while the rest tanked.
(Zombie charger, the grip thing, Zombie wall, Big Bad Voodoo, Hex, Ghost walk).
My role in the team was a support/cc/reviver, since they die so many times...
And since it was a group thing, i passed all my +Vit stuff to them. Was using +INT so that i could contribute when there was nothing else to do (Bad choice).
Hmm, I haven't played my WD in groups yet, but currently running with about a 3:2 ratio of Intelligence to Vitality. Mostly because some of my skills (Soul Harvest/Locust Swarm) require me to get in close and Spirit Walk is not always a guaranteed escape tool. I can see how a more support-oriented WD would be able to put less of a focus on Vitality and survive, but there's still a lot of ways to get hurt even when hanging back.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
Given that i have the most deaths in the team total, and am currently almost bankrupt due to repairing (40,000 gold, when my friends are running around with 300,000 @@), i fully agree with you, and am changing to vit whenever i can find something good.
Problem is, i have found only two items good so far.