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Erebus in the Balance v12 Released!

Should we have Fireballs retreat at 90% enemy damage instead of being allowed to destroy enemy units?

It would still make them EXCELLENT collateral, but it would eliminate the ability to outright kill stacks with them. They already cannot capture cities ... but its almost like they are a helicopter/catapult hybrid, with the best of both elements (except the no capture thing, I guess)

People always want to nerf Spectres, but Death damage actually has a number of interesting counters ... adding a few more might be a better choice than nerfing the specter directly.

With that being said ... I can't help but wonder if it might be better to allow for Spectres to withdraw (as if they were 'illusions') rather than to kill an enemy completely? It's not a perfect solution, perhaps ... but spectres are really, really strong ....

I know, I know, nerfing spectres is perhaps akin to blasphemy but ..... it really might help even the playingfield, eh? (especially with regard to RAIDER spectres, as has been mentioned on another thread). Spectres should still be allowed to capture cities, like Catapults can, and should still be allowed to pillage improvements, and capture workers ... but maybe not allowed to fully kill a unit, eh?

Still, Fireballs are far easier to Spam than Spectres, and Fireballs should seriously be looked into, IMHO.

I mean ... Golems can spam them, Amurites can spam them, EVERYONE can spam them (But those two especially so). Should we perhaps look into making them more like 'magical catapults'?? I mean, Catapults can still be really, REALLY good ... so I see no reason why it has to be 'seen' as a nerf to the spell. It just requires the fireball user being more prepared to actually 'kill' the enemy unit through other means. (I'm not saying we should just immediately adopt it and never change back, but perhaps we could temporarily try it out?)

And yet still .... perhaps these are things that should not be nerfed unless someone can show their superiority in an MP setting, as opposed to an SP vs AI sort of thing. (b/c anything can beat the AI ..)

Fireballs suck, and are by far the least used of the tier 2 summons (outside of golems/firebows, where one has literally no other choice). No way they're losing that.

To the catapult thing, no way are we changing the core functionality of a spell. That's quite far outside the bounds of the mod, even if it had good justification, which I'm not seeing.

Spectres are probably too strong currently, but that's about my least favorite proposal to nerf them, and probably too far. (I'm perhaps most interested in making them unable to pillage.)
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Hmm. Making them unable to pillage is definitely *something* ...

I'm mostly a fan of finding a way for 'normal' civs to counter Spectre spam without railroading them too badly (as is the current situation). And while hard counters are rare, soft counters are fairly rare too. So I think adding to the game either a hard or a soft counter in *some* way would be better than a direct nerf. Not that I consider removing 'pillage' to be a direct nerf per se ....

Removing pillage is definitely a first step, although Pillaging spectres do help to pay for a 'Wall of Bones' strategy, haha ...


I certainly disagree about fireballs 'sucking', but I do agree that any dominance fireballs may have has not been clearly expressed. (on *this* forum, at least)

(July 14th, 2015, 03:48)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Note: This installer installs both the v12 file (named appropriately) and a "dummy" EitB file containing the content necessary to allow the other files to work. No renaming will be necessary, however, if this is your first time downloading, then make sure you don't select the "Erebus in the Balance" option as a mod, as it will not have the necessary files to download effectively. (Instead, you should select "Erebus in the Balance v12".)

Does this screw up v11.1? I just installed v12 for eitb xlv, but now whenever I try to open a save in v11.1, I get an error ("Runtime asked to terminate this program in an unusual way" or something). I'm able to load v11.1 as a mod, but can't play my duel turns.

It shouldn't, I can still load 11.1 on mine. Is 11.1 labelled as such in your duel game?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Ok, turns out it the problem was just with Old Lion's save, nothing more. I just freaked and assumed the problem was v12, since it was the first v11.1 turn I'd tried to play since downloading it. Sorry for the false alarm!

tried to download in chrome and it said that gamefront is not a secure site basically. is there a mirror for a download?
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

No, nor do I honestly understand what that means.

But my chrome would always have issues related to downloading mods, which I'm certain was related to the small number of people who've downloaded it before, rather than any actual problems.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Are great commanders bugged? I've got hundreds of xp without one appearing.

XP will never produce a great commander, they're generated like the other great people: through specialists and wonders (and being first to Military Strategy). It would be good to remove the progress bar at the bottom of F5, since I found that confusing at first.

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