(March 12th, 2016, 21:09)Dreylin Wrote: OT4E, be very happy to have you along ... although you might have to accept there's a good chance I'll build too many Mines... 
I will continue trying to do something with it.
My trait rankings and explanation:
AGG - barracks are pretty cheap, star* is something you must use in very early conflict, later it is cavalry time. Drydocks in 2-3 well-developed cities are not a problem
CHM- with Vassalage and Theocraty you can make 3-promo cavalry. 3-promo cavalry >>> 2-promo cavalry.
EXP - 15 hammer for settler is not significant discount, but worker bonus is better than nothing (CRE or PRO)
FIN - good for developing
IMP - great
IND - useless, since forges are done and wonder options are very limited
ORG - pays off in the late game
PHI - great for developing and rushing technologies
SPI - the best option for both developing and invasion
So I would strongly recommend the following leaders:
Gandhi (Phi/Spi) of the Khmer, great for both agressive and development oriented behavior
Brennus (Chm/Spi) of the Vikings . Industrial era provides you very rich options for naval battles.
Montezuma (Agg/Spi) of Germany. The best option for rush imho but if you are focused to survive till tanks nobody can prevent you from.
Asoka (Spi/Org) of Aztec. You are not going to need mines with this civ.
Intersting combos:
Darius (Fin/Org) of the Dutch. Dutch has strong Galeon which can work impressive in the Industrial Era. UB+FIN is a dream combination, just grow and have fun. The only problem is its hard to survive early game without SPI and any bonuses for expansion and development
Boudica (Agg/Chm) of Russia, if you dont need to worry about being rushed with cavalries, the half of defensive measures are done. Commando infantries are available on 13 exp.
Not bad, but less flexible:
Peter (Exp/Phi) of India
Joao (Imp/Exp) of Carthage
Julius Caesar (Imp/Org) of Japan
Genghis Khan (Imp/Agg) of the USA
I would not recommend at all:
Augustus Caesar (Ind/Imp) of Rome
Fredrick (Phi/Org) of the Holy Roman Empire
Hammurabi (Agg/Org) of England
Lincoln (Chm/Phi) of the Mongols