Hmm, ambitious. It looks like this is a clue for things that are portrayed as, or might be counterfeit, rather than words associated by meaning.
- A BANK connects to Counterfeit bills
- Counterfeit IVORY was intentionally circulated on the black market as a conservation effort against elephant poaching
- In a similar vein, Counterfeit gold BARs were in the news recently with the economic panic prompting people to buy more of it
- Less in the news these days, but at one point there was an illicit trade in Counterfeit MOON ROCKs, considering all the ones that went missing or were stolen
Same team as last time, right? Certainly not the same cluing ambition though
I hope you guys came up with more...
Bank - Really the only guess I feel good about, strong connection
Ivory - Imitation ivory is a thing
Bar - Gold bars are tested for purity and can be faked with lead
Film - A bootleg could maybe be called counterfeit
Server - Is a spoofed server called a counterfeit one?
Key - Same idea, terminology associated with security
Rock - Two-stage guess going Rock -> Diamond -> fake
Reading spoilers, we all have Bank, Ivory, and Rock, and then Lewwyn and I share Server and El Grillo and I share Bar.
I feel good about Bank and Ivory but post-spoilers I feel better about Bar (counterfeit gold bars are definitely a thing) versus Rock which all three of us defined differently
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.
Oy. So many possibilities. You need to think these clues through better, superdeath.
I'm fairly certain that attack HELICOPTER is a category.
You can attack from long range with a BOW, MISSILE, or ROCK. I think SCORPION is a type of missile, also a launcher of extra large arrows (and, of course, an animal that can attack you with its poison sting).
You can attack from close range with a KNIFE, iron BAR, or right CROSS. Or even a KEY, as self-defense trainers advise.
You can BLOCK an attack.
Sowing MINEs isn't an attack as such, but certainly a hostile move.
You can SINK a ship with a successful attack.
I'm going to wait for my teammates to weigh in before I name a top 3; I'm having a lot of trouble narrowing it down.