Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Rogue Revival Team Launch

Sirian Wrote:nod
Did you know that a single vile mother can spawn over 60 pups in just five minutes? And that it only takes sixty pups to clog up what was a 3/4ths cleared level at one point? Well, now you know. lol
- Sirian

That is an interesting bit of tactical trivia that may well be useful for the BN and Samurai teams. All the more reason to find a way to neutralize those Barfing B***hes as soon as possible.


"Think globally, drink locally."

Barfing Boothes? Some of the Rogue team members could use those when I go on a Very Bad™ joke kick. Please don't neutralize them. lol
Fortune favors the bold.

Got another report up for the Rogue Team on the website, now caught up through Hell Act Two.

I tried to use a lot of detail for the Claw Viper Temple part, since that's turned into one of the legendary nights of Rogue Revival. Let me know if you have any further suggestions or additions. These reports are getting longer and longer too; it turned out I had almost 250 screenshots just of Hell Act Two! eek I ended up using almost 50 of them for this report. Just goes to show I never know what I'm getting into when I start out a project like this. wink
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I'll be late to the Rogue game tonight. A couple of my friends are performing in a gamelan concert tonight at 7:30, and I'll be along after that ends.

(Bonus points for anyone who knows what a gamelan is! smile)
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

I'm sorry, guys. I can't make it tonight.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to make the game tonight (Thursday the 12th). Since some folks will have to catch up anyway, this shouldn't present too much of a logistical problem.

Summer is almost upon us, and that means disruptions in the normal routine (at least for me). Early in June, our boys get out of school, and shortly thereafter, we will be leaving town for an extended trek across the country (with our trusty travel trailer in tow). We'll be gone over a month, and I expect to have internet access only sporadically, when we're visiting family.

I don't think that it's fair to hold up the team for such a long time; thus, I'll be resigning from the Rogues at that point. I'd like to get that third dot before leaving, if at all possible; but, if we don't make it that far, I can live with that. We can just say that Garnet went down twanging her bowstring till the end, and sacrificed herself gloriously for the team. wink In all honesty, I am not particularly interested in trying for the fourth dot - the game play is frustrating enough now (in terms of having much, or all, of one's hard-won experience wiped out by a bad hop, bad timing, or lag), and it will become 10X worse with everyone hostile to each other.

I think that my last gaming session with y'all is likely to be June 2 or 6 - that gives us 4 evenings for sure, maybe 5. Can we make it through Baal by then?


I'm now back in the US, and Varecia will be back for Thursday's sessions. Where did you get up to while I was gone?

I will need to do Diablo, obviously, but I'm quite happy to skip any of the early A5 quests you might have done if the team wants to push on to get to Baal asap.

Where did you get up to while I was gone?

Where have you been? We already 4-dotted and finished everything. wink

Actually, we last reached the Frozen Tundra waypoint and completed all quests up to there except for Nihlathak (tried to do the temple entrance and it was... not pretty). We'll see how far we can get Varecia caught up tonight.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Haha, it wasn't very far. Server crashed while we were dealing with the Vizier, and so we ended our night without any quest progress. Oops.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

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