October 26th, 2010, 10:15
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Gustaran Wrote:Just happened to me yesterday, it was actually a level 21 player. But if someone plays Twitch and calls himself something like "deathbringer666" what do you expect ? Back when I was in college, and we used to play Unreal Tournament, my friends and I had a running joke that anyone who had "Death" in their name was going to suck. DEATHBRINGER! DEATH2U! DEATH'SHAND! Rawr.
Quote:I wouldn't worry to much about who gets the kill anyway, as long as your team wins the fight. First of all, you get gold for assists as well (70% of killer's amount if nobody else helped) and secondly it's better to have a sure kill than an opponent who slips away because you avoided the possible killsteal.
Correct. Don't worry about "killstealing." The only time it is kinda lame is when your teammate is fighting someone, and clearly is about to kill them, and you run in and finish them with a single auto attack. But in most cases, you want to make sure the team gets the kill, since people slip away with 50 hitpoints all the time. Anyone who complains about a killsteal (in a serious, non tongue-in-cheek manner), is likely a poor player who doesn't understand the game.
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October 26th, 2010, 10:19
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Speaker Wrote:Anyone who complains about a killsteal (in a serious, non tongue-in-cheek manner), is likely a poor player who doesn't understand the game.
I would replace 'likely' with 'by definition' - the sole aim of the game is for your team to win!
October 26th, 2010, 10:30
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Speaker Wrote:once you get the hang of his ult (which is notoriously buggy, and kind of a pain to use).
How is it buggy? That way I can try to adjust for the bugs.
Quote:Back when I was in college, and we used to play Unreal Tournament, my friends and I had a running joke that anyone who had "Death" in their name was going to suck. DEATHBRINGER! DEATH2U! DEATH'SHAND! Rawr.
Yeah, on Xbox Live, where I spend most of my gaming time (playing MW2 and L4D), the bad kids now use names that either have lots of x's or o's, like XXX Deathbringer XXX, or like to alternate lower case and caps, like dEAtHbrINGaZ. Or put MLG somewhere in their name, that way you can be prepared for their pro skillz when they go 5 & 25.
October 26th, 2010, 10:38
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There are few things that irritate me more than people who do that ridiculous upper/lower case swapping with their names. "dEAtHbrINGaZ" indeed. This is also a reason why I avoid XBox Live/Playstation Network like the plague.
October 26th, 2010, 10:52
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:How is it buggy? That way I can try to adjust for the bugs. Basically, even though it's a melee skill, and operates in melee range, it acts like a projectile (there is a brief cast time). So it can be flashed away from, they can get out of range, they can be killed by someone else in the time it takes your ult to follow through. They can bloodpool (Vlad). They can ult-save (Kayle, Zilean, Tryndamere etc). You don't get the kill. It goes on cooldown. Extremely frustrating. It is kinda funny to execute Tryndamere before he realizes he's in trouble, and hits his ult though.
There is also a bug with the way the 21st mastery point in Defense (4% damage reduction) was calculated, so under certain setups, your ult would leave the target with <50 hp regardless of how much damage *should* have killed them. Basically, if you needed 400 damage to kill them, it would not perform "overkill" damage. It would process it exactly as 400, and then the 4% reduction would take place, causing them to escape with sliver of health. This was a true bug, not just their magic resists saving them (the ult does magic damage). This bug didn't happen all the time, since I often run 21 in defense, and have been killed by that Demacian freak many times. But I have definitely seen it happen. So I'm not sure if they fixed it or not, or what triggers it, but it's definitely out there. Garen actually had a bunch of bugs, and there were looooooooong threads about them on the Bug forum. For example, Warwick's blood scent (which isn't even a damage spell) would cause Garen's passive not to activate. Some of these have been fixed. Maybe all? I'm not sure. He's been perma-banned for a while now, so I haven't played him more than once or twice in ages.
All in all, Garen's ult is not all that it could be, and to make sure it actually finishes my target, I usually wait until they are very very low, before I use it. Which sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
October 26th, 2010, 10:57
(This post was last modified: October 26th, 2010, 11:25 by Gold Ergo Sum.)
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Sullla Wrote:There are few things that irritate me more than people who do that ridiculous upper/lower case swapping with their names. "dEAtHbrINGaZ" indeed. This is also a reason why I avoid XBox Live/Playstation Network like the plague.
When I was a staff member at Buddy System Gaming, I was the general forum police. Anyone who registered on our boards with one of those alt-case names was insta-banned.
There are plenty of great communities out there floating around in the ether on Xbox Live, you just have to know where to look. I have 98 of my 100 friends list spots filled, and everyone I play with is at least over 18, most are my age, smart, fun, funny, and great at FPS titles. I know members from most of the Good Gaming Network clans, and those are mainly good people. But before I knew where to look, finding intelligent gaming on Xbox Live was pretty sparse.
Anyway, back to LoL. Do my stats or anything else in game effect the amount of XP/IP I receive after the game? Or is it mainly just a matter of putting in the time to get to Lvl 20?
Quote:He's been perma-banned for a while now, so I haven't played him more than once or twice in ages.
Banned from what?
October 26th, 2010, 11:08
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Anyway, back to LoL. Do my stats or anything else in game effect the amount of XP/IP I receive after the game? Or is it mainly just a matter of putting in the time to get to Lvl 20? No. Just time.
Quote:Banned from what?
Ranked games allow the "captain" of each team to ban two characters. As the game has evolved from patch to patch, there are always a few character who are more or less banned every game, until the meta changes. Shen, Amumu, Garen, Morgana, Ezreal, Twitch, etc. have all been perma-banned at one time or another. The Shen perma-ban period was a dark time for me, since he was my main character, and pretty much all I played. Then he received an inconsequential nerf, that everyone overreacted to, and now he's never banned.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
October 26th, 2010, 19:53
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Had a fun game today. I probably should be getting more kills instead of a assists, though.
Warwick was jungling, so I was off on my own on the bottom against Sona and Yi. Yi never really ending up pushing all that hard (or really doing much of anything- seriously all you got is 1 assist for 10 deaths?), which allowed me to get quite a lot of xp and once the laneing phase ended I was able to hit the other team quite hard since I got to 18 when most other people were 15 or so. Tristana really seems to be the best starting character for me, the jumping works really well for escaping and stunning, and her other abilities work well towards harrasing other players during the laneing phase.
I have to say though, Lux can be really annoying, I laned against her in another game and those stuns can get really irritating since you really kinda have to be proactive about moving sometimes.
October 26th, 2010, 22:20
(This post was last modified: October 26th, 2010, 22:46 by VoiceOfUnreason.)
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Just finished watching Sulla's #18.
What the @#$@#$ are you supposed to do against that?
More specifically
(a) how are you supposed to prevent losing position there?
(b) how are you supposed to recover if you do lose position?
Edit: one possible answer - try playing him and see what happens.
October 27th, 2010, 03:59
(This post was last modified: October 27th, 2010, 06:38 by Gustaran.)
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VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Just finished watching Sulla's #18.
What the @#$@#$ are you supposed to do against that?
More specifically
(a) how are you supposed to prevent losing position there?
(b) how are you supposed to recover if you do lose position?
Edit: one possible answer - try playing him and see what happens.
Probably some more experienced players from this group can give better advise, but as far as I understand:
Yes, playing a good Mundo/Zilean is annoying. But even if you don't win the lane, you can always avoid getting slaughtered like that.
a) Tristana had very little health from the beginning (looks like under 500hp). If you are that low, I would consider going for some health quintessences or even thinking about a Doran's Shield. In any case, play defensively in the beginning.
b) Both players did a poor job of avoiding the bombs and the cleaver. It seems they were not really aware of Zilean's bombing range. They need to backup if Zilean is in range to bomb them. Generally speaking, especially with Tristana I would have hugged the tower for the first few levels, since her attack range increases as she gets higher level.
c) If you don't know where your opponent is (sitting in the bush?) and are around 250hp don't push the lane! You are asking to get killed.
But of course you have got to give credit to Mookie and Sullla, it looks like once they shut down one opponent they were constantly able to pressure the remaining player in that lane and deprive them of gold and experience. And as Sullla has said before, it's a snowball game. If you are 2 levels & 4 kills behind and lose a tower, a comeback is not easy to accomplish.
Maybe Sullla and Mookie can elaborate on the laning phase and tell what they think the other team could have done better.