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EitB Bug Thread

Is 12 turn unhappiness a bug?

(July 1st, 2013, 08:07)flugauto Wrote:
Is 12 turn unhappiness a bug?

That's a link to a PBEM XXVIII thread. I didn't see anything - but recommend others be careful about clicking.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


(July 1st, 2013, 08:13)Mardoc Wrote:
(July 1st, 2013, 08:07)flugauto Wrote:
Is 12 turn unhappiness a bug?

That's a link to a PBEM XXVIII thread. I didn't see anything - but recommend others be careful about clicking.

Sorry cry

I didn't touch the slavery mechanics. So it's a base FfH change iirc.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

EDIT - nvm, misunderstood something

Hi all,

I am unable to defend my non-city tiles once I have Nox Noctis because my units become invisible due to Shroud of Esus and my opponent cruises right through my defending units. Disabling Shroud of Esus via Reveal is ineffective because it gets reapplied before my opponent's turn.

Is this the intended behavior? Am I missing something?

My situation was that there was a single road between my opponent's - Basium's - territory and my territory. I captured a hill with a citadel on the road right across the border and garrisoned it with a promoted crossbowman. As a result, my enemy had to take a much slower route to reach my territory and I was able to shift my defenses to deal with him. However, when my city's culture popped and the citadel became part of my territory, Basium was suddenly able to use his Commando-promoted armies to waltz right on up to my city and attack it directly. This is because my defending crossbowman became invisible, even though I explicitly removed Shroud of Esus from him.

This seems broken.

I would suggest that the ability to disable Shroud of Esus be permanent. If possible, it would be nice if upon disabling it there should appear an Apply Shroud of Esus spell that could only be cast in the caster's territory (if such a limitation is possible). This would allow the Shroud of Esus to be toggled on and off as desired.


(December 7th, 2012, 14:36)Sareln Wrote: @HidingKneel. Good spots. I'll close those. The Warrior -> Centaur upgrade is b/c of the Warrior -> Horseman upgrade for non-Kuriotate CIVs, so yes, it's a hole, but should it be closed?

Phalanx boosting from Nightmares was that on v8 or v9? I know when I did v8 I accidentally left some melee units as being able to use nightmares...

At what point were warriors able to upgrade into regular horsemen? Cause that'd be pretty cool. As far as I know, warriors can only become Warrior -> Axeman -> Chariot or Warrior -> Archer -> Horsearcher

was there a time when EitB had Warrior -> Horseman?

(September 28th, 2013, 13:41)Tasunke Wrote:
(December 7th, 2012, 14:36)Sareln Wrote: @HidingKneel. Good spots. I'll close those. The Warrior -> Centaur upgrade is b/c of the Warrior -> Horseman upgrade for non-Kuriotate CIVs, so yes, it's a hole, but should it be closed?

Phalanx boosting from Nightmares was that on v8 or v9? I know when I did v8 I accidentally left some melee units as being able to use nightmares...

At what point were warriors able to upgrade into regular horsemen? Cause that'd be pretty cool. As far as I know, warriors can only become Warrior -> Axeman -> Chariot or Warrior -> Archer -> Horsearcher

was there a time when EitB had Warrior -> Horseman?

I think Sareln was referring to the Warrior -> Chariot upgrade (in XXI, we upgraded some warriors to Centaur Chargers).

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