Do I need to do anything to join the tourney? I don't see anything about it on ( though it's possible I have misunderstood and it hasn't started yet)
(January 9th, 2013, 11:15)regoarrarr Wrote: Do I need to do anything to join the tourney? I don't see anything about it on ( though it's possible I have misunderstood and it hasn't started yet)
Well, the tournament hst started 3 days ago and you already lost your first 4 games on time, sorry...
Just kidding, you get an invite for the tournament which is displayed through an icon on the starting game. Once all participants have accepted your games will be treated just like single games (i.e. you get the "your move" popup), so I am pretty sure it's quite hard to miss the tournament if you check once and a while.
As an aside maybe for future do bear in mind it is possible to do a knock out cup style tourney should there be interest in a different approach. For now I will keep it as a big group once again
Free accounts can apparently only play 1 custom tournament at a time. I'm willing to call both my remaining games in tournament 1 a draw, if that's the best solution and Brick and DavidCorp agree, but I don't want to resign either of them.