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[Spoiler] First rodeo: Jalepeno takes the bull by the horns.

Lurker Questions

  1. How can you tell if the great person for the first one to reach a tech is still there? (like say I wanted to make a run at drama...can I check that the bard is still there?)
  2. Do only naturally generated great people show up in the log? What about lair pops and techs that give a GP?
  3. Where can I find the power values for units and techs? TBS has lots of power, and I want to figure out how many hunters it could be.
  4. Do mistforms spawned from dungeons have the marksman promo, or is that just those cast from Shadow III? I found 2 entries in the civpedia and wasn't sure which was which.

1. "Trade" tech.
2. Tech GPs show up.
3. Assets\XML\Units\CIV4UnitInfos.xml, Assets\XML\Technologies\CIV4TechInfos.xml. Each item has "<iPower></iPower>" element.
4. The spawned misforms don't have marksman.

For number 3, I already compiled a table. It's for base FfH, but I don't think there are many (or any) changes in EitB.


I'm pretty sure everything they've said is right, though I don't know 1 myself.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Hey everyone, thanks for the help! I re-ran the power numbers, and they work out a lot better now that I've got the right values for everything (looks like TBS has 3 hunters and/or fawns and 1 hunting lodge).

Turn 57

My bloodpet finished opening the dungeon....drumroll please!

Rod of winds rolleye Doesn't get much more useless than that. At least we've confirmed that you can heal and explore lairs at the same time.
The other exploring bloodpet climbed up an ancient tower to see what he could see.

We have Grigori borders! 3 turns to make official contact.
Ok, so things are going good, wait...what's this?

Caging birds and selling them for profit!?!? oh the the plight of those poor parrots! Aaaaannnnnd, more importantly that sounds suspiciously like TBS just teched festivals. Checking the score confirms he did indeed finish researching something last turn. Turning tech on to festivals revealed I was getting a 5% bonus on it. Taken all together, that's pretty strong evidence. Now, maybe he's just doing it for the extra happy in his megacities since he's got hunters roaming about grabbing animals. But if he decides to go to drama, I don't think I can beat him.
Ending turn finished Paradigm's library and Collaboration's monument. They'll move onto a worker and bloodpet, respectively. Gold was also connected this turn, so Paradigm was happy for all of 5 minutes before growing into unhappiness again EOT. Tough life serving the vampires!


-GNP is looking mighty good right now considering I'm still saving gold. Turning tech on with the library in place should make an impression.
-TBS cranked up the production this turn, pushing me back to 2nd. Got another GM finishing next turn though.
-Just average in food, even though I'm the first to 5 cities. Everyone but TBS is now on 4 cities (unless I assigned some pop growths incorrectly, in which case HK might have 5, and WK only 3).
-I'm 3rd in total number of citizens (TBS: 32, HK: 29, Me: 27, WK: 22, Yell0w: 21, Sian: 20)
-power wise I'd like to have a couple more BPs for security, but noone's scary right now (TBS is tops with 3 hunters & 6 warriors by my count).

I don't think that rod of winds is that useless - I mean, if you ever get a single air mana (for collateral, or even in capturing) then that's plus one strength to a lot of suicide summons until one wins.
Course, a GA is nicer wink
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Have you considered contacting TBS if you're worried about competition?
If he's going for it he's probably ahead and teching faster, so you don't lose much but might gain in saved beakers.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(July 23rd, 2013, 06:25)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Have you considered contacting TBS if you're worried about competition?
If he's going for it he's probably ahead and teching faster, so you don't lose much but might gain in saved beakers.
I've been going back and forth on this. I almost wrote him as soon as I realized, but my fear is that if he wasn't planning on going drama right away, my email will push him that direction. "oh, you're thinking of going for that free GP I've been hoping to save for a bit later...? of course I'm going there right now!" If he doesn't realize he's in a race and works on his event fund in the meantime, maybe I can beat him there. The ability to build culture in new cities would be huge (affecting 1 current, and my next 3 planned cities), but not at the cost of delaying sanitation 7-8 turns, which is what it would be if I didn't get the bard. Hmm, let's crunch some numbers.

I've got 199 gold saved up (19 gpt expenses) and should be teching faster than him at 100% science: his max GNP while teching festivals was 97 (11 culture? - 5 FOL holy city, 2 capital, 4 academy), whereas I'll be at ~115 beakers per turn (before prereq bonus) now that the library's finished. He finished festivals on turn 56, and I start teching turn 58, needing both festivals and drama. I can easily finish both in 7 turns, getting drama EOT 64. Since I come first in turn order, to beat me he'd have to finish drama EOT 63, which is 7 turns of teching (57-63). If I believe my numbers, his best bpt should be ~90 -> 7 turns of teching. If he has to collect gold for even one turn, I've got him beat. So I think I'm going to take a good hard look at his GNP graph next turn: if it's dropped off a bit (i.e. he's saving gold), I'm gonna go for it without saying anything. Can always reevaluate after getting festivals, as with overflow, I'd only have lots one turn on sanitation at that point.

(July 23rd, 2013, 06:22)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I don't think that rod of winds is that useless - I mean, if you ever get a single air mana (for collateral, or even in capturing) then that's plus one strength to a lot of suicide summons until one wins.
Course, a GA is nicer wink
you're right, I definitely shouldn't be complaining. rod of winds just feels like a waste of a lucky BigGood roll.

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