Crazy stuff!
Felucia's Grocer is a bit questionable, but as it's the last period of OR I decided to treat myself.
Here's the Central Sector:
We have the epics in Endor and Jakku, Ithor and Coruscant are mediocre cities and then Naboo and Onderon were settled for the gold and stone respectively.
Also note the Commodorian golden age. He's picked up Paper and Banking instead of Philosophy, so he probably plans to finish the golden age in Free Market. That makes some good sense for him, he won't have time to get to Constitution and I think Feitoria are on Economics too. I hope Mack is going for the free GM but Commodore has reasonable chances because the tech is otherwise fairly useless for Mack. Anyway, I could have access to Cuirs by the time he reachs Economics and have a better tech rate too.
Endor is the NE city and has a GP roll next turn. If I roll a prophet then Felucia's Grocer suddenly seems a lot more appealing. GS probably bulbs Edu, GA might be used for a bomb, I'm not sure. I don't really want to save for another golden age that won't come until after the key Zulu-Portugal war. Once I see the GP I can finalise my next research path. Currently constructing a Castle in line with my coastal defence strategy.
Jakku is my awesome HE city without a single mine or workshop. The market seemed necessary for future WW issues and now it can go back to pumping troops in Theocracy next turn. I'll probably manage a future commando pump here(my first!), seems likely that a Commodore war will be long enough for Imp to generate me the necessary GGs.
Coruscant's setup looks a bit ugly right now. Those coasts will be Representation specialists soon. I'm also not sure whether it or Jakku gets their shared plains farm tile long term. This place needs to be ready to start building ships once I get to Astronomy. I don't have the production to compete with Comm in this little sea right now, especially with his head start. But if I take Pinland I can fort ships over from my east coast cities too and try take back naval control. I want Coruscant ready to help with that. For now a Castle for defence and then a Library for the GP slots. This was an amazing early city that got me quick access to some really strong tiles, but as the game has gone on it had to give them away to the more specialised cities and it lost it's importance.
Ithor looks like it shouldn't amount to much given it's land but it's got some very nice output now. It used the pigs tile for most of it's lifetime, first to generate the GS for our first golden age, then to quickly grow up to this size 10. Now it can just stagnate and pump troops. This missionary is probably the last I build for a while, for another new ice filler.
Onderon with it's 3 gold sources is the smallest city in the Empire. Once the library is finished though it will be making 40bpt, not bad for size 1.
Finally, Naboo was settled for stone but has also become one of my many size 2 cities working a pair of windmills. Eventually I want to work that cottage and grow it to size 3(I don't think Jakku will need the extra grass tile). Christian buildings have a better return though, I want the Castle for defence and then probably a Library is better first as well.