Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Civ4 AI Survivor: Season Three

There's a Dogpile war chance specifically in the code? Interesting. Anywhere I can see all of 'em?

If anyone wants more stats, go here and pick a leader
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a good weekend while I was out of town. This is a reminder that the upcoming Wildcard Game will take place this Friday, in about 2.5 days from the time of this post. The Wildcard Game Preview has been updated with the community predictions as of this time of writing. There's still time to get in your predictions if you haven't submitted them already. And if you can't get enough of AI Survivor, we have a new writeup for Season Two's Wildcard Game courtesy of Chaosquo. Thank you very much, and I hope a number of you will be able to make the Livestream again this Friday. thumbsup
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Hope my against-the-grain prediction works out this time smile

Also hope raging barbs isn't going to be the norm. AIs have enough problems with regular barbs (pay f to pay respects to all settlers they lost), there's no need to make life harder for them, and I don't feel increasing barbs adds anything positive

Quoting refsteel in the Wildcard preview:

Quote:This might be a game where picks as well as anybody else

It's doing that anyways, being in the middle of the pack. Certainly doing a lot better than my very own patented thinking type brain is.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Wow, what a long and crazy game that turned out to be! The Wildcard Game certainly lived up to its "wild" moniker, especially in terms of how it ended. Thanks to everyone who was able to turn out today and take part in the Livestream. Special thanks to Klops who won the picking contest for today's game with a score of 17 points. thumbsup Here's a bunch of links as we get ready for Playoff Game One coming up next week.

Next Game: Friday, 20 October 2017 at 11:00am EST (note the earlier time)

Overview Season Three AI Survivor Page

Current Bracket and Standings

Playoff Game One Written Preview

Playoff Game One Video Preview

Playoff Game One Picking Contest Entry Form

Overview Map:
[Image: survivor3-10-1.jpg]

The recording of the Wildcard Game can be found here. It's a bit of a marathon at over 5 hours in length so I don't blame anyone for waiting on the written version. I'm hoping to have that finished by the end of the weekend. Thanks all. smile
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Oh crap, I thought the game was next week! I forgot to put in my thing again. So many weeks forgotten. Gonna just do it right now this time, can't miss playoff games!


You were actually so close to a win on the massively biased diplomatic field, and you throw it away....

(October 13th, 2017, 20:58)Hesmyrr Wrote:

You were actually so close to a win on the massively biased diplomatic field, and you throw it away....


Don't know what's up with English leaders.. first Elizabeth can't quite close out the game, then Victoria does ***THIS***

Thanks for the game, Sullla.

A lot of people were saying Brennus threw his game, but Victoria killed his game for him through the AP.
She stopped his war, and forced him to cede back a city.
If he'd been allowed to absorb Washington, and then possibly Napoleon's land, he'd have been a competitor.
So his war declaration on Viccy, and then defiance of peace was an almost... human reaction of spite ?

In the same way, Washington adopting the Western religion, made him a pariah in the East, but is the reason he stayed alive that long, through the AP shield.

About the pronunciation of Joaõ, I'm not a Portuguese speaker, but if my 20ish year-old memories of a university lecture serve, the "õ" is just a nasal vowel indicator, much as the French use "n" for "an", "on", "un", in".
By the way, notice that the same name in other languages does have an "n" instead: "Juan", "Jean", "John".
Nasal vowels production is usually quite a bit of an issue for English speakers, but your pronunciation of "Lyons" and "Orléans" was spot-on, so you should manage. smile

Joaõ is "Jo-AN" as in Orlé-AN-s.

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