So a brief update finally now that I'm back home. Brief, because I'm on my lunch break at work.
I was actually able to log in each day at a good time to make sure that Yuris didn't even have the chance to change his mind about sinking my galley. On Friday I even specifically asked LP to hold up the turn for me which allowed me to log in from the airport right after the turn flipped (I only had a 20 minute window to play). That was actually the key turn of making sure I could get the ship away from yuris trireme. And from my recollection of the Diplo thread that was the first (of a handful over the weekend, obviously) of people complaining to LP for waiting until the very end of the turn to end his. So that one was actually kinda my fault. Oh well.
Since I only got home after 1am last night (12hrs of airports/airplanes), I just quickly flew through my turn and took two quick screenshots. I'll do a better update either tonight or tomorrow.
This turn I was finally able to settle my new city on the island. Didn't realize Yuri was so close to me. This could be pretty bad. He has a lot of galleys (and not Triremes) and could easily send over a good sized force to just snag that city from me. But for now, I have the much needed extra trade routes.
Speaker has since gone SW from Lewynn when I spotted Moogle's land. He's currently moving through it a bit, as I'd like to meet Pindicator. From the way things sound in the Diplo thread, I might actually meet him soon since he's taken a few cities from Moogle.
I'm currently highly considering taking all the Catapults I just made, along with a handful of other units, and my Great General (which I would put onto a unit)....and sending them up to try to take one of CommoXenu's cities for myself before LP can continue through them. Maybe if he decides to keep all his anger towards LP, he won't even care too much if I have an army marching in, and he'll just keep throwing his stuff at LP and essentially let me take the city so that LP can't. Doubtful, but always a possibility. :aar:
I should have Literature in 3 turns. I should also have most of this current round of Catapults completed in 3-4 turns. At that time I'll switch back to Organized Religion and build the two national wonders. National Epic in PoD, and Heroic Epic in Mt Whacko. I still think those are probably my two best choices. Hopefully I can build them very quickly and then get back to Theocracy for cranking out military again.
The biggest obstacle to this plan will be if either yuris or plako decide to attack me. Their power levels are still quite a bit higher than mine. LP still seems to be leaving me alone, maybe because he knows me better/longer than the others, but in any case I'm fine with however long he does leave me be.
He probably also knows that I'm not stupid enough to try attacking him. There is no instance where that has any positive side to it. Now if there were at least 2 or 3 other people already attacking him from the other direciton....that's a different story. But they're all obviously not capable (or willing) to do anything about him at the moment.