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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

I'm so glad I don't need any more runes. With every new champ being 6300, it's going to take me long enough to buy them.

As for Shen, I think Speaker has the right idea. Building him a lot like rumble seems like a good idea to me.

Sullla Wrote:Here's my favorite nugget from the patch notes:

Remember how dropping a ward or CVing an empty neutral camp would never remove the indicator on the minimap? Been bugging me for months now. Great change - if you have vision on the camp, the map should update.

They claimed to have fixed this in patch notes several months back. Hopefully it actually works this time.

Speaker Wrote:Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

I'm going to try this as a start:...

Is Speaker's new Shen trial build similar to a Singed build? I don't know because I don't play Singed at all....

I just think that HotshotGG with 1400 elo is hilarious, and somehow makes make happy. tongue

[Image: unledymc.png]

So apparently we get 11-13 points per win like before the reset. Do brand new players still get the inflated elo? If so, could someone similar to Sullla or Varis start playing ranked today, bang out 9 or 10 wins, and be #1 on the ladder? That would be pretty smoke

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Speaker Wrote:So apparently we get 11-13 points per win like before the reset. Do brand new players still get the inflated elo? If so, could someone similar to Sullla or Varis start playing ranked today, bang out 9 or 10 wins, and be #1 on the ladder? That would be pretty smoke

Banging out those 9 or 10 wins might be pretty tough when the 1400s are Hotshotgg, chaox, etc!

It does seem likely Riot dropped the ball on this one. A few weeks are needed for rankings to settle down anyway, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Dantski Wrote:Sounds like a pretty squishy Shen to me.
3200 HP, 118 MR, 139 Armor. Should be tanky enough, I think. Very well may do FoN instead of Aegis and maybe get a Negatron earlier.

Quote:Rylais + Spirit Visage aren't necessary, bumping up FoN would be better.
Spirit Visage has always been Shen's best item. It gives him everything he wants: HP, Magic Resists, CDR, Damage (via passive)...and it even gives him increased healing through his Vorpal Blade.

I think you'll find Rylai's to be the new FotM on Shen with the increased AP ratios. With this particular build of 145 AP, Vorpal Blade gets an extra 109 damage, Feint blocks another 109, and Stand United blocks another 218. That's actually a pretty substantial improvement. And the extra health is of course crucial.

Quote:MPen reds I'm not sure thats worth it, most of the damage you'll do in engages will be physical, MPen is better for harass but ArPen is better if they choose to fight you.
Shen does more magic damage than physical, by about a 60:40 split, according to my Season 1 stats.

Quote:Not sold on Flat AP quints either, but I guess you'll see how it works if you try it out. hammer
Hopefully they'll help me harass harder!

Anyways, it's all just theorycraft. I don't even know if 9.6k gold is remotely realistic on Shen. I guess we'll see what happens.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Sir Bruce Wrote:Banging out those 9 or 10 wins might be pretty tough when the 1400s are Hotshotgg, chaox, etc!

It does seem likely Riot dropped the ball on this one. A few weeks are needed for rankings to settle down anyway, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
Watching Sullla and Varis play, it didn't seem like they were up against "real 1400s." It felt like all the players were in their placement games.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Speaker Wrote:Watching Sullla and Varis play, it didn't seem like they were up against "real 1400s." It felt like all the players were in their placement games.

To be fair, that was a normal game tongue

I wonder if AP Taric in solo top is now viable after his buffs. Max shatter first, autoattack to regain mana, buy wards because you push. Sounds like old Morde!

Sir Bruce Wrote:Banging out those 9 or 10 wins might be pretty tough when the 1400s are Hotshotgg, chaox, etc!

It does seem likely Riot dropped the ball on this one. A few weeks are needed for rankings to settle down anyway, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Not really. Or at least things will be really susceptible to randomness for a while if what Speaker suspects is true.

Imagine this scenario where no one is deliberately trying to either game or hide from the elo system:

1) Brand new level 30s start playing today. Out of hundreds of players some will go on a modest win streak.

2) At the same time the new 1400s start playing games, and matchmaking assigns them the other 1400s. By default about half of them gain and half of them loose elo.

3) Through blind luck some of the new players who have been winning games keep getting each other as their opponents. Again by default these guys will split games.

4) If there are more people in the new player pool than the new 1400 pool it's very possible the luck needed to get a good streak as a new player and keep getting matched up against other new players on similar streaks will see a new player shoot to the top of the charts.

I'd simply suggest Riot not let ELOs change too quickly until the ladder has sort of settled down.

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