Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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SG1 - Anyone still want to get better at Civ4?

Glad you liked my naming!

I agree that it may be worth sending over some missionaries to Rome to get some extra shrine income and diplo pluses. He may be best target to send our Merchant to aswell.

Merchant income should get us up past Astronomy and another tech so that will be lovely.

I don't mind the concept of fighting Justinian, but we will need to wait a while before attacking so his Cataphracts are well obsolete. If we can secure Rome as an ally then we should be ok.

However, Toku hates us big time and Shaka has mood swings with us sometimes being his worst enemy. So we need to keep an eye out for them. Especially as Toku is in military build up mode and has higher power than we do. (I think he is after finishing off Hatty but we must be wary).

And Reverend, if you are free to play the turn in next 24/48 hours, feel free to take the turn. Right now I don't care too much about the roster as long as we keep going. The others can 'check back in' when they are free and they can join the roster again. I want to keep this game flowing.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

If you want to play this next set TRD then I can play the following one if the others still aren't able to play yet. Good job TT, and thanks for keeping this game flowing!

Soudns good to me seifer_md.

I'll play in about 12 hours or so.

I'm back at it already!

My goal for this turnset was basically hold the course for liberalism slinging something juicy and expensive. I think I did ok. I also built hwachas everywhere other things weren't needed, I think I like those things more than I should.

T290 - Whipped a couple seowons around the empire from places with no whip unhappiness. My reasoning being we've got stone and an academy about to go up in the capital let's get Oxford crankin'.

T292 - GSci built an academy at the capital. Whipped the moai statues over in Utrecht... that's going to be a pretty awesome city.

T294 - Start Oxford in Ivory Towers.

T295 - Spread Confucianism to Incensed!

T297 - Julius can now research Education, with this in mind I dutifully check the tech screen each turn to make sure he's not able to research Liberalism.

[Image: 297techscreen.JPG]
The tech situation as of turn 297. It's pretty much the same on turn 305 as well.

T300 - Oxford gets a chop (thanks for the 1 turn chop signs) so I turn research back on full steam into Gunpowder.

T302 - Pop iron at the capital.

[Image: turn302ironpop.JPG]
I've had pretty good luck popping resources at Ivory Towers... also a great city.

T303 - Get a proposal from Tokugawa: 110 Gold for Meditation.

[Image: 303tokugawatrade.JPG]
I chuckle a little and agree, no need to upset him.

The set up for whoever plays next. One more turn (hitting enter) of 0% science will give enough gold in the bank to finish Liberalism at 100% in 3 turns. Julius still doesn't have education so you can try to hold out if you'd like.

There's a Great Merchant in the capital who can research Nationalism (drafting and Liberalism to Rifling? I think rifles will own Justinian cataphracts or not). There's also a Great Prophet in Amsterdam who I figured we'd use to pop a one man golden age when needed.

Good job TRD!

Great Merchant researching Nationalism is nice, though we should still consider sending him out on a trade mission to keep us researching at 100% which may give us more than just Nationalism.

Democracy would be nice to get a hold of for the joys of Uni Suffrage giving us some hammers for all our lovely towns. But that isn't 100% essential.

What I would like to see is us send our Merchant to Rome and cash him in, then set our research onto Nationalism, then trying to trade something insignificant for Theology then turn on our golden age to cash in Liberalism on Rifling and swap to Nationhood & Theocracy.

We also need to look at getting Drama and Literature so we can set up a Globe Theatre draft-camp and the Heroic Epic.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Also, we need a save TRD!
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Umm... the save is attached. Well, at least I can see it.

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:we should still consider sending him out on a trade mission to keep us researching at 100% which may give us more than just Nationalism.

You'll have to forgive me, I tend to forget Great People can ride on caravels.... Yeah ~1500 gold would be better than what he can contribute toward Nationalism.

Ah I see the save now, must have missed it skimming through
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Having looked at the save now, I definitely don't want us to cash in Liberalism yet.

I want us to build another 9-10 Maces if we can (as many out of Ivory Towers as possible for 5exp) so we can have some City Raider Rifles.

We use the money from the Merchant to upgrade as many as we can and then our Rifles will be even more effective.

We must get Drama, Literature and preferably Nationalism too so we can draft out more rifles. We need to look at researching or trading for Engineering for the extra road movement!

We are still not threatened for Liberalism as JC still needs Education and Philosophy.

We also need to send a couple of Confucian Missionaries to JC so we still have an ally after we backstab Justinian.

Zara also now hates us and is in military build up so we need to keep an eye on a naval invasion too.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

Alright guys, I'll try and play a turnset in the next 24 hours. It's a shame people have seemed to disappear all of the sudden. I guess it's a busy period for most and maybe in a couple of weeks they will all be back. =)

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