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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

(October 21st, 2023, 17:21)TeufelDK Wrote: I have a new game that is crashing on Taurons turn.

It might be the same bug that you are currently fixing, but it might also be something else - I can't tell.

The save game can be found here:


Btw I got a "Paladins deserts due to lack of space" message on the turn before - it is probably not related, but just FYI.

(October 21st, 2023, 17:21)TeufelDK Wrote: I have a new game that is crashing on Taurons turn.

It might be the same bug that you are currently fixing, but it might also be something else - I can't tell.

The save game can be found here:


Same bug, yes. No crash on my side and I do see settlers on a tower adjacent to a boat.

(October 21st, 2023, 19:31)Seravy Wrote:
(October 21st, 2023, 17:21)TeufelDK Wrote: I have a new game that is crashing on Taurons turn.

It might be the same bug that you are currently fixing, but it might also be something else - I can't tell.

The save game can be found here:


Same bug, yes. No crash on my side and I do see settlers on a tower adjacent to a boat.

Hmm, kinda strange you can't reproduce it. Are there some settings I should alter?

Btw: what is the limit on number of units I can have, before the "X unit deserts due to lack of space" messages show up, and is there a way to allow for unlimited number of units?


 Paladins deserts due to lack of space
Paladins deserts due to lack of space

Quote:Hmm, kinda strange you can't reproduce it.

No, that's normal. The bug was already fixed on my side.
I could reproduce it if I rolled back to the previous version but I found the settlers on the map so it's not necessary.

Quote:Btw: what is the limit on number of units I can have, before the "X unit deserts due to lack of space" messages show up, and is there a way to allow for unlimited number of units?

You get that message if your city is full and the adjacent tiles are all invalid for the unit (sea, enemies, lairs, etc).
The global unit limit is something like 10 or 40 thousand, I don't remember, and the AI will start disbanding units to make room when it's over 90% full, so it should be almost impossible to hit the limit.
The global limit should display a red message instead.

(October 22nd, 2023, 06:35)Seravy Wrote:
Quote:Hmm, kinda strange you can't reproduce it.

No, that's normal. The bug was already fixed on my side.
I could reproduce it if I rolled back to the previous version but I found the settlers on the map so it's not necessary.

Quote:Btw: what is the limit on number of units I can have, before the "X unit deserts due to lack of space" messages show up, and is there a way to allow for unlimited number of units?

You get that message if your city is full and the adjacent tiles are all invalid for the unit (sea, enemies, lairs, etc).
The global unit limit is something like 10 or 40 thousand, I don't remember, and the AI will start disbanding units to make room when it's over 90% full, so it should be almost impossible to hit the limit.

Ahh, yes of course - my bad. Good to know the fix works. 

Re the unit limit: thx - I had misunderstood it then. And found the city that could not spawn the unit smile

Thank you for all your work.


(September 18th, 2023, 00:34)GMBarak Wrote:
(September 17th, 2023, 17:57)Seravy Wrote:
(September 17th, 2023, 04:08)GMBarak Wrote: Hi I see wizard pact violation icon on my dwarf engineer, is that a bug?

Probably. I checked Units.INI and all Engineers have the Ignorepact=1 ability so it might be some other problem. Do you have a save file?

here, near the city of Doomcastle, image also attached:

I wasn't able to reproduce this. I suspect your units.dat file might be outdated, try deleting it to reload from units.ini.

Hi, getting an end of turn CTD which throws me an exception error. Which I do not know why.

DebugLog just shows this on the last few lines

AI considering spell research option :Guardian Wind
Base priority :96
Total priority :96
AI considering spell research option :Phantom Warriors
Base priority :230
Total priority :630
AI considering spell research option :Shatter
Base priority :70
Total priority :70
AI considering spell research option :Warp Creature
Base priority :270
Total priority :270
AI considering spell research option :Dispel Magic
Base priority :490
Total priority :490
AI considering spell research option :Summoning Circle
Base priority :67
Total priority :67
AI considering spell research option :Heroic Heart
Base priority :495
Total priority :495
AI considering spell research option :Mark Target
Base priority :76
Total priority :176
Lo Pan selects research :Summoning Circle
Lo Pan Power Distribution Strategy :
Flag : Need troops
Flag : Very Need Troops
Flag : Need Skill
AI power distribution Mana 75 %, Research 0 %, Skill 25 %

I am unsure of what really caused the crash. Attached is the Test Mod with the save files.

Update: Okay, the error seems to occur when I used an Undeveloped Start and Lunatic Difficulty. I am not sure if the crash is because the AI was trying to equip Items in an undeveloped start or otherwise.

AI power distribution Mana 75 %, Research 0 %, Skill 25 %
AI is equiping items on heroes!

Looking at the 2 lines above, more often then not, the crash occurs at "AI power distribution Mana 75 %, Research 0 %, Skill 25 %", the following line would be "AI is equiping items on heroes!", this line which usually follows after on an undeveloped start more often that not, is unable to resolve correctly. This crash however does not seem to occur if I remove modded spells. Could this be related to how RNG items add modded spells to weapons as charges ? When I put back the modded spells, the crash comes back in full force at precisely the same line "AI power distribution Mana 75 %, Research 0 %, Skill 25 %" more often than not.

Edit 2: I also realized that a duplicate hero might be a problem too. As of now, in order to test/debug a unique ability on a hero, for convenience sake, I have been setting it to spawn on start of game via Races.ini. Problem is it always spawns 2 of the same hero. So that may be also part of the issue. The real problem is when the heroes also coincidentally spawns with the same race as I did with the enemy wizard (There isn't any other clean way to spawn specific units easily atm.)

Quote:Looking at the 2 lines above, more often then not, the crash occurs at "AI power distribution Mana 75 %, Research 0 %, Skill 25 %", the following line would be "AI is equiping items on heroes!",

This implies the AI is crashing after successfully setting power distribution but BEFORE attempting to equip items (the item line is logged when the AI starts equipping, not when it finishes.)

There is exactly one function call between these two steps which is AICancelEnchantments();
This function does the following in this order :
1. Cancels Divine Order when it's not desirable (wrong spellbook realms on allies or enemies)
2. Cancel Time Stop if maintenance for it exceeds a certain threshold
3. Cancels any city curse if it was cast on their own city (conquered from enemy)
4. Cancels curses on allied cities
5. Cancels Spell Ward spells on cities that have several summoned units of the Warded realm in garrison.

At first sight absolutely nothing here could lead to a crash though.

Edit : could you please provide an installation INI file for the mod so I don't need to back up my entire data folder and restore it manually for loading save files every time? Nevermind, I realized I need to back it up anyway. I'll check the save file tomorrow.

It's crashing on building the table for equipping the heroes.
Someone has 7 heroes.
Quote: I also realized that a duplicate hero might be a problem too. As of now, in order to test/debug a unique ability on a hero, for convenience sake, I have been setting it to spawn on start of game via Races.ini.

This was it except the crash came from the AI who got 7 copies of the hero.
If you did something that's obviously unsafe, please don't report it as a bug next time.

An Angel's Focus Magic was dispelled in combat. In his stats, Caster 39 was changed to Caster 24 as expected, but this was not updated in the Angel's spellbook. Spells up to 39 MP could still be cast.

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