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WW8: Madness in Outer Space (game thread - players only)

Soso catwalk is back at 3 ex aequo with Bob. I do note that Sareln has (despite his announcement ) still not voted.

So repeat of last day? Sareln runs up and puts the penultimate vote up and then someone finishes the job in minutes?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Really starting to piss me the eff off. How many people think we should just get rid of Sareln if he's gonna be such an ass about not voting like this? I WILL EAT YOUR FACE!
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Really starting to piss me the eff off. How many people think we should just get rid of Sareln if he's gonna be such an ass about not voting like this? I WILL EAT YOUR FACE!

He's probably sleeping...
I have to run.


Sleeping face is good eating. There must be something about the pores opening up toxin being worked from the body. The warmth of covers being saturated into the skin and radiated like a heater. So warm its melting into soft jello, but still firm and formed. Soft face like custard.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

While I suspect that this will end up being nothing but a shouting match with a paranoid and self-confident villager, I'll have a go at you anyway Serdoa smile
Serdoa Wrote:When writing this question, you yourself should already have given you the answer. Because you have a cheat-sheet and no matter how carefully you plan something, you simply slip sometimes and state something you can't know without a cheat-sheet. Not thinking through the implications of certain actions but simply stating someone is innocent after their occurence is for example something which imo happens more often to players who know already the answers than to those who are still searching for them.
Come on, this is a format I haven't tried before. I was in the middle of a discussion with Rowain, and I felt I had good reason to be certain that his power use proved him innocent. If someone is known to be innocent, it's stupid to continue discussing his motives and actions. For example, it was pointless to discuss your poor vigilante use in the past two games after you used them. As for my "knowing" how many scum there are, I didn't read through the opening post with great care. I followed the signup post loosely, and I had a quick look through the opening post here. I thought I read something in the signup post earlier about there being 3 scum, on rereading it was this quote by Injera:
Quote:The specific difference of adding a 12th player here would probably let zak add an extra "SCUM" - which will definitely make the game more fun, as the fewer SCUMs there around the more susceptible the game is to being unbalanced by a lucky catch early on.
Using that as evidence against me is ridiculous IMO. Look at how much witch hunting there were of villagers making tiny mistakes in the last game, all the wolves had to do was fan the fire a little bit and the work was done for them. Since you always play like this, I'm still inclined to think you're a misguided villager rather than scum smile
Quote:Lies can be planned of course - but I don't think we ever had a wolf-team doing that. Staying as close to the truth as possible works better imo. But apart from that, there is a difference between a planned lie and a mistake. I think you know that pretty well, so I don't feel your defense makes much sense. It more seems like "write a long post, then people believe you are innocent - worked in WW7 as well".
Precisely, this was a mistake rather than a planned lie. What's your point? Are wolves more likely to make little mistakes unprovoked than villagers are? Do you have any empiric evidence to back that statement?
Quote:I don't think that you suggested something over 3 games makes it a good move. And being called on it 3 games in a row from different people might give you an idea that it IS in fact bad village play. But again, many words with not really much content.
You should have claimed in both games, I think it was bad play. This is nothing against you, it's a difference in opinion about what benefits the village. If everybody else disagrees with me I'll still stick to my guns on this one. And there's plenty content, I'm presenting an argument for how best to find scum. Again, novice agreed that it was beneficial to step forward with his information.
Quote:I have a power but I won't claim it, even if I get lynched otherwise because I will get lynched anyway. Um, what?
Sarcasm doesn't bolster your argument. In case you really didn't understand my argument, it went as follows:
1) Claiming my power will do little to prove my innocence. It can easily be faked, and even if I don't fake it you still won't know if I'm a scum with a special power. Given that I have next to no guarantee that a claim will save me, the value of claiming is next to zero.
2) My power is a lot less use if it's revealed before use. This means that the cost of making my claim is a fair bit higher than zero. Compare zero benefit with significant cost, and it's a bad idea to claim my power.
I did in fact think Erebus was making a serious suggestion, my bad for that.
Quote:If you are a villager and get lynched it will hurt the village more than if you use your power without any gain apart from making us believe you are innocent.
I does the town no good to have villager lynched. Revealed abilities are imo an acceptable loss if it saves a villagers life.
No, it will not. I know what my power is, you do not. So you can't really make a blanket statement about what I should do.
Quote:In short: You don't have any thoughts about anyone, really. But if novice and Rowain vote together, you would follow, just because... And if they do not vote together, then I vote with novice.

Question: Are you intending to think for yourself or are you gonna just stick with those you think might be innocent? What exactly do they know more then you to warrant that? For yourself you at least can be sure of your role, but for players who MAYBE are innocent? Sorry for sounding harsh, but that is the sort of logic I really can't understand.
It makes perfect sense to me. In the past two games I've been trying hard to come up with my own theories and argue for them, and I haven't hit a single wolf yet. I don't have a good track record of finding wolves, but I do have a decent hunch on who's innocent. The logical conclusion is to pay close attention to the arguments of those I believe to be innocent, as I can somewhat trust them to be acting in the interests of the town. You would rather have me continue to mislynch villagers left and right, rather than take a step back? You're not sounding particularly pro-town to me.
Quote:Let me rephrase: I posted a "fake-edit" - something commonly used around here when you've seen something in the preview and don't want to rewrite your whole post - which does not have anything in common with Erebus fake-edit last game*, apart from using the same 2 words. That obviously was only done to have people subconsciously assess me as innocent.

No, not in the slightest far-fetched. Not in the slighest duh
If this is indeed common practice, I'm mistaken and I withdraw the accusation of course. Was this used before Erebus did it last game?
Quote:I vote for Lewwyn for no reason apart from that he suspects me. Great play there lol
If you're not feeling particularly certain of someone's guilt, it can IMO be a good idea not to write pages of accusations for your target to respond to. Coming off as a certain when you're really just talking out of your a$$ is not pro-town :neenernee
Quote:Why are slow lynches more likely to hit the target (I assume you mean hit scum with that, right?)?
Call it gut feeling. If we spend more time discussing suspicions and reactions to suspicions, I think we arrive at a more qualified decision. Do you disagree with this? Do you find my sentiment to be anti-town?
Quote:catwalk for not making sense at all in his last post but trying to deflect suspicion on as many people as possible while at the same time stating that he himself is not responsible for anything he does as he just follows the "innocents".
That statement is on you, not me. I never sought to deny any responsibility. For that matter, the word responsibility is ridiculous to use in werewolf. In a mislynch, you're either a wolf deliberately misleading the village, or you're a villager who made an oopsie. Is the villager who voted for someone else than the mislynch a more innocent villager than the one who made a mistake? It makes a tiny bit of difference for metagaming purposes, as mislynches make it harder for you to convince other players to follow your suspicions later on.

You say a lot while saying nothing, Catwalk. Scummiest post I've seen.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

So, on the subject of Catwalk, although he's unlikely to thank me for defending him this way:

It's self evident that he is not a "good villager" since a good villager wouldn't have over half the other players suspecting him. His repeated insistence that he is a good villager suggests that he is unaware of his own image (also known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.) I think he would be more aware of his image if he was scum because scum always are, and therefore try to avoid making statements like "I'm a good villager" which are likely to be interpreted negatively.

Not conclusive, but it makes me lean more towards "confused villager" than scum. The post Serdoa just picked apart can certainly be read either way.

Erebus feels like he's flailing a bit. I don't like how his position regarding Winston is exactly the same as Sareln's.

Lewwyn, what is your opinion on novice? Why did you want to lynch him before he claimed his power?

Un-Official Tally - Day 2 - 9 alive - 5 to lynch

4: Catwalk (Bobchillingworth, Erebus, Serdoa, Lewwyn)
2: Bobchillingworth (Rowain, Novice)
1: Erebus ( Uberfish)
1: Lewwyn (Catwalk)

Not voting (1): Sareln

What would a dead Catwalk tell us if he turns out SCUM and what if he turns out normal?

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