[SIZE="6"]Turn 100: Overview of the Empire and the World[/SIZE]
This will be a bigger update for the ded-lurkers and for global-lurkers to see what I can see about the world. I've included my save file for Ichabod, the password is the same as before so just overide it.
I will also do a Diplomatic overview after this and then continue on with the 5 turn updates.
[SIZE="4"]Worldmap: The Elvish-orc Perspective[/SIZE]
Due to the map trade agreement with Sareln, my worldspell and his hawks have given us what is probably the best map in the game.
My Empire is holding equal with the Elves. But while Sareln is the big target in the centre of the world I have some nice Defensive borders. Meaning I can be more lax in defence.
Once the Forward city goes up I will only have to man the defences against the Misty Mountains and with my expansion push to the West. Hopefully the Elves will settle across the Misty Mountains soon as well so that any agressive force has to pass through their lands to get to me.
In the Amurite and Hippus lands you can see their first Rune Cities worshipping. So that's four nations now worshipping these hairy dwarves. A lot of money for the Bannor if they get that shrine up and running like they threatened too. No wonder Mist is running pacifism. He can probably taste the money from that shrine.
The Bannor-Hippus side of the map has less detail but it is still enough to get the general 'gist' of things. Due to both the Hippus and the Bannor being lax on expansion this side of the world seems to have a LOT of space.
But this is fine for me as I have a perfect line of expansion into this area via the south. Eventually My empire should stretch all the way to the pre-settled barbarian city of Ahpeter.
Spread Veil around an empire that big and you are laughing.
[SIZE="4"]The Rival Empires [/SIZE]
The Known Vampire Land does not paint a pretty picture. Acaia has double Incense and the other two cities have flood plains and gold. Each of these cities is as large as my own capital. It is also a good defendable layout. Most likely mirroring my own, Mackoti has his back to the sea and to his flank the North Pole. He doesn't have many fronts that will need defending and can concentrate all his troops in the border cities in the desert.
This close up of Nubia reveals where the Great Library is. Normally I am not good at picking out the individual buildings in cities but with the different cultural differences in cities the white marble library wonder stands out in the Gothic architecture. It's good that he built this wonder in what will eventually be a border city but I am surprised he had enough production there to finish it quickly.
Amelias Northern Territory. He most likely will not expand beyond here due to the ease of defending the Mammon Pass from Vampire Incursions. Unless Mackoti attacks by sea that is the only way into his land.
The Southern Amurite Territory also has a defendable pass to the West. In fact placing a city 1NE of the clams would block of the whole passage from foreign armies while also grabbing some good resources.
He also has a extra bit of land reachable via a peninsula in the South East. Not sure if Amelia has explored it and how good the land is down there.
For the actual land he allready has... Well Amelia is certainly rolling in Calendar Resources. You can also see where he has his Rune City.
[SIZE="4"]The Empire[/SIZE]
This shows the cities allready founded. Due to God King still being used, Isengard is pulling in a LOT of the gold and production. It's basically supporting the empire with both the money and the production necessary to push out priests.
Fangorn Plains is certainly pushing itself with growth as you can see and Broken Entwash and Lonely Mountain are building up to being production cities of their own.
The Financial Screen sums up the cost of the Empire. The Unit Cost is starting to mount even with the extra cities. Military State will eventually help but not for awhile. Being able to run Minimal Military is helping. The Main cost is coming from the city maintainance. Switching from God-King to City States will help as long term I plan for a HUGE Empire.
The Military Screen shows the troops I have and how I am actually running a late game farmers gambit. My Two archers are taking a LONG route home and I have barely enough troops to defend my cities. At this point if the hippus came for me without warning I would be screwed. Thankfully they are distracted with the pending war against the Vampires.
The Technology Screen. I have only shown the top of it as it has basically all the technologies I plan to grab while limping the last few yards up here. Fishing and Calendar will help the cities and grab me some new resources. Festivals will get me markets, seeing as many of my cities now lack something to build that isn't troops.
We also have cartography which I will end up grabbing to switch out of God-King so that I can continue Expanding.
The Demographs for the nation on turn 100. The GNP REALLY brings it home how much the Vampires are speeding ahead. Agristocracy is litterally that good in the right terrain. But the Fact of the matter is that even with tanking the economy someone is doing worse.
Land area I am behind on which I least like.
There is a clear first and last place in the pack at the moment. The Hippus have tanked their economy worse then myself with only a potential military way of getting back in shape while the Vampires are racing ahead. I'm just glad that I have turned around as not long ago I was trailing with Mr Yellow.
The Vampires Bouncing GNP Graph make me think he is also min-maxing even while in Aristocracy. The Bannor are still doing well and the Amurites are now holding steady with them due to their shift into Aristocracy. I'm trailing with the Hippus.
I'm still ahead with Production but others are catching up. The Bannor are the noticable last place due to focusing on economy.
The Vampires have some noticable jumps. Due to their worldspell and the floodplains. Myself and Sareln's mass expansion pushes are noticeable. While The Hippus and Bannors lack of Expansion is becoming more noticeable.
The Hippus-Elvish-Vampire Build up is laughably noticeable at the moment. First the Elves, then the Hippus then the Vampires.
Myself and the Amurites are running less military and the Bannor have close to NONE.