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WW40 - Game Thread

(continued) -> that there probably isn't any alignment switching going to happen (but could make people lose powers, gain a bad one, etc) ... and probably becoming a minion would be the farthest that torture will go ...

I mean, losing an Investigator would be pretty bad. or any other sorts of roles ... so that you can't have say, a confirmed Doctor/Jailer/Tracker, because torturing them would cause either a role loss, or possibly subvert their powers (or give them a bad one). After all ... a pure alignment shift would probably break the game as much (or more so) than a full SEER.

Ergo, I see no reason why torture would cause an alignment shift

What do you mean by becoming a minion?
If you know what I mean.

what I mean is, that the closest thing we would see to 'alignment change' is someone who 'wins' with the wolves, but who can't nightkill/ talk with the wolves/ etc. If I recall, that's exactly the definition of "minion" ... jeez loueez man

GG Gazglum thumbsup Very well played

(August 7th, 2015, 13:42)Marcus Aurelius Wrote: Ergo, I see no reason why torture would cause an alignment shift

Because the GM told us so
(August 4th, 2015, 07:41)Serdoa Wrote: Torturing can and will have unintended consequences. This can range from changing or losing powers, gaining new win-conditions to changing alignment.

Btw Mattimeo wanted to be tortured so threatening him with a green vote will only make him laugh.

I'm still against torturing so to make that clear: No Torture

Also, you think people respond differently to being tortured, and Mattimeo wants to be tortured. Why do you want to torture him?
If you know what I mean.

My apologies, I must have overlooked that.

If he wants to be tortured, three possibilities.

1) he is a bastard tanner

2) he is bluffing

or the most likely

3) he is a minion, and torturing him would turn him into a full Wolf.

No Torture


(August 7th, 2015, 11:41)Marcus Aurelius Wrote: Gazglum, why would you want for people to Name-reveal during the Night?

Why would this post cause scum to change their night kill target to Gazglum?

(Sorry for the interrogation, but it is useful.)
If you know what I mean.

(August 7th, 2015, 13:22)zakalwe Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 12:47)Marcus Aurelius Wrote: Well Novice, mainly it just didn't add up with Brick. I mean, his Kassandra reveal was nice, if a bit sloppy.

But more than that, it was the torturer that convinced me. With only 2 mislynches before lylo, it would seem prudent to reveal ones self as a torturer to prevent a mislynch.

Did you have a read on someone specific as the likely torturer?

Please answer this, too.
If you know what I mean.

Sure, well ... I think the assumption here is that the Wolves thought I was a Vigilante (I assume, probably only a 1-shot vigilante would be balanced in this set up, but nevertheless)

Either that, or, more likely ... they thought that, because I wrote his name in red, people would think that I might have been a vig, or something.

Honestly though, they must have thought that I wasnt actually a Vig, because otherwise they would have pushed for 2 night-kills by targeting someone else.

Mainly I think they did it just for fun ... but, on the other hand, my main reason to think that they changed their vote is because after I posted, shortly thereafter Serdoa notified us that he would be late on the write-up, by a relatively short amount of time (AKA changing night action results).

I wasn't around Day 1 ... not really. So I tried to read some of the posts but I couldnt get to all of it.

I had a slight read that maybe Novice was the torturer ... but honestly? I don't think that the Torturer is going to reveal himself until he absolutely has to ... I'm just saying, that it might be sooner than later, and that I can protect him for at least one night if he reveals.

As stated earlier, I protected novice b/c I felt a strong town read from him, and maybe a 25% torturer read.

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