Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #1 Spoiler -- Zara of the Holy Roman Empire

Kalin chimed in. He needs to take a step back from his anger sometimes and see the forest for the trees. I had to talk him back from the cliff with Krill earlier and get him to grab a NAP as we were not ready to fight. Time is our friend the longer it takes to start the war they better position we are in.

I dont think trickling Ruff in will be benificail. He is betraying all his neighbors he should get full support out of the gate. End game we can deal with him.

Quote:I like the idea too. I have some reservations about his true
intentions. However if he is sincere I would welcome him open arms
(you can quote me on that). I think we would need some trial period...
I feel we need some time to build trust. Maybe sunrise could front him
mono as a sign of good will and we can start building up from there. I
am reluctant giving him more advanced techs just yet.

Ruff is likely to become very big and strong. We kind of agreed on the
purpose of our alliance to have one of us win the game, and the other
4 to follow... Do we want to include Ruff in this? We could or we
could only have him as a trade partner until the others would be gone.
In any case, I think that we should be fair to him.

One more thing, and this is a bit personal: I don't want Krill to be
part of our alliance. Let's not tell this to Ruff just yet, as we
don't want to turn him off, but something to keep in mind. I have no
problem with Ruff bringing Imhotep along.


My reply to the Lins email I think I am going to lobby for this too good an opportunity.

Quote:I think we either need to let Ruff in and give him all the support possible or all out. He will be betraying all his neighbors and wont do it for a trickle of techs. We can deal with his size later and he will be squezed by all sides then. One of us 5 will win but why not let Ruff into the club to disrupt the others. If he gets big he gets big. It will be obvious he is in with first war declaration.

Here is my thought. If we need him to offer proof he can smack Kodi/MH in the mouth then recieve our tech trades. That would really mess with thier minds over there and really give Krill a pause.

If we give him the advanced techs and he get crushed anyway from a dog pile that is good for us alse since they wont be fighing us. Win win. Lets get him on board and as tough as possible. I dont think he will walk through all of them but would cause everyone to build up military on the other side instead of grow.

Played turn this morning and will give some highlights. Site was down last night so I didnt take pictures.

COL in 3

Barb axe attacked LB in the open and LB won. LB moved back into capital

There is a barb warrior east of Real Estate moving Stocks warrior to Real Estate in support.

Will move warrior out of Customs to do MP duty in Stock. Customs now has 2 LB's

My plan for military action is to send 6-10 HA's up to Lins land for support.

WE's walk to slow and I am thinking that if Krill comes in with a stack of Cats I can promote the HA's to Flanking 2 and suicide them into the stack. 2-6 of them should withdraw and flank the cats hopefully destroying them. If this can be cooridinated with Lins suiciding some cats into the stack first will increase my odds. Also his spears should be able to attack and wipe out WE's or HA's whatever he brings

Goal here is to stall any attack until we can build enough forces to overrun him.

Turn 94 is in the books. I appologize for the wall of text that follows.

Whipped worker in Customs (I know I am doing this too much but I need him) Overflow should complete Chariot.

Longbow is moving to intercept a barb warrior that wandered into site.

Dsp won the coin toss for Conf not that I really needed it.

Stock is building chariot before starting on HA's for upcomming conflict.

Real Estate is slowly growing and building grainary. 1 worker will move in to improve cows and rice.

Horse is having barraks choped out and will grow while building HA's worker will chop one more tree and then mine the 3 hills.

Bonds has been founded 1 N or the wines. Going to slow grow till I can get workers there.

2 Workers are going to start roading to the Lins land past stock, Realestate and bonds. Need a road for HA's

I can slave/chop about 10 HA's to have them in lins land for the conflice. Hopefully by T110 or so. May be late if Krill hits sooner but hoping NAP to 120 is in effect. I am hoping to use them to shread any Cats he brings. If I give them flanking 2 and suicide them on the stack enough should withdraw to kill cats and give Lins a fighting chance.

After the 10 HA's I am spent and will have to grow and let whip unhappiness go away.

We have renegotiated the border agreement and I now have 75% of the land to my north. One more "favor" and I may get the rest. I also want to get cities in the tundra for resources and to slow down these barbs.

I still am uncontested for most of my land and need to fill it in the next 30 or 40 turns. Which will tripple my city count. Then expand towards MH/Kodi

Regoarr -- is not going to send the help that wars promised against Krill. I had an argument with him and he finally agreed to have 2 fast workers in sunrises land for feudalism in the next 15 turns. Better late than never. If I do get them and roads are in place It will allow me to focus on settlers. Although that is moot if lins fall. He seems far more interested in his own growth to help the group.

ZPV -- Dont have much contact with him he may be planning on a fight on the other side of the world. Again not the help that was promised.

Ruff --declared war on on MH but then traded techs with that group and declared peace. Not sure what is going on there but may be staying on thier side.

Sunrise -- On vacation so cant talk to him. Hopefully he plans on sending help but he has less cities than I do.

Lins- Like me alot and are a long term ally. Hopefully they stick around long enough to actually help me

Krill -- Expect an attack. I figure I can basically manufacture 10 HA's from 3 cities he has 9 and is better at this than I am. I am seriously concerned how this is going to turn out.

MH/Kodi the wonder twins. Really hoping that Ruff smacks them around but recent developments make that less likely. Will eventually war with them. That is one I think I can win smile

DSP - Nice enough world away dont have may thougts on him

Shady -- Nice enough chat now and again. Other than that not my problem now.

Imhotep -- Never answered my initial email. Read some succession games he was in good player not doing so hot here. Too far to worry about.

Ok not alot of comments so time for a big update. I am looking for comments although I am a bit embarrased by the state of the empire.

First I plan on choping and whipping out 10 HA's to send up to the lins and building a road up there so some of my plans for expansion are going to be delayed about 15 turns. I feel this is necessary for long term survival. 1st I promised them 2nd if they lose to Krill I wont last much longer.

First my Cities

This is my Capital Customs. I have 2 LB' stationed here and a chariot soon to arrive to deal with barb threats. There is a barb warrior to the south which a LB is moving to intercept. The two workers will chop the three forest (one just outside the BFC) then cottage the FP and mine the hills then move out of here to help other cities.

[Image: Turn95Customs0000.jpg]

This is my second city Stock. It will also be producing the HA's then grow. The two worker team is roading and chopping towards the lins. May get another worker to mine the hills. Needs worker help just dont have it at the moment. Dont know if I am going to farm or cottage the FP

[Image: Turn95Stock0000.jpg]

This is my third city Horse which is also helping with the HA project. It will cottage all the grasslands and mine the hills. There is one worker here who is choping the last forest bordering the city then going to start mining.

[Image: Trun95Horse0000.jpg]

This is my fourth city just whipped the grainary. Probably going to build the lighthouse next wont be helping with the war effort. Have a worker who will start improving the cows then the rice and a road.

[Image: Turn95RealEstate0000.jpg]

And my 5th city just settled going to build the lighthouse first for 3 food lakes and then grainary. Wont be helping with the war effort. Once the two workers build the road through here they will improve the wines and iron.

[Image: Turn95Bonds0000.jpg]

This is an overview of my empire with planed city sites. There are also two sites north of horse not capured in the picture

[Image: Turn95Empire0000.jpg]

Here is a closer look at the tundra and the city placement. I think I got all the resources and enough food for passible cities. Any help here would be apriciated. Remember monster courhouses should help make them profitable.

[Image: Turn95TundraCityPlacement0000.jpg]

And the most embarrasing picture. Mostly cause of extensive use of the whip and no pop to work tiles. I hope to rectify this soon.

[Image: Turn95Demographics0000.jpg]

Here is a barb spear that wanderd by a guard. Hopefully he attacks the warrior and dies. He is woodie 1 fully fortified on a hill if not a LB will move to intercept or I will promote a warrior to an axe. I built 2 chariots 1 in Stock and 1 in Customs for Axes so a Spear shows up.

[Image: Turn95BarbSpear0000.jpg]

Third visible Barb hopefully he heads north if not warrior will defend although I will most likely promote to Axe if the spear Lins are sending dosent get there soon enough. Would hate to lose the pretty new city.

[Image: Turn95BarbWarrior0000.jpg]

That is it for an update along with the wall of text at the top.

Any questions or comments are welcome.

My point of view on your cities:

The city has no potential to be a good commerce city with only 6 flat tiles for cottages, but it can be a very, very good production city, 5 plains hills and 2 grass hills, with enough food to work them all. I will mine the hills and farm the rest. In the first place mine the grass hills. You can work them and still grow at a decent rate.
What to build:
1. Forge
2. Barracks
3. Stable
4. Lighthouse (the lake tile will be 3,0,2 and you are organized, so a lighthouse is dirty cheap).
5. Heroic Epic

With the bureaucracy civic you will have a production monster. Go to size 13 (quite easy with a religion and Hereditary Rule), and you will have 80-85 hammers for units per turn. With such a production you will one-turn build every single unit.

Hard to tell, as it can be a decent production, and medicore commerce city.
I will make it a production city myself, mine all the hills, farm the flood plain, build a watermill on the plains riverside tile, and don’t chop the two plain forests (you can’t do anything good with them, beside building lumbermills later). After civil service you can farm the 4 remaining grasslands and work the plain hill (taking it from Real Estate) and two plain forest (with lumbermills later).
The strong point of the city is, it can have 18 base hammers on size 7 and still growing (copper, clams, farmed flood plain and 4 mined grassland hills).

What to build:
1. Lighthouse
2. Barracks
3. Forge
4. Stable

You have already 2 good production cities, so this one should be a commerce city with a potential to be a backup production city if needed. I will cottage every grassland and plains tile, mine the hills (you can consider building windmills later). The strong point of the city is, it can builds it’s own infrastructure with easy, and in time of need it can build troops, with it’s 15-17 base hammers.

What to build:
1. Lighthouse
2. Library
3. Market
4. Barracks

Real Estate
No real choice here. It should be a commerce city and quite a good one. The cow, the plains hill city centre and one grassland hill give the city enough hammers to build the infrastructure, and if it’s needed the city can borrow the southern plains hill from Stock.
Cottage every grassland tile, besides the one W of the city, which should be farmed to spread irrigation to rice and two grasslands, which belongs to Stock. The city will have enough food to run one or two specialists too.

What to build:
1. Library
2. Market
3. Lighthouse

Another good production city. Mine the hills, farm two eastern grassland tiles (I hope you can take the irrigation from the Lins - east of the city), and don’t chop the forests W and NW of the city (can’t do anything good with them besides lumbermill them later).

What to build:
1. Lighthouse (for the lakes)
2. Barracks
3. Forge
4. Stable

In most of the games, it’s usually easy to find a good commerce city site, and difficult to find a good production city. Here you have 3 decent production cities, one true commerce city and one hybrid. Your land just screams “go to war” or at last “build some wonders” (with the Stone near).

You have a good land, cheap rathauses (-75% upkeep), and don’t have enemies near, yet you are well below the curve right now, which is quite surprising for me.

You really should paint a big word “REX” on your monitor smile

Thanks I feel abit better about my prospects. The two cities N of Horse will be commerce cities. One is all forested grass (one jungle) which I plan on choping infrastructure and cottaging. Now to get the cities up to speed smile

Another good production city. Mine the hills, farm two eastern grassland tiles (I hope you can take the irrigation from the Lins - east of the city), and don’t chop the forests W and NW of the city (can’t do anything good with them besides lumbermill them later).

I could farm the plain w of the city and then get those farms to the east and then I dont need to worry about the Lins chaining me irrigation. Lose 1 future lumbermill but that isnt the end of the world.

Broker33 Wrote:I could farm the plain w of the city and then get those farms to the east and then I dont need to worry about the Lins chaining me irrigation. Lose 1 future lumbermill but that isnt the end of the world.

Yeah, I know that, but the rule is "Don't farm the brown", if you can avoid it of course smile. A citizen working farmed plains get only one hammer from it (2 food are used to feed him), really shabby. You can hire any specialist instead and gain much more for two food.

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