me: hey sir
Commodore: Hey Pin, actually about to send the reply, sec.
me: cool, i finally got a chance to play the turn
Commodore: On the GW, we didn't have a specific plan, but we figured you'd be in on that.
me: i've been thinking it, but this map seems so hammer starved it's hard to prioritize it
Commodore: Hey, mind sending us a UI-stripped shot of your current flaming goods-depot locations? We can send along similar stripped shots to show you our ideal Shipping and Receiving loacations.
me: cool, can do
might as well let you know what the gold is gonna be used for, figure you deserve that
Commodore: Well, it's odd, because it's hammer starved, but also due to toroid, we're commerce hungry too. :P
me: yeah, a slower moving game for sure
anyway, rego let slip he is aiming for Taj
i want to keep him from it
that's why the fire sale
Commodore: Aha, you near enough to give him a run?
me: only if i can run 100% to get to Nationalism
Commodore: Really, the big deal is to stop him from sandbagging to Communism or something equally insane.
me: yeah, i think Taj will give him the means to get to sci method before we can get lib though
communism is the big treat here though
Commodore: Undoubtedly.
me: and if i get taj then i will push to lib so he has to take it
Commodore: Exactly.
me: how far away are you from guilds?
Commodore: 3 turns at 100%
So one more turn gold saving, then boom.
me: sounds chaotic
Commodore: Other option is us tossing you 650, you tossing back 100 after hitting Nationalism.
me: i could do that
Commodore: Chaotic is our theme, I think.
me: with 650g i can race to it but i need to add in some wealth builds
Commodore: We trolls, mon.
me: lol, well said
Commodore: Never did manage to make the Common Cold avatar, I see.
me: every time i try to upload one it says wrong file type... no matter the file type
Commodore: Weird
Think Geek is the source.
me: i'll give it another shot tonight afte the turn
Commodore: Oh, best to work if we offer gold on our turn, so the transfer is hidden from Rego (the one who checks these things)
Yuri, obviously, doesn't even check power graphs.
me: yeah, at least until it's too late
btw, i'd rather keep guessing which of yuri or rego you're going after
if that makes sense
Commodore: I figured.
me: either way someone's going to be upset with me
plus i'm a pretty bad liar if i'm directly asked
Commodore: Plausible deniability, plus, we're known mayhemists.
Right. Well, you can tell them we're gunning for the other one.
me: lol, i'll try
i'm taking a look at logistics right now
Commodore: That's actually why I want to look at path and save the transfer at first, too.
Our logistics are a nightmare, I think Gaspar just moves our galleys around randomly.
me: oh, i'm at the point where unless it's for something important (like the war) i don't plan; it's too much work otherwise
the war was nuts for logistics
but whipping and staging an army within 4 turns was fun
Commodore: Well, it was a really war then.
me: okay, i can get them to your territory in 5 turns
Commodore: Tactics are for amateurs, logistics are for professionals.
me: wait, i can only get 7 galleys
#8 will take 7 turns
Commodore: Which part of our territory? We might be able to send a helper galley.
me: main island, near to yuri
Commodore: Need to see the naked map, I'll fiddle around with what needs to go there.
me: of course, if i gift on turn 5 then yuri will see it
i'd be coming through his lands, since the zerkers are mostly there still
Commodore: Right, so maybe I said, let me look.
We're mayhemic enough, we might whip a settler to get you a closer depot.
me: hmmm, ok
oh, let me see if i can get them to malaka'jin sooner
most the zerkers are in the gifted cities, or a while back
no, malaka is 7 turns
Commodore: Right. Okay, just send them through Yuri for now, I'll get better directions once I stitch the maps.
me: ok, what do ou want pics of again?
Commodore: Basically, naked maps of the route from your galleys to our lands.
me: ok, i have a good amount of the area mapped out, but if you can supply screenshots of what you have of yuri then we can get a more optimal route
Commodore: We know Yuri's land pretty good, so will do
I'll stitch and send.
me: cool. for the gold, you'll just send until we hit 650 total? then after i hit natlism i will give you the 100 the next turn
Commodore: Yeah, that'll work.
me: cool
ok, picture time
Commodore: I'll keep a tally in the in-game chat.
me: is there a keyboard command to get rid of city views?
Commodore: Hum. Alt i for everything else.
me: ok, i'll doctor out the builds then
9 minutes
me: here it comes
looks like 6 turns
Commodore: Cool, I'll get you the return picture next turn.
me: does the time table look good?
Commodore: Looks decent, although actually with either target we'd be staging from the north, Zul'Amanish
me: ok, i can go through the north then
Commodore: Danke, the guy who is not the guy who asks won't know what hit him.
me: hmmm... zul'aman will be t114 i think
Commodore: Yeah, that was my mark one eyeball.
We actually want to put a land claim in between Rego and Yuri to the NW of Zul'Aman, might have you move one more turn there.
me: fair enough
Commodore: Excellent, pleasure doing business with you. I'll send along our own map version to stitch the logistics together.
For now, it's 1:20 here in CST, bedtime.
Have a good holiday, Pindicator.
me: sounds like bedtime
you too commodore! enjoyt he weekend