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WW40 - Game Thread

GG Gaz, you started us on the path, now we just have to work ourselves completely out of this labyrinth of lies and misdirection.

(August 7th, 2015, 02:55)Rowain Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 01:14)Jabbz Wrote: I don't think so Rowain. Given the very large range of heroes there are to chose from, there are pretty good odds you won't pick the same one as someone else. Just go a tiny bit off the main group and you'll be fine.

Which is the main-group for you?

Besides if all Heros belong to a "main-group" the gods would again stand out like a sore thumb.

If I dug up my notes from Metamorphoses I could probably list dozens, but here are some good ones. I'm on there, as is an alternate spelling of Gazglum's hero. Cassandra however is listed under notable women, which broadens the category even further. Then there are all of the demi-god heroes. You see my point? The list rapidly becomes excessively large.


(August 7th, 2015, 03:23)Gazglum Wrote: Brick's death text suggests to me that everyone has safe claims. At the same time, I can't see any reason NOT to name claim, so I'd be pretty happy if Adrien, Matt, Jabbz, Lewwyn and Marcus Aurelius name dropped, followed by the rest of us. Pretty much any Greek or Trojan hero could be a plausible power role, and I cant' think of any obvious torturer characters, so I think it's pretty low-risk.

Far be it from me to deny the last wish of the ever charismatic (and until he showed up town I was questioning whether or not he was scum) townie Gazglum.

My name is Perseus. I am the son of Zues, but no fan of the abusive philanderer. As to my powers, that is more information that I am willing to give at this time, unlike MA.

I still stand against the idea of torture, perhaps more so than before. The fact that we got lucky was great, fantastic, I'm glad we found someone worthy of torturing the first time and (so far) there hasn't been a big backlash as a result. Given however that we know there can be consequences, we know we won't necessarily be so lucky next time. Further, if as postulated by some, and I'm of this school of thought myself, the side effects of torture worsen as we engage in it more, we have a great deal of risk involved in the action.

I might be convinced to reconsider later this game day, providing we came up with a solid target, but at best MA looks suspicious, mostly because A. he lurked a lot the last game day and B. he seems as if he is someone familiar with our game and might be someone we know smurfing. Aside from that, I have a faint scum lean on Zak, but that's unsurprising as I often find his style of interrogation to be non-town.

No Torture

@Jabbz I don't see your point. If the gods don't have a savename they still have to hope to make a lucky guess and pick a name no one else got.

To game:
you suspect Zak? Do you believe he deliberately bussed BRick on Day 1 ( zak was the deciding 4th vote to get Brick tortured)?

The list I pointed you to has 81 Demigods, heroes, and notable women. There are also almost that many kings, most of whom I feel would make this list easily. That leaves us with over 10/1 odds of choosing someone that is safe. Either way, it's a moot point, I was just following up with some earlier statements, and I've already outed my own name.

@Zak, sadly no, nothing quite so concrete as that. I just get a weird feeling from the tone of his questions, though again, as I clarified above, I tend to find him suspicious, and his lack of time isn't helping, as it's making him even more terse than usual.

I'm pretty sure Serdoa set it up so, to start, everyone was a villager and then randomly picked villagers to get infected by gods. This means that every god has a great safe-claim and they would know that Brick was screwed at once for claiming vanilla. This also means the torturer could be a wolf or villager.

MA seems pretty villagerous to me and I'll switch off of him after he explains how he came to sign up for this game. A single post about "mount&blade" screams that he's could be a DL multidance and I want to know! The people who stand out as being pro-brick are Jabbz, mattimeo and that other person who voted for novice. Mattimeo wanted to get tortured so I'd say I will go with Jabbz for torture if I switch of off MA.

@Jabbz perhaps you can explain why you are so obsessed with "the gods didn't get a save-list" instead of considering that Serdoa provided that for them to avoid one of the gods getting caught by name-reveals?

(August 7th, 2015, 16:27)Jabbz Wrote: @Zak, sadly no, nothing quite so concrete as that. I just get a weird feeling from the tone of his questions, though again, as I clarified above, I tend to find him suspicious, and his lack of time isn't helping, as it's making him even more terse than usual.

huh So you don't think he bussed BRick but you find him suspicious nonetheless?
If you think zak is a god then you must believe he bussed BRick if you don't believe the latter then he can't be a god.

I really don't see how I was pro Brick. Could you expand on that a bit?

(August 7th, 2015, 16:35)Jabbz Wrote: I really don't see how I was pro Brick. Could you expand on that a bit?

Well the only people who could hang was novice and Brick so voting for novice is pro-brick. I need to reread the thread to what happened though.

Rowain, it's plausible that the wolfs bussed Brick after noticing that he claimed vanilla. I'm probably just being silly here. lol

Not sure why everyone is so suspicious of Marcus here. Everything I've read so far seems very straightforward to me. I think his claims have been very reasonable, if a bit of an overshare. No need to tell us he's a protector.

@Jabbz - You think MA is a smurf because he's familiar, but he could just be a level headed person or have previously lurked. I think RB WWmeta gets overblown sometimes and think that really all it comes down to is having some imagination and common sense.

I disagree with the no torture stance. It literally caught scum yesterday.

Thing is we have NO IDEA what could happen if a villager is tortured. I personally believe its impossible that a village hero is going to be turned into a scum GOD. That seems way beyond.

Out of everyone I seriously have the most doubts about Mattimeo. I think he's clearly on the lurk and has not really contributed much, has claimed to want to be tortured "for the chaos" and voted novice over Brick. I caution thinking that Matt and Adrien are scum because of their voting, I'm simply saying that it does count as a strike against him and add to the other things (which are IMO more concerning).

And actually... why not torture Mattimeo? If he's scum like I suspect then we can get tacit agreement from the torturer. If he's not scum, he gets cleared by torturer and/or we get actual results on what it means when we torture a villager instead of just scared boogiemen. (Honestly though I think he's scum so...). Additionally, he's volunteering. If we're not going to torture anyone why not torture him?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

If anyone is obsessed with the name thing Rowain, I think it's you. I think both are perfectly good reasons why there is no reason to avoid dropping names, and also why doing so is useless. Also, I did so, where is yours? I'm sorry Rowain, I'm not sure what you're digging for here, but I don't think you are likely to find it.

@Zak, for the last time, I didn't like the tone of his posts, they didn't come across as very town like to me. Hence, my statement that I have a faint scum lean on him, instead of accusing him. Again, I'm not sure what you are trying to find here, but your digging isn't going to find anything useful. By all means however, keep digging if it makes you feel better.

(August 7th, 2015, 16:38)MJW (ya that one) Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 16:35)Jabbz Wrote: I really don't see how I was pro Brick. Could you expand on that a bit?

Well the only people who could hang was novice and Brick so voting for novice is pro-brick. I need to reread the thread to what happened though.

The problem is Mj, that you have things backwards here. I was on novice beforehand for some of his comments. I also felt (as I've stated in previous posts) that it was either Novice or Brick. When novice addressed my concerns, it make it more likely that Brick was scum, hence my vote. The only thing I ever said about brick was I was ok lynching him, and if we were wrong I was going after novice. Hardly supporting him there.

(August 6th, 2015, 02:30)Jabbz Wrote: Ok, that seems reasonable. I'm ok with lynching Brick, just don't be surprised or upset if I latch onto you hard should he flip town (which does seem rather unlikely at this point).


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