As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Dave Leads the Thousand Nations of the Persian Empire

Okay, it's looking like Crow might hold. It's HPs actually increased this turn. It sounds like Yuris probably was not ready for the war dec and some of his units were caught out of position though frown

Sorry man.

I've probably thrown Yuris under the SevenSpirits freight train by getting him involved in this war. On the plus side, this gives Mist valuable time to recover. So, while Seven is distracted with Yuris, I'll be doing everything I can to prop him up and get to artillery. I'll provide whatever support I can, and with any luck, the three of us might be able to stop the Aztec juggernaut.

oledavy Wrote:Okay, it's looking like Crow might hold. It's HPs actually increased this turn. It sounds like Yuris probably was not ready for the war dec and some of his units were caught out of position though frown

All in all, it's not really a bad outcome for Persia smile I doubt Seven will do a whole lot against yuri with the Great Wall, and if he is causing some short term pain then Seven is probably diplomatically isolated from here on out. And if it saves Crow in the short-term that's just icing on the cake.

Being able to leverage double-strength RA's with Mist & yuri is a huge competitive advantage over Seven. How much gold do you make now that the GA is over? Any chance of fronting Mist for an RA if it seems like he's holding ground?

oledavy Wrote:Okay, it's looking like Crow might hold. It's HPs actually increased this turn. It sounds like Yuris probably was not ready for the war dec and some of his units were caught out of position though frown

Sorry man.

I've probably thrown Yuris under the SevenSpirits freight train by getting him involved in this war. On the plus side, this gives Mist valuable time to recover. So, while Seven is distracted with Yuris, I'll be doing everything I can to prop him up and get to artillery. I'll provide whatever support I can, and with any luck, the three of us might be able to stop the Aztec juggernaut.

Do not feel bad. Even for Yuris stopping Seven is the best shot. And as Seven was crazy enough to go for Mist´s throat Yuris only shot at expansion was into Seven.

yuris125 Wrote:Dear Aztecs,

May all your gunpowder get wet, may all your rifles fail, may all your shots miss

Seems Seven has rifles already....


Okay, after a conversation with Seven that established just how thoroughly boned I am with him making nearly twice my BPT, we've agreed to call the game with him as the winner.

One final overview shot:

[Image: FinalOverview.png]

One last look at demos:

[Image: FinalDemos.png]

And my tech standing:

[Image: FinalTechScreen.png]

To those who were following this thread, I'm sorry about the paucity of updates over the past couple weeks. Finals and then getting adjusted to my summer routine left little time for writing reports. I'll have some postgame thoughts up tonight after I finished reading everyone else's threads.

First though, some thank yous!

Seven, thanks for being brave enough to propose this idea. I had been wanting to play something like this since the day I registered on RB, and it was a helluva fun ride.

Injera, thanks for being a great ded-lurker thumbsup

Mist, Yuris, fire&ice, Waterbat, thanks for making this an awesome game to play. smile

Gaspar Wrote:The problem with the Fertilizer tech is that it only benefits non-riverside tiles. Riverside tiles get their boost with Civil Service. I understand its for balance not flavor but I can't get over the idea that fertilizing a riverside farm would do nothing for it. smile

The other side of the coin is even worse IMO. Civil Service in IV makes sense, it represents a period in Chinese history where they had a highly functional merit-based government (bureaucracy) and undertook extensive canal projects that brought water far from their major rivers.

In Civ V it seems like some people with no knowledge of history looked at IV's CS, observed that farms don't care about irrigation in V, and decided to make CS do something related to farms because that's what it did in IV. As a result, building long canals to make irrigation widely available apparently causes farms that are already next to rivers to produce more food, and has no effect on other farms. Meanwhile Civ V's pedia is filled with trite crap. Sigh. Not as bad as the ahistorical abomination that is Trapping, though.

It was fun lurking, thanks for all the reports. I'll have to read Seven's thread now to see how his empire developed when I have some time. smile

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