Muaziz Wrote:I am very confused about your comment that "when you whip it, it starts full". I thought that Granaries started on empty and gained food every turn equal to the amount of that city's food surplus. In addition to that, it is capped at 1/2 the food required to grow to the next size.
Granaries do start empty. Look carefully at what the pictures are saying.
On turn 47, the food box is at 8/28 (I'm making the assumption of normal speed here. 5 turns at 4 surplus is 20, and it takes 2 * ( 10 + pop ) to grow.)
We whip down to pop 2 (8/24 in the food bin), where we are now running at a 6 food surplus. So on turn 48, we'll be at 14/24, then 22/24 on turn 49. Everything is adding up, and seems to correspond to the pictures. So when we grow, we have 4 surplus food (the overflow from the 6 surplus), plus 12 more from the granary. So we're at 16/26, or thereabouts. The granary has 13 food stored in it, but won't acquire any more until Delhi grows another size.
In other words, the granary started empty, and gained food every turn equal to the amount of that city's food surplus, until it hit the cap.