In a normal MP game, Ruff would be dead now. But due to this I have to wait:
Quote:© - During a war all units in enemy or neutral territory, and all units in friendly territory that are capable of attacking or defending versus enemy units at any point during the turn must wait at least 9 hours following any previous move before they may move again.
(d) - When in doubt, act in good faith.
First. Ruff hit with his Preat and killed my Impi. His Praet got totally scratched though.
Please note the Impi that is standing on the right there. I had moved him there the turn before to counter-attack Ruff, as I suspected he has slightly guarded cities. Unfortunately the timer is at 7:48, so I can't really use the turn-shift. He has a 2nd Praetorian coming, but I already slaved my Axe. In a normal MP game I would have simply fast-moved the Impi in order to get beyond his Praet.
My warrior then killed the Praet. Again, the city was not in danger - I still had the warrior and a scout, with the Axe coming this turn.
That's ruff's cap. It's way better than mine...
Now I could hit and probably kill him. It's his only city I suspect. Yet I will give him a chance due to the 9 hours rule - as he has no roads I doubt he can re-inforce his city though.
Edit: Actually I did do a double-move according to the rules - my Impi had to wait next to the Praet at the borders for 9 hours. Therefore I will wait for a whole turn, at size 4 ruff can slave a unit then. I also wrote him a mail. Damn, old MP habits...