Ok I played the initial turn, turns out it is at Monarch level, so techs will be slightly slow.
I moved the settler N>NW onto the hill, it's not the bonus settler so I've not founded my first city.
My Lightbringer went SW>SW and my warrior went NW, leading me to
Only the fish as a new resource. Next turn the light bringer goes to the tower to get vis, and the warrior begins circling back to the west.
First tech would be Agri, will need it.
Edit: Notice the Maelstrom between the island and mainland in the south, and I forgot that the island is a one tile plains hill with wine on it and clam east of it. Plant here at some stage.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Interestingly enough the little blue "settle here" circles were showing where I plan to plant my second city (double wheat and sheep) and 1E of the Elephants, so there must be food to my west.
Oh and just out of general interest, yes we do get the extra commerce from floodplains, kind of a half a BtS Financial right there.
Secondly I did my movements, and my scout found all this:
I'll look at doing a proper dot-map later on (after lunch). But the land is very interesting so far, we could really do some nice rexing, and I think sailing will come sooner for me than usual.
And finally the demographics:
As you can see HK hasn't settled yet, obviously as he's after me in the turn order, and I'd expect nearly everybody to plant as I did (assuming mirrored starts). I wonder who's on 10 food and how? (Unless the Calabim popped their world spell already, forgot to check the log).
And one final thing. I noticed a mistake in my world builder save, I made the starting tile a plains hill when it's a plains so I'll change that and then sim.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
I usually wait until I have about 5 cities before casting RoB...I have no evidence this is the right thing to do, but it just pains me to be working so many unimproved tiles for so long.
(April 9th, 2014, 12:19)darrelljs Wrote: I usually wait until I have about 5 cities before casting RoB...I have no evidence this is the right thing to do, but it just pains me to be working so many unimproved tiles for so long.
I usually do it a bit earlier, around 3-4 cities, depending on how far I can raise the happy cap before I spring it.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Ok the third turn came in just after I went to bed last night, so I've played it now.
First of all I moved the scout W.NW and revealed
After eot my borders expanded and we get to see why the blue dot was singing it's siren call over there
We can get two decent cities there I think Southeast of the cows, and Southwest of the Ivory. Of course more land needs to be spotted before we tie this area down for definite.
And finally demographics:
Regarding my crop yield, after I finish the worker I'll farm the wheat and both flood plains giving me a 4;1;1 tile and two 4;0;2 tiles in order to get 8 surplus food per turn at size three, up to eleven after Calender.
Oh and one final think, I've updated the world builder save to start of the turn just played (with this turn's movements added in). Dave, if at all possible could you give a run over the world builder just to see that it's accurate to what we can see (for example the world builder has us starting right on top of Auric, which I know isn't going to happen in game). I'll sim out a good number of turns, probably tomorrow. My week is fairly hectic between being PRO, training and helping out the bingo for the GAA club and a course I'm doing for my local credit union. I've no problem with the game, but the ancilliaries are kind of on the back burner slightly.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.