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[Spoilers] REM and AdrienIer's thread of football, spamming and blaming it on the mod

Cool France Serbia will be over soon, post on here when you are around.

Ok the game's over, so what are your thoughts ? Just to be clear I think we should pick our leader first because of the fishing start (lots of good civs with fishing, and exp is even more important because we'll have to make 4 work boats early on), which would be either Mehmet or Shaka.

Hmm, I'm rather convinced that settling the plains hill will be the most powerful play here... As you said we would need to make a lot of work boats to make that start work, and there is more than enough food with wet corn, crabs and a lighthousable lake. And that is assuming that we don't have anything else in the fog there. We would need to split off that amount of food anyway I think... We would pick them up with third ring culture which would make other settling a little easier too.

FYI working a non commerce tile which we will likely be if we go exp like we want to fishing is 7 turn, mining/myst 8 turn agri/wheel/hunting 10 turn. BW is 16 turns... They are all rather prohibitively expensive tbf. Starting techs will be big here. I think the issue is we have a good power tile in the corn, the fish is a little less better then the crabs less again. Being able to use all will be really difficult. Basically the only option left would be using korea.

Maybe for the very early game it would be better, but remember that these kind of games can go on for a very long time, and assuming we'd SIP and build Moai in the capital we'd get a lot out of Bureaucracy (it would actually deserve a beeline), moreso than by settling SE of the starting spot. Also all this seafood can be shared with other cities for initial growth, and we get a canal that could have great strategic importance later on. In any case we'll soon have to take our pick, and fishing is now a priority tech, along with BW (BTW with 8 forests in the BFC we'd also get a great initial production, while by settling SE we'd only get 3 guaranteed ones and most likely one or two more). Do you think we should go civ first or leader first ? Both have their pros and cons right now.

I don't know. Tech is very expensive in the early game here, moreso than most games I have played. I guess we will have to forgo having hunting? Although fishing is now the only cheap tech, so starting with it is a little meh. I think with the changes to slavery a powerful start could be farming the corn and slaving 2-1 early for a 2nd worker whilst the first chops, and only chopping into a settler, growing inbetween and finishing the settler with a whip. Then we wouldn't need fishing for a while. until after bronze. Also remember the snowball effect. An extra hammer a turn at the start is huge... I would happily trade a fish and a crab for that, as they do take a lot of hammers to get up and going.

I do fog count 7 forests in the BFC SE.

I would very much avoid moai in the capital. It will almost always want oxford there and I think we would find a more powerful site for it. With SIP there are only 9 water tiles there, of which 2 food ones we would probably split off. The canal idea is interesting but could probably be worked around without.

But this kinda needs to be simmed and stuff though.

So what you're saying is we'd start with Korea, go BW first, settle SE, worker in 10 by working the plains forest (that's an awefull tile to work but the only one possible there), worker farms the corn. Then the capital grows making a warrior (using the lake tile until the farm is up), when size 2 we whip another worker there, then grow again to size 2 then chop/whip a settler ? Do you want me to sim out when we can get the settler out ? That would mean going Korea as first pick and hoping for a good exp leader to remain till the end of the pick (and HAKflakes not taking Korea before us).

Edit : Actually we can use the grassland forest tile for a worker in 10 thanks to the +35% (instead of 25) exp now gives us. And the lake tile would be unusable because we wouldn't have fishing, so it'd be the corn tile all along.

Edit 2 : Settler's out turn 29 with capital at size 2 but with 4 chops (turn 30/31 is probably more accurate, I had two forests 2S and 2S1E of the capital that may or may not be there in the actual game).

I think that would be the most powerful play... FYI the tile worked for the worker doesn't make a difference as it is all foodhammers. Fog gazing 3S looks like plain grassland 2S2E looks like plain plainhill 3E could be another seafood but unlikely. The other tiles look like they are forested.

Yeah thats the basic plan. After bronze we can go fishing then wheel then pottery? Sadly our scout will stay slow for a fair while but I don't see how else we can get enough tech for chopping and farming. I think this will leave the worker idle for 2-3 turns only. Essentially the issue we have is the corn is the best tile, but without bronze we will struggle to give a worker much else to do. Definitely with a SIP and probably with SE. If we have any combination of starting with fishing it will be a long time before we hit bronze and agri so we will be fish dependent and a SIP would be best.

We could scout to there first, but only if we had hunting. But I feel that even with no extra resources it would be the most powerful play.

Tomorrow morning I'll sim a Rome SIP start starting with work boat-worker and BW-farming. Using all or most of our forests for the first settler leaves us with a weak capital after turn 30.

No I agree that perhaps isnt optimal, however I can get worker - warrior - warrior - workboat - settler born eot 28 in slavery, with cap just whipped down to size 2 and 20 overflow. Tech rate is decent with wheel due in 2 turns, going BW - fishing - wheel. I think that is fairly strong, and only chops 3 forests. We could use that overflow to go straight into a workboat to one turn it for the new city too as I assume given where the scout is it would go north.

(This assumes expansive)

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