I'll settle two cities next turn on the signposts marked "capital" and "city #2". You can see that I swapped into civics this turn. We're SPI so the turn spent moving the settlers doesn't matter for here but I can swap civics a turn sooner on the back end of this 5t wait by swapping this turn rather than waiting until next turn. Not a big deal, just a little flexibility later.
I haven't fully completed the worker micro, but next turn the capital (theme needed, taking suggestions or, Xenu, you can at least provide that) will build culture for a turn and pop borders in time for the chop from worker A to be in borders and complete a third worker. I experimented with using Slavery/whips too but in the end decided that the chops just work out better, so Serfdom is the choice for now. The capital will be the focus of limited worker turns. It has the most food so will grow most quickly to benefit from the +50% Bureaucracy bonus, nearly all of which will be going toward hammers. I still haven't hit upon a good tech strategy for these super long initial research times but I'm going to have to come up with something that involves bulbing. Initial thought is a GS into Scientific Method and probably a GA after that into Communism to swap into Police State as soon as I can, then grow to cap while working max hammers and alternate between spamming out settlers (5t build time once the Bureau-cap grows to size 10-11, which doesn't take that long). While all this GPP generation will slow growth, it will also significantly enhance what is otherwise a moribund tech rate. I need city #3, wherever that ends up being, to be a good commerce city. More exploration in the north is needed. While sharing food is almost always good, we have access and incentive to grow tall ASAP, so all cities need to grab as many resources as possible from the outset. Settlers are very expensive so wide spacing to maximize tile accumulation is required. Workers are comparatively much cheaper so the synergy of tight spacing to save worker turns in the early game just is not a viable strategy here. I just hope I can uncover some more unique health and happy resources to increase both caps, else we're looking at capping out around size 10-11 on health even before building factories and coal plants. State property will help with unhealthiness, though, because the map looks to be pretty green so far so even if we're somewhat below the health cap we should have a decent food surplus to compensate.
It looks like barbs are on, so barb city spawns could be a thing, so I'll probably build a gren out of the capital relatively early to see if we can get lucky on capturing a free city.
Any questions? This is an interesting setup and I'm sure I haven't covered nearly everything. And before I get a request for opposition analysis, here it is: Expect almost every team to perform better than me. I'm in this for fun, not for the grueling sort of effort that I put into PB18 that burned me out for over a year. I'm trying to keep it light and fun. Some help from my supposed ded-lurker in making plans would help with that, but ehhhhh...
(March 21st, 2016, 12:14)BRickAstley Wrote: BGN, REM, y'all going to be able to get your initial turns in?
I've been waiting for Xenu's input just this side of eternity. I'll go ahead and play now.
Damn, you bussed me hard, bro. Be a good chap and show me previous examples of worthwhile planning in any of my game threads. I'll wait....
I don't have a lot to add to what we talked about earlier. Early game the best builds seem to be spamming out a ton of workers and just enough defense to not encourage invasion (like always). Serfdom for quicker tile improvements, get more tiles improved sooner, get your cities growing onto those tiles. Don't fret about stalling out your capital at a lowish sizeif you can get it to focus on MFG. Use the bureaucracy bonus to spam out settlers. Research is going to be slow anyway, but don't fret too much about destroying your economy. ORG + cheap courthouses, plus you can build wealth from the start (but you need workers more than tech, so....). Tech will be there when you get to it, just grab land early on, less expensive to grab it peacefully...well, I guess settlers are really expensive now. Who the hell knows? My Civ intuition is shot all to hell playing an industrial era start. I have exactly one game of that under my belt now, compared to ~10 years of ancient age starts. So it's all guesswork from here.
Naming scheme? I'll think about it.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
(March 26th, 2016, 08:41)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I'll try to log in and look when I get a chance.
How's that coming along?
We'll swap civics next turn, mainly changing Serfdom for Slavery for a couple of worker whips in cities #2 and 3 (uh, you were supposed to come up with a theme). This should get us to six workers while overflowing a workboat for city #2's clams.
Here's what I'm thinking for the next turn or two:
T255 - swap into slavery/OR, whip worker in city #2 and city #3 [first sandbox attempt, EoT religion in city #3. This is the preferred location for an easy border pop. City #2 doesn't need to pop borders by now.]
worker D move NW, ws1/cancel
other worker moves are pretty straightforward. Hook up the foods, set up road network to speed missionaries along.
Worker management note: while in Serfdom, emphasize chops, workshops, farms, etc. Roads do not benefit (yet) from Serfdom enhancement. Can build road network during Slavery stint. Also, always make sure to complete worker actions during Serfdom part of turn on turns where we are swapping from or to Serfdom. Once every 5 turns you can get benefit of both Slavery AND Serfdom. Wheeee.
T256 - adopt religion
cap - 15h overflow. hold for missionary? build wealth? With OR coming soon, maybe best to just save the hammers to get a better multiplier. We'll need to run wealth eventually anyhow.
city#2 - workboat (24/24 EoT)
city#3 - missionary
I'm thinking that we (I guess me... ) should explore building a theater in city#2 after the worker completes. The theater could finish around T264. We can farm everything here and make a Globe Theater draft camp (drawback: needs 6 theaters so constrained by cost of settlers and proximity of infantry for inefficient 2-pop drafts), while also working GA to bulb into Communism. I was thinking of running a couple scientists out of the capital that could bulb into SM too. Both pools will be mixed with GE points but a low odds GE would be good for Taj unless someone beats us there, which is certainly possible because it is a great use of a single GE. There is a philosophical civ in the game, but will anyone else try to utilize Pacifism? We certainly have some flexibility here.
All of the above is predicated on the assumption that we won't be in Caste quite yet. I'm thinking we will need Serfdom for ~20 of the first 25 turns of this game and then will have cities with enough population to benefit more from working more workshops (bureaucap) and specialists (city #2). I am planning on city #3 actually going commerce with cottages carpeted everywhere. We only need 8 turns, not 10, to tier the cottage up, and the same 80% investment rate for the subsequent tiers.
Keep in mind that Taj won't be nearly as good as usual because you'll have much less pop working tiles than when Taj gets built in a normal Ancient start game. I wouldn't build it unless it was by GE, and the PHI player will definitely beat you to it if he wants it.
I didn't know cottages grew faster, that's good. In my test game I completely neglected growing cottages and my economy kinda sucked. Then again, if you can get powerful workshops quickly, and run representation, build wealth, etc, you aren't tied to cottages for economy. Bulbing makes sense though, because in any event it takes a long time to research anything.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
Taj would be better for GPS generation than typical empire building and/or commerce. One GE could be worth 3-4 great people by the end of the GA. This could extend the GA to the second or third GA and really get things moving. This game is a sprint so no need to save all the tricks for the space race IMO.
Pin, I know that this may seriously be a case of "be careful what you wish for" because you aren't exactly weaksauce, but please, for the love of all that is holy and Aztec, hang on to your civ. Don't wander off your barstool and let mack take the reins for even a second. We've made contact within five turns and I don't want to be on the wrong end of a knigs COSSACK intervention before I can get my civ up to speed. kthx
Xenu, care to offer an opinion? Having seen the awesome destructive power of Cossacks on the loose firsthand I can attest to the need to redirect Pin and mack (shorthand picante? I need help here too) another direction. AGG/CHM is two promo draftees with the greatest of ease. I really don't want to have to mix it up with these guys.