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OSG-27: Lumbering Rocks

Is there actually some kind of Asteroid designation for star systems? I've always been under the impression that the asteroids were randomly generated at each battle. Is this really a thing?

Hmm, ok, I will give it a go. I will check out the save this afternoon.

Sweet! Welcome to the team! Our only variant rule for this one (apart from avoiding exploits as usual) is: All ships must have (combat) maneuvering class 1 until we get Impulse Drives or better! (And even then our maximum allowed maneuverability is [Warp Speed - 3].)

OSG 27

Certainly a mediocre position with the Psilons safely away and us with low planets.

Good job on colonizing forward and quickly so.


Hand lasers pop and we got fusion bombs in our tree. I won´t take any detour to fusion bombs as I find Gatling Lasers and Hyper V underwhelming and Anti Missile Rockets even more so.

Paranar and Xengara are both colonized and we have a council vote. The Alkari and we both vote for the Meklars as to get a diplo bonus.

All other abstain. We get contact with the Psilons which only have 5 worlds.



Not much to do but push on. Some population, ships.


I fiddle a bit with some sliders.


IT 9 pops, I forego IT 8 and go for our next tech there, duralloy armor.

I also push more for IRobotics III as I think it is a vital booster, more so then IT +30.

I switch Artemis from Reserves to some fights to give our new planets a bit of defense.

I spot 4 Frigates and 3 colony Ships visiting Paranar soon, damn.frown


Which go to Laan, phew. Anyway, some fighters are enroute to our border


Class 2 shields pop, Personal Deflectors are next.


The Meklars agree to 225 BC trade and a non-aggression pact, which I take. We have other priorities.


Imra is colonized. Further small optimizations, I will send out 20 more laser ships to the borders next turn.


Not much going on


Paladia scouted.

Paranar is already maxing out factories with the current pop, more incoming so I start work on the defense bases.


The Psilons would give us Planetary Shields V for our IT 3.

We are so lucky for them not have too many factories. They have Range 7 and much other tech. I think going forward:

- Push through the Humans into Psilons.
- Wait for scouts to arrive and colonize further.
- Try to stay friendly with the others to focus on the Psilons.
- Build up that base and keep pouring reserve in those frontline planets as

long as possible.

Thanks for the OSG and good to be back.

.gam   SAVE6.GAM (Size: 57.65 KB / Downloads: 2)

Great!  It looks like the Psilons are pinned up against the Alkari and are hopefully contained for the time being. Now we need to prepare for Operation Rolling Stone and crush all who oppose us!  It's good to have a long-term strategy I always say!

Great to have you back, and it looks like that was a great set of turns too! I'll probably have a look at the game tonight.

Small note: I got blind-sided by a real-life problem (my employer suddenly decided to not provide healthcare to employees in my classification anymore, leaving me less than a week to make my own arrangements, which is of course especially fun and easy to do given the present political situation, so their timing could not be better! [/dripping, furious, vitriolic sarcasm]) but I should still be able to play my turns over the weekend at some point. Just a heads-up that I might be on the quiet side while I'm dealing with this (and maybe longer, while I search, perhaps in vain, for an employer that cares if its employees live or die).

Or, you know, I might come back here constantly and yammer on at length about computer games just to distract myself from the other stuff. You never know.

Either way, it's not going to take up all my waking hours! I'll read any thoughts people post about the upcoming turns before I play, and I'll post when I've had a chance to look at the save!

Nuts Ref that stinks! As the proud owner of a pre-existing condition myself I know what fun health insurance can be. Best of luck!

Well looking at that map I would say that the Humans have to go! They look to be good targets for early destruction, and we already know that they have great planets. From there I would say that the Sakkra should be next, which will give us almost half of the map. We can clean up from there. I don't know about any more specific strategy from here other than consolidate our position and build up to war. So at this point we need tech, and most important is a strategy for speedy victory built on the techs we have available within the next 20-30 turns. That's all I can think of right now.  Cry havoc!

Hmmm ... the save shows 2369, but as that's the last turn of the report, I presume that's intentional? If so, I've GOT IT!

Plan for my turns is to build up Paranar, continue scouting everywhere and try to send some colships out on endless treks to form insane long-distance hostile-world colonies, deploy our fleet into defensive positions, and tech with an eye toward taking the fight to Strader's monkeys. I'm also hoping to get some more-nearly up-to-date spying reports, and mayyyyybe try some actual espionage, if circumstances seem to call for it. We'll see. I don't think we'll be ready to go on the offensive at all by the end of my set, and whether we can by the next will depend on what the various AIs do in the meantime, but you never know until you check! If Paranar were more nearly ready now, I'd have considered trying my luck against Strader with a nuclear bomber fleet!

...and maybe rejected the idea as insane, but I'd definitely have considered it at least!

I work for a large international tech company overseas (Kenya). Our medical insurance is decent so far but specifically EXcludes any care in North America because costs are just crazy disproportionate.

Looking forward to combat reports!

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