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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

So there have been several diplomatic messages in the past few days.

First from the Ottomans:
Quote:Hi Daniel,

We noticed that you have a chariot 2NW of Dina, and we were wondering
what your intentions with it are. There is no need to worry about more
barbarians coming from that direction by the way. For your
information, we intend to take the barbarian city as soon as it grows
and keep it.

Athlete and Kalin of the Ottomans

My response:
Quote:I am getting your cities on my map, so that I can have trade routes to them. I also have a Quechua headed northwest from DINA with the same purpose. Is there any problem with this?


And their reply:
Quote:Hi Daniel,

Nope not at all. Just wanted to clarify. If you can refrain from
attacking the barb city it would be very appreciated. We will be
capturing it soon enough.

Athlete for A/K

do you think either the romans or ottomans will actually attack you anytime soon?

I have a NAP with the Ottomans through turn 130 (which was agreed to before I came on board).

I also got the following email from Sullla:
Quote:Dear dsplaisted of IKZ (do you still go by IKZ?),

Greetings! I should have written earlier, but we didn't know if you were going to be more than a temporary replacement player, and afterwards I plain forgot to say hello. Let this be an introductory message, and I'd like to wish your team the best of luck going forward. How are things over on the eastern side of the world?

Getting back to business though, I'm sure you saw that Jowy has declared war on our team. What you probably don't know is that athlete and kalin are in on his nefarious scheme, and the bulk of the Ottoman army is over in Greek territory, getting ready to attack us. I have no idea what your relations are like with athlete and kalin, but we thought you might like to know that there's little more than a skeleton military defending the Ottoman cities right now. Just thought you might find that "interesting" information. wink

Looking forward to talking with you again!
The Killer Angels

I responded thusly:
Quote:Thanks for the email. Yes, you can call my civ IKZ.

Your information would be considerably more "interesting" if I wasn't under a NAP with the Ottomans.

It looks like this NAP (which was agreed to before I took over) probably helped them take out Byzantium (since they didn't have to worry about an attack from my civ)... I have faith that you will be able to hold up better than the Byzantines did. smile


Finally, Whosit emailed me:
Quote:Dear dsplaisted,

I apologize for not opening official diplomatic communication with you earlier, but it was not clear how long you would remain in control of the Interregnum. It seems that name was a foul omen for your civilization (in that it refers to a period between administrations). In any case, it appears that you are now in permanent control of the Inca. Hopefully things are going well. I was hoping to begin conversations and see if there may be opportunities for our two civilizations to cooperate in the future. If you have any ideas or would like to discuss anything else, just let me know.

Best regards,

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

I responded:
Quote:Thanks, I hope things are going well with you too.

I would like to cooperate on a plan which involves you not attacking me with all the shiny Praetorians you probably have by now. smile What do you think?


He responded:
Quote:Dear Daniel.

I am sure that we could work something out along those lines. smile

By the way, how far south are you planning to expand? We both wish to expand into the Zulu Wastes. Perhaps we should at least come to some rough understanding in order to prevent conflict.

Best regards,

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

I haven't responded to his last message yet.

Turn 99 (400 BC): The barbarian Axe that appeared last turn did end up attacking my Axe on the forest. I won the fight and that Axe now has 5 XP and is at 4.2/5 health. However, a new barbarian Spearman has shown up 1W of the rice which my workers are farming. And a barb Axe has appeared 3S2E of Cuzco.

I attack and take the barb city of Phrygian with two chariots. One of the chariots was at 8 XP, so now I have a 10XP unit, qualifying me for the Heroic Epic. I capture a worker along with the city, but raze the city to the ground. I am going to found the city of New Phrygian 1 tile west of where the city was. Both chariots are pretty badly damaged in the attack, but they won the fights so I'm not complaining.

Celebi has grown to size 4, I switch its production to a worker, to be whipped next turn.

I move an Axe to the site of New Phrygia, and another one (along with Francisco Pizarro the Medic Quechua) goes to the rice tile to defend against the barb spear. I use 3 workers to finish the farm on the rice, and Cuzco starts working it.

I discover the Ottoman cities of Kashyyyk with a Quechua and Endor with my Chariot. Still no trade routes with them, so I may need to build a road connecting with their road system (or maybe research Sailing).

There's probably some stuff on CivFanatics on the mechanics of trade routes. Also, the trade groups view in the strategy layer might help. (?)

Turn 100 (375 BC): The barb Axe moves towards Cuzco, and I move one of my Axes onto a forest hill where he'll hopefully attack it. If not he will probably move onto flat ground where a Chariot can take it out. My Quechua healer moves onto the tile with the Chariots so they will heal more quickly.

The barb Spear moves 1N of the rice. I move the Axe currently guarding the rice 1E of the Spear, so it can attack my Axe (and die), or move onto the rice (and die when I attack it). I move the Worker I captured from Phrygian onto the gold to build a road, and there's a barb Warrior 1SW of the gold! I move my 10XP Chariot to protect it.

One of my Settlers arrives at the ruins of Mortius's capital and will settle it next turn. New Phrygian will be settled the turn after that.

Double-whip Worker in Celebi.

I've sent this response to Whosit:
Quote:Sorry for the slow response... I'm now playing 2 pitboss games and part of a team on a third!

I have just razed the barb city of Phrygian and am going to resettle next to it. I am also planning on resettling Mortius's old capital. Southwest of that there is a city site with fish, deer, and horses which I would like to settle. However I'm not really sure of the shape of your territory so let me know if you don't think that's a fair division.

If you are looking for a target to attack, athlete and kalin have sent their troops to join with Jowy's against Speaker/Sullla, and currently have basically no real defensive troops. I am under a NAP with them so I can't really take advantage of this situation myself.


dsplaisted Wrote:I've sent this response to Jowy:

Jowy? Why would you tell Jowy that Kathlete's troops are fighting Speaker and Sullla with him?

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