I’m getting to the point in the game where Free Speech is looking like an attractive option (although i am not sure I need the commerce). Bureaucracy is giving me 64 commerce a turn, which means I need 32 towns to make free speech the better option. I think I have at least 60. So I’ll use Liberalism to grab Rifling next turn.
That also means that I probably want to alternate between universal suffrage and representation — I am not sure. I definitely need the happiness in Najran until I can get a synagogue up there.
Anyway, that’s all thought that doesn’t particularly matter.
Naturally, I have forgotten to take before and after pictures of the effect of the forbidden palace in Beijing. It think it is pretty safe to say it was significant.
Research starts on Astronomy. I need galleons. I should have started this earlier.
Anyway, here’s my city overview. Feel free to nitpick.
Note to self: you have around 43 cities. That means that rep/merc gets you +129 beakers turn, +86 hammers a turn, and +43 gold per turn (angkor wat priest). (The statue of liberty is worth it).
A commerce powerhouse, Mecca is going to finish the bank — then it will probably just build riflemen/cavalry.
A cool 100 gold from the Temple of Solomon and the religions buildings are nice.
I will probably give one of the mines to another city for a bit. Or let it grow/starve.
Building a grocer because I didn’t want the hammers to go to waste. The hamlet and the grass farm will become watermills with state property.
A commerce powerhouse that will really benefit from universal suffrage. I’ll add a colosseum and a jewish synagogue.
A top hammer producer. Angkor Wat will be very useful. Alas for that annoying cottage.
A sub-optimal heroic epic. After taking this screenshot, i converted it to a galley.
A commerce powerhouse. The grocer is a holdover.
I am building the harbor to give me 2 more food. DON’T JUDGE THAT BAD CHOICE. Going for a merchant.
Thebes probably should have given up more tiles to other cities and focused on running more specialists as opposed to building so many wonders.
Another powerhouse. Building a stable because I somehow forgot to put one there.
Ideally, Versailles would go in Thebes but that’s 800 hammers I can’t spare.
I whipped the crap out of this place to take down Qin, probably unnecessarily. 74 turns of whip unhappiness. I switched back to the bank since I’m going to 0% science next turn.
This should have been my heroic epic city.
I’ve never really known what to do with this city (apparently so much so that I forgot to screenshot) It only has 63 turns of whip unhappiness.
Founded for the marble, I should have built this one earlier than I did. In general, that’s a pretty big theme.
I will put lumber mills on those forests, eventually. The missionary is for a new city I founded this turn. (I will show)
This’ll finish it’s barracks (it just whipped the university) and then will just churn out riflemen. EDIT (no it won’t. I’ll provide one rifle but then build wealth.)
A late add that is very productive. I really should have founded this once I got calendar IW. I mean, I think I did, but I would have been productive before then, too.
Probably shouldn’t have founded this one as quickly as I did. Also, should not be building a grocer. I’ll whip it and then just build wealth.
A too late moai statues. I wish I had realized how much more effective a 2 pop whip was for building stuff.
Another too-late placement. Going to chop out the statue of liberty here.
Founded far too late compared with some of the other cities. Like Aden. Ugh.
Whipped the market this turn. Now, it will just build wealth.
This was originally a hammer only spot. then I realized that it’ll get a decent amount of commerce from the water tiles so I added a Madrassa.
I should have founded this one before Aden. It’ll give galleons to the war efffort until I run into Caste System/State Property.
The first Chinese conquest. It’s creating a Jewish missionary for … a city that needs it (the city north of Shandong that hasn’t been founded yet).
Once it finishes the missionary, it’ll build horse units.
Whipped the stable which should overflow into the barracks. After that, just growing onto tiles and building horse units. The cottages are remnants of Chinese occupation.
Considering it has an academy, it’ll get the research buildings. Then, units.
Probably shouldn’t be building the university here but, meh. Once it finishes the university, I’ll have it build me some galleons.
Still need to do some cleanup down here. But this one’s just going to be on units from here on in.
2x whip the lighthouse next turn into a forge. Then: units (maybe science).
I should stop building monasteries since I do want state property. So, I switched to forge.
Same thing here. Switched into the forge from a monastery.
This guy will get all the science buildings and a courthouse and then just build wealth.
Bayt Ras
A courthouse and then this’ll be a ship builder.
whipped the temple although I maybe should have waited for next turn. It’ll get a forge next (or a light house? not sure).
Double-whip into a temple. Then the barracks and stable and horse units. (EDIT: probably galleons, actually)
Adding a granary and then a forge and then wealth. Or a Madrassa and then wealth?
There’s a missionary incoming. It’ll get a temple and then it’ll get a forge and then that’ll be it. I am going to forgo that final x down there.
Hoping to 2x whip the granary into the temple. Then this can just build wealth.
I am a little offended that Qin didn’t pick this spot. It is amazing. Lighthouse follows the queued items, then forge. then all the buildings.
I should have grabbed this one earlier. WAAY earlier. Granary + temple + lighthouse and then: wealth.
Same thing: granary/temple then wealth.
Lighthouse first. Then grow while building granary to temple into build wealth. (Also, founded T227)
I am embarrassed that I didn’t manage to get the gold mine improved. Same build order as Shihr
Also founded T227. This one gets the new missionary.
Chemistry on 0% science.
Observatories, at this point, are probably not required. I actually didn’t think about them at all before researching astronomy. That said, I am going to add them in:
- Mecca
- Damascus
- Baghdad
- Najran
- Heliopolis
- Thebes
- Yamama
- Beijing
Since all those places are producing over/around 100 beakers and have decent hammers. They’ll return the investment very quickly.
Got visibility on Ragnar:
He has:
Not a lot.
Oh and he and Shaka are at war.
Make resource trades with victoria and shaka to give me some extra happy. I’ll still need the synagogues and colosseums for when war is declared.
Goodbye fair Bureaucracy. Ye served us well.
Le before.
Le after.
Free Speech is worth 27 more gpt via commerce, and 44 gpt in civic cost savings. I’m just happy I remembered to take before and afters.
Other than that, it is just: keep up the shuffle. I’ll go Theocracy in the next 5 turns. Which means I’ve gotta finish all my buildings by then! I don’t think I want state property before the Statue comes in.
Oh, and meet the little Tunis that could.
Chop into the light house and then go granary/temple and then wealth.
We’ll finish this monster post on a round number.
Chemistry comes in. I started scientific method and then realized I’d prefer to have the monasteries around for as long as possible. So let’s get democracy first. And then I remember Military Tradition.
I’ve also got Angkor Wat. Which means everything gets max priests first, then merchants. And, oh yeah, every city has a temple and most have Madrassas. :D
Ragnar and Shaka both generated great generals last turn. So that should lead to an easy conquest. Shaka unfortunately (for him) founded a city on fur. So that’s the first city I am going to take from him.
Upgrade notes:
- 550 for frigates
- 1960 for macemen (so 2 turns of gold for these ones)
- 36x for camel archers.
I’ll need 25 galleons for the initial attack. I think I have something like 5 currently. I’ll want the 50 units I have now, plus probably about 10 more cavarly (thanks autocorrect) units and probably 15 cannons. Actually, don’t need that many cannons. I can brute force the inland cities. I will want cannons for Victoria but I can take down Ragnar and Shaka without them.
I do not have that many galleons. I need to get more.